This is the complete list of members for HistoryDialog, including all inherited members.
AddVisualization() | DialogTool | inlineprotected |
apply_Button | DialogTool | protected |
ArrowDown() | DialogTool | slot |
ArrowLeft() | DialogTool | slot |
ArrowLeftDown() | DialogTool | slot |
ArrowLeftUp() | DialogTool | slot |
ArrowRight() | DialogTool | slot |
ArrowRightDown() | DialogTool | slot |
ArrowRightUp() | DialogTool | slot |
ArrowUp() | DialogTool | slot |
associatedTool | DialogTool | protected |
attrUInt(const QDomElement &domElement, const QString &name) | HistoryDialog | private |
Build(const Tool &type) | DialogTool | virtual |
cellClicked(int row, int column) | HistoryDialog | slot |
ChangeColor(QWidget *widget, const QColor &color) | DialogTool | protected |
ChangeCurrentData(QComboBox *box, const QVariant &value) const | DialogTool | protected |
changedCursor(quint32 id) | HistoryDialog | slot |
changeEvent(QEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | HistoryDialog | protectedvirtual |
CheckState() | DialogTool | protectedvirtual |
ChosenObject(quint32 id, const SceneObject &type) | DialogTool | virtualslot |
closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | HistoryDialog | protectedvirtual |
copyToClipboard() | HistoryDialog | private |
cursorRow() const | HistoryDialog | private |
data | DialogTool | protected |
DeployFormula(QPlainTextEdit *formula, QPushButton *buttonGrowLength, int formulaBaseHeight) | DialogTool | protected |
DialogAccepted() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | HistoryDialog | virtualslot |
DialogApplied() | DialogTool | signal |
DialogApply() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | HistoryDialog | inlinevirtualslot |
DialogClosed(int result) | DialogTool | signal |
DialogRejected() | DialogTool | virtualslot |
DialogTool(const VContainer *data, const quint32 &toolId, QWidget *parent=nullptr) | DialogTool | |
DialogWarningIcon() | DialogTool | protectedstatic |
DNumber(const QString &baseName) const | DialogTool | protected |
doublePointsExist(QListWidget *listWidget) | DialogTool | protectedstatic |
errorColor | DialogTool | protected |
Eval(const QString &text, bool &flag, QLabel *label, const QString &postfix, bool checkZero=true, bool checkLessThanZero=false) | DialogTool | protected |
EvalFormula() | DialogTool | virtualslot |
eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | HistoryDialog | protectedvirtual |
FillCombo(QComboBox *box, GOType gType, FillComboBox rule=FillComboBox::Whole, const quint32 &ch1=NULL_ID, const quint32 &ch2=NULL_ID) const | DialogTool | private |
FillComboBoxArcs(QComboBox *box, FillComboBox rule=FillComboBox::Whole, const quint32 &ch1=NULL_ID, const quint32 &ch2=NULL_ID) const | DialogTool | protected |
FillComboBoxCrossCirclesPoints(QComboBox *box) const | DialogTool | protected |
FillComboBoxCurves(QComboBox *box) const | DialogTool | protected |
FillComboBoxHCrossCurvesPoint(QComboBox *box) const | DialogTool | protected |
FillComboBoxLineColors(QComboBox *box) const | DialogTool | protected |
FillComboBoxPiecesList(QComboBox *box, const QVector< quint32 > &list) | DialogTool | protected |
FillComboBoxPoints(QComboBox *box, FillComboBox rule=FillComboBox::Whole, const quint32 &ch1=NULL_ID, const quint32 &ch2=NULL_ID) const | DialogTool | protected |
FillComboBoxSplines(QComboBox *box) const | DialogTool | protected |
FillComboBoxSplinesPath(QComboBox *box) const | DialogTool | protected |
FillComboBoxTypeLine(QComboBox *box, const QMap< QString, QIcon > &stylesPics) const | DialogTool | protected |
FillComboBoxVCrossCurvesPoint(QComboBox *box) const | DialogTool | protected |
FillList(QComboBox *box, const QMap< QString, quint32 > &list) const | DialogTool | private |
fillTable() | HistoryDialog | private |
FindNotExcludedNodeDown(QListWidget *listWidget, int candidate) | DialogTool | protectedstatic |
FindNotExcludedNodeUp(QListWidget *listWidget, int candidate) | DialogTool | protectedstatic |
findText(const QString &text) | HistoryDialog | private |
flagError | DialogTool | protected |
flagFormula | DialogTool | protected |
flagName | DialogTool | protected |
FormulaChanged() | DialogTool | slot |
FormulaChangedPlainText() | DialogTool | slot |
GetAssociatedTool() | DialogTool | inline |
GetComboBoxCurrentData(const QComboBox *box, const QString &def) const | DialogTool | protected |
getCurrentCrossPoint(QComboBox *box) const | DialogTool | inlineprotected |
getCurrentObjectId(QComboBox *box) const | DialogTool | protected |
GetListInternals(const QListWidget *list) const | DialogTool | protected |
getNodeInfo(const VPieceNode &node, bool showNotch=false) const | DialogTool | protected |
getPointName(quint32 pointId) | HistoryDialog | private |
DialogTool::getPointName() const | DialogTool | |
GetToolId() const | DialogTool | |
HistoryDialog(VContainer *data, VPattern *doc, QWidget *parent=nullptr) | HistoryDialog | |
initializeFormulaUi(T *ui) | DialogTool | inlineprotected |
initializeNodeAngles(QComboBox *box) | DialogTool | protected |
initializeOkCancel(T *ui) | DialogTool | inlineprotected |
initializeOkCancelApply(T *ui) | DialogTool | inlineprotected |
initializeTable() | HistoryDialog | private |
isEachPointNameUnique(QListWidget *listWidget) | DialogTool | protectedstatic |
isFirstPointSameAsLast(QListWidget *listWidget) | DialogTool | protectedstatic |
isInitialized | DialogTool | protected |
IsSpline(const QSharedPointer< VGObject > &obj) const | DialogTool | private |
IsSplinePath(const QSharedPointer< VGObject > &obj) const | DialogTool | private |
keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | DialogTool | protectedvirtual |
labelEditFormula | DialogTool | protected |
labelEditNamePoint | DialogTool | protected |
labelResultCalculation | DialogTool | protected |
m_cursorRow | HistoryDialog | private |
m_cursorToolRecordRow | HistoryDialog | private |
m_doc | HistoryDialog | private |
MoveCursorToEnd(QPlainTextEdit *plainTextEdit) const | DialogTool | protected |
moveListRowBottom(QListWidget *list) | DialogTool | static |
moveListRowDown(QListWidget *list) | DialogTool | static |
moveListRowTop(QListWidget *list) | DialogTool | static |
moveListRowUp(QListWidget *list) | DialogTool | static |
NamePointChanged() | DialogTool | slot |
newNodeItem(QListWidget *listWidget, const VPieceNode &node, bool nodeExcluded=true, bool isDuplicate=false) | DialogTool | protected |
NodeFont(bool nodeExcluded) | DialogTool | protectedstatic |
normalize(const qreal value, const qreal start, const qreal end) | DialogTool | protected |
number | DialogTool | protected |
ok_Button | DialogTool | protected |
okColor | DialogTool | protected |
plainTextEditFormula | DialogTool | protected |
pointName | DialogTool | protected |
PointNameChanged() | DialogTool | inlinevirtualslot |
prepare | DialogTool | protected |
PrepareList(QMap< QString, quint32 > &list, quint32 id) const | DialogTool | private |
record(const VToolRecord &tool) | HistoryDialog | private |
retranslateUi() | HistoryDialog | private |
SaveData() | DialogTool | inlineprotectedvirtual |
SelectedObject(bool selected, quint32 object, quint32 tool) | DialogTool | virtualslot |
SetAssociatedTool(VAbstractTool *tool) | DialogTool | |
setCurrentArcId(QComboBox *box, const quint32 &value, FillComboBox rule=FillComboBox::NoChildren, const quint32 &ch1=NULL_ID, const quint32 &ch2=NULL_ID) const | DialogTool | protected |
setCurrentCurveId(QComboBox *box, const quint32 &value) const | DialogTool | protected |
setCurrentPointId(QComboBox *box, const quint32 &value, FillComboBox rule=FillComboBox::NoChildren, const quint32 &ch1=NULL_ID, const quint32 &ch2=NULL_ID) const | DialogTool | protected |
setCurrentSplineId(QComboBox *box, const quint32 &value) const | DialogTool | protected |
setCurrentSplinePathId(QComboBox *box, const quint32 &value) const | DialogTool | protected |
SetObject(const quint32 &id, QComboBox *box, const QString &toolTip) | DialogTool | protected |
SetPiecesList(const QVector< quint32 > &list) | DialogTool | virtual |
SetToolId(const quint32 &value) | DialogTool | |
ShowDialog(bool click) | DialogTool | virtual |
showEvent(QShowEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | DialogTool | protectedvirtual |
showHistoryTool(quint32 id, bool enable) | HistoryDialog | signal |
showTool() | HistoryDialog | private |
ShowVisualization() | DialogTool | inlineprotectedvirtual |
spinBoxAngle | DialogTool | protected |
timerFormula | DialogTool | protected |
toolId | DialogTool | protected |
ToolTip(const QString &toolTip) | DialogTool | signal |
ui | HistoryDialog | private |
updateHistory() | HistoryDialog | slot |
ValFormulaChanged(bool &flag, QLineEdit *edit, QTimer *timer, const QString &postfix=QString()) | DialogTool | protected |
ValFormulaChanged(bool &flag, QPlainTextEdit *edit, QTimer *timer, const QString &postfix=QString()) | DialogTool | protected |
vis | DialogTool | protected |
~DialogTool() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | DialogTool | virtual |
~HistoryDialog() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | HistoryDialog | virtual |