This is the complete list of members for VAbstractCubicBezier, including all inherited members.
accuracyPointOnLine | VGObject | static |
addVector(const QPointF &p, const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, qreal k) | VGObject | static |
BuildAxis(const QPointF &p, const qreal &angle, const QRectF &scRect) | VGObject | static |
BuildAxis(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QRectF &scRect) | VGObject | static |
BuildLine(const QPointF &p1, const qreal &length, const qreal &angle) | VGObject | static |
BuildRay(const QPointF &firstPoint, const qreal &angle, const QRectF &scRect) | VGObject | static |
CalcSqDistance(qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2) | VAbstractCubicBezier | protectedstatic |
ClosestPoint(const QLineF &line, const QPointF &point) | VGObject | static |
ContactPoints(const QPointF &p, const QPointF ¢er, qreal radius, QPointF &p1, QPointF &p2) | VGObject | static |
CreateName() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | VAbstractCubicBezier | protectedvirtual |
CurveIntersectLine(const QVector< QPointF > &points, const QLineF &line) | VAbstractCurve | static |
CutSpline(qreal length, QPointF &spl1p2, QPointF &spl1p3, QPointF &spl2p2, QPointF &spl2p3) const | VAbstractCubicBezier | |
d | VAbstractCurve | private |
DirectionArrows() const | VAbstractCurve | virtual |
flipTransform(const QLineF &axis) | VGObject | protectedstatic |
FromBegin(const QVector< QPointF > &points, const QPointF &begin, bool *ok=nullptr) | VAbstractCurve | privatestatic |
GetC1Length() const =0 | VAbstractBezier | pure virtual |
GetC2Length() const =0 | VAbstractBezier | pure virtual |
GetControlPoint1() const =0 | VAbstractCubicBezier | protectedpure virtual |
GetControlPoint2() const =0 | VAbstractCubicBezier | protectedpure virtual |
GetCubicBezierPoints(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QPointF &p3, const QPointF &p4) | VAbstractCubicBezier | protectedstatic |
GetDuplicate() const | VAbstractCurve | |
GetEndAngle() const =0 | VAbstractCurve | pure virtual |
GetEpsilon(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2) | VGObject | privatestatic |
getFirstPoint() | VAbstractCurve | |
getIdObject() const | VGObject | |
getIdTool() const | VGObject | |
getLastPoint() | VAbstractCurve | |
GetLength() const =0 | VAbstractCurve | pure virtual |
GetLengthByPoint(const QPointF &point) const | VAbstractCurve | |
GetLengthContour(const QVector< QPointF > &contour, const QVector< QPointF > &newPoints) | VGObject | static |
getLineColor() const | VAbstractCurve | |
getLineWeight() const | VAbstractCurve | |
getMode() const | VGObject | |
GetP1() const =0 | VAbstractCubicBezier | pure virtual |
GetP2() const =0 | VAbstractCubicBezier | pure virtual |
GetP3() const =0 | VAbstractCubicBezier | pure virtual |
GetP4() const =0 | VAbstractCubicBezier | pure virtual |
GetParmT(qreal length) const | VAbstractCubicBezier | |
GetPath() const | VAbstractCurve | virtual |
GetPenStyle() const | VAbstractCurve | |
getPoints() const =0 | VAbstractCurve | pure virtual |
GetReversePoints(const QVector< T > &points) | VGObject | static |
GetSegmentPoints(const QVector< QPointF > &points, const QPointF &begin, const QPointF &end, bool reverse=false) | VAbstractCurve | static |
GetSegmentPoints(const QPointF &begin, const QPointF &end, bool reverse=false) const | VAbstractCurve | |
GetStartAngle() const =0 | VAbstractCurve | pure virtual |
getType() const | VGObject | |
id() const | VGObject | |
IntersectionCircles(const QPointF &c1, double r1, const QPointF &c2, double r2, QPointF &p1, QPointF &p2) | VGObject | static |
IntersectLine(const QLineF &line) const | VAbstractCurve | virtual |
IsIntersectLine(const QLineF &line) const | VAbstractCurve | virtual |
isPointOnCurve(const QVector< QPointF > &points, const QPointF &p) | VAbstractCurve | static |
isPointOnCurve(const QPointF &p) const | VAbstractCurve | |
IsPointOnLineSegment(const QPointF &t, const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2) | VGObject | static |
IsPointOnLineviaPDP(const QPointF &t, const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2) | VGObject | static |
LengthBezier(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QPointF &p3, const QPointF &p4) | VAbstractCubicBezier | protectedstatic |
lengthCurveDirectionArrow | VAbstractCurve | static |
LengthT(qreal t) const | VAbstractCubicBezier | |
LineCoefficients(const QLineF &line, qreal *a, qreal *b, qreal *c) | VGObject | static |
LineIntersectCircle(const QPointF ¢er, qreal radius, const QLineF &line, QPointF &p1, QPointF &p2) | VGObject | static |
LineIntersectRect(const QRectF &rec, const QLineF &line) | VGObject | static |
name() const | VGObject | virtual |
NameForHistory(const QString &toolName) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | VAbstractCubicBezier | virtual |
operator=(const VAbstractCubicBezier &curve) | VAbstractCubicBezier | |
VAbstractBezier::operator=(const VAbstractBezier &curve) | VAbstractBezier | |
VAbstractCurve::operator=(const VAbstractCurve &curve) | VAbstractCurve | |
VGObject::operator=(const VGObject &obj) | VGObject | |
PathLength(const QVector< QPointF > &path) | VAbstractCurve | static |
PerpDotProduct(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QPointF &t) | VGObject | privatestatic |
PointBezier_r(qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2, qreal x3, qreal y3, qreal x4, qreal y4, qint16 level, QVector< qreal > &px, QVector< qreal > &py) | VAbstractCubicBezier | protectedstatic |
PointInCircle(const QPointF &p, const QPointF ¢er, qreal radius) | VGObject | privatestatic |
SetDuplicate(quint32 number) | VAbstractCurve | |
setId(const quint32 &id) | VGObject | virtual |
setIdObject(const quint32 &value) | VGObject | |
setLineColor(const QString &color) | VAbstractCurve | |
setLineWeight(const QString &lineWeight) | VAbstractCurve | |
setMode(const Draw &value) | VGObject | |
setName(const QString &name) | VGObject | |
SetPenStyle(const QString &penStyle) | VAbstractCurve | |
setType(const GOType &type) | VGObject | |
ShowDirection(const QVector< DirectionArrow > &arrows, qreal width) | VAbstractCurve | static |
Swap(VAbstractCurve &curve) Q_DECL_NOTHROW | VAbstractCurve | |
VGObject::Swap(VGObject &obj) Q_DECL_NOTHROW | VGObject | |
ToEnd(const QVector< QPointF > &points, const QPointF &end, bool *ok=nullptr) | VAbstractCurve | privatestatic |
VAbstractBezier(const GOType &type, const quint32 &idObject=null_id, const Draw &mode=Draw::Calculation) | VAbstractBezier | |
VAbstractBezier(const VAbstractBezier &curve) | VAbstractBezier | |
VAbstractCubicBezier(const GOType &type, const quint32 &idObject=null_id, const Draw &mode=Draw::Calculation) | VAbstractCubicBezier | |
VAbstractCubicBezier(const VAbstractCubicBezier &curve) | VAbstractCubicBezier | |
VAbstractCurve(const GOType &type, const quint32 &idObject=null_id, const Draw &mode=Draw::Calculation) | VAbstractCurve | explicit |
VAbstractCurve(const VAbstractCurve &curve) | VAbstractCurve | explicit |
VGObject() | VGObject | |
VGObject(const GOType &type, const quint32 &idObject=0, const Draw &mode=Draw::Calculation) | VGObject | explicit |
VGObject(const VGObject &obj) | VGObject | |
~VAbstractBezier() | VAbstractBezier | virtual |
~VAbstractCubicBezier() | VAbstractCubicBezier | virtual |
~VAbstractCurve() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | VAbstractCurve | virtual |
~VGObject() | VGObject | virtual |