Code documentation
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /***************************************************************************************************
2  **
3  ** Copyright (C) 2013 Ingo Berg
4  **
5  ** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this
6  ** software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software
7  ** without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
8  ** merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
9  ** permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
10  **
11  ** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
12  ** substantial portions of the Software.
13  **
19  **
20  ******************************************************************************************************/
22 #include "qmuparserbase.h"
24 #include <QList>
25 #include <QMessageLogger>
26 #include <QStack>
27 #include <QStringList>
28 #include <QTextStream>
29 #include <QtDebug>
30 #include <map>
32  #include <omp.h>
33 #endif
34 #include <assert.h>
36 #include "qmudef.h"
37 #include "../vmisc/vmath.h"
39 /**
40  * @file
41  * @brief This file contains the basic implementation of the muparser engine.
42  */
44 namespace qmu
45 {
50 /**
51  * @brief Identifiers for built in binary operators.
52  *
53  * When defining custom binary operators with #AddOprt(...) make sure not to choose
54  * names conflicting with these definitions.
55  */
56 const QStringList QmuParserBase::c_DefaultOprt = QStringList()<< "<=" << ">=" << "!=" << "==" << "<" << ">" << "+"
57  << "-" << "*" << "/" << "^" << "&&" << "||" << "="
58  << "(" << ")" << "?" << ":";
60 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 /**
62  * @brief Constructor.
63  */
65  : m_locale(QLocale::c()),
66  m_decimalPoint(QLocale::c().decimalPoint()),
67  m_thousandsSeparator(QLocale::c().groupSeparator()),
68  m_pParseFormula(&QmuParserBase::ParseString),
69  m_vRPN(),
70  m_vStringBuf(),
71  m_vStringVarBuf(),
72  m_pTokenReader(),
73  m_FunDef(),
74  m_PostOprtDef(),
75  m_InfixOprtDef(),
76  m_OprtDef(),
77  m_ConstDef(),
78  m_StrVarDef(),
79  m_VarDef(),
80  m_bBuiltInOp(true),
81  m_sNameChars(),
82  m_sOprtChars(),
83  m_sInfixOprtChars(),
84  m_nIfElseCounter(0),
85  m_vStackBuffer(),
86  m_nFinalResultIdx(0),
87  m_Tokens(QMap<int, QString>()),
88  m_Numbers(QMap<int, QString>()),
89  allowSubexpressions(true)
90 {
92 }
94 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
95 /**
96  * @brief Copy constructor.
97  *
98  * Tha parser can be safely copy constructed but the bytecode is reset during copy construction.
99  */
101  : m_locale(a_Parser.getLocale()),
102  m_decimalPoint(a_Parser.getDecimalPoint()),
103  m_thousandsSeparator(a_Parser.getThousandsSeparator()),
104  m_pParseFormula(&QmuParserBase::ParseString),
105  m_vRPN(),
106  m_vStringBuf(),
107  m_vStringVarBuf(),
108  m_pTokenReader(),
109  m_FunDef(),
110  m_PostOprtDef(),
111  m_InfixOprtDef(),
112  m_OprtDef(),
113  m_ConstDef(),
114  m_StrVarDef(),
115  m_VarDef(),
116  m_bBuiltInOp(true),
117  m_sNameChars(),
118  m_sOprtChars(),
119  m_sInfixOprtChars(),
120  m_nIfElseCounter(0),
121  m_vStackBuffer(),
122  m_nFinalResultIdx(0),
123  m_Tokens(QMap<int, QString>()),
124  m_Numbers(QMap<int, QString>()),
125  allowSubexpressions(true)
126 {
127  m_pTokenReader.reset(new token_reader_type(this));
128  Assign(a_Parser);
129 }
131 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
133 {}
135 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
136 /**
137  * @brief Assignement operator.
138  *
139  * Implemented by calling Assign(a_Parser). Self assignement is suppressed.
140  * @param a_Parser Object to copy to this.
141  * @return *this
142  * @throw nothrow
143  */
145 {
146  if (this != &a_Parser)
147  {
148  Assign(a_Parser);
149  }
150  return *this;
151 }
153 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
154 /**
155  * @brief Copy state of a parser object to this.
156  *
157  * Clears Variables and Functions of this parser.
158  * Copies the states of all internal variables.
159  * Resets parse function to string parse mode.
160  *
161  * @param a_Parser the source object.
162  */
164 {
165  if (&a_Parser==this)
166  {
167  return;
168  }
170  // Don't copy bytecode instead cause the parser to create new bytecode
171  // by resetting the parse function.
172  ReInit();
174  m_ConstDef = a_Parser.m_ConstDef; // Copy user define constants
175  m_VarDef = a_Parser.m_VarDef; // Copy user defined variables
176  m_bBuiltInOp = a_Parser.m_bBuiltInOp;
177  m_vStringBuf = a_Parser.m_vStringBuf;
178  m_vStackBuffer = a_Parser.m_vStackBuffer;
180  m_StrVarDef = a_Parser.m_StrVarDef;
181  m_vStringVarBuf = a_Parser.m_vStringVarBuf;
183  m_pTokenReader.reset(a_Parser.m_pTokenReader->Clone(this));
185  // Copy function and operator callbacks
186  m_FunDef = a_Parser.m_FunDef; // Copy function definitions
187  m_PostOprtDef = a_Parser.m_PostOprtDef; // post value unary operators
188  m_InfixOprtDef = a_Parser.m_InfixOprtDef; // unary operators for infix notation
189  m_OprtDef = a_Parser.m_OprtDef; // binary operators
191  m_sNameChars = a_Parser.m_sNameChars;
192  m_sOprtChars = a_Parser.m_sOprtChars;
194 }
196 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
197 /**
198  * @brief Resets the locale.
199  *
200  * The default locale used "." as decimal separator, no thousands separator and "," as function argument separator.
201  */
202 // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction
204 {
205  setLocale(QLocale::c());
206  m_decimalPoint = m_locale.decimalPoint();
207  m_thousandsSeparator = m_locale.groupSeparator();
208  SetArgSep(';');
209 }
211 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
212 /**
213  * @brief Reset parser to string parsing mode and clear internal buffers.
214  *
215  * Clear bytecode, reset the token reader.
216  * @throw nothrow
217  */
219 {
221  m_vStringBuf.clear();
222  m_vRPN.clear();
223  m_pTokenReader->ReInit();
224  m_nIfElseCounter = 0;
225  m_Tokens.clear();
226  m_Numbers.clear();
227 }
229 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
230 void QmuParserBase::OnDetectVar(const QString &pExpr, int &nStart, int &nEnd)
231 {
232  Q_UNUSED(pExpr)
233  Q_UNUSED(nStart)
234  Q_UNUSED(nEnd)
235 }
237 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
239 {
240  allowSubexpressions = value;
241 }
243 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
245 {
246  return m_locale;
247 }
249 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
250 void QmuParserBase::setLocale(const QLocale &value)
251 {
252  m_locale = value;
253  InitCharSets();
254  InitOprt();
255 }
257 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
259 {
260  return m_decimalPoint;
261 }
263 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
264 void QmuParserBase::setDecimalPoint(const QChar &c)
265 {
266  m_decimalPoint = c;
267 }
269 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
271 {
272  return m_thousandsSeparator;
273 }
275 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
277 {
279 }
281 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
282 /**
283  * @brief Returns the version of muparser.
284  * @param eInfo A flag indicating whether the full version info should be returned or not.
285  *
286  * Format is as follows: "MAJOR.MINOR (COMPILER_FLAGS)" The COMPILER_FLAGS are returned only if eInfo==pviFULL.
287  */
288 // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction
290 {
291  QString versionInfo;
292  QTextStream ss(&versionInfo);
294  ss << QMUP_VERSION;
296  if (eInfo==pviFULL)
297  {
298  ss << " (" << QMUP_VERSION_DATE;
299  ss << "; " << sizeof(void*)*8 << "BIT";
301  #ifdef _DEBUG
302  ss << "; DEBUG";
303  #else
304  ss << "; RELEASE";
305  #endif
307  #ifdef _UNICODE
308  ss << "; UNICODE";
309  #else
310  #ifdef _MBCS
311  ss << "; MBCS";
312  #else
313  ss << "; ASCII";
314  #endif
315  #endif
317  #ifdef QMUP_USE_OPENMP
318  ss << "; OPENMP";
319  //#else
320  // ss << "; NO_OPENMP";
321  #endif
323  #if defined(MUP_MATH_EXCEPTIONS)
324  ss << "; MATHEXC";
325  //#else
326  // ss << "; NO_MATHEXC";
327  #endif
329  ss << ")";
330  }
331  return versionInfo;
332 }
334 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
335 /**
336  * @brief Add a function or operator callback to the parser.
337  */
338 void QmuParserBase::AddCallback(const QString &a_strName, const QmuParserCallback &a_Callback,
339  funmap_type &a_Storage, const QString &a_szCharSet )
340 {
341  if (a_Callback.GetAddr() == nullptr)
342  {
344  }
346  const funmap_type *pFunMap = &a_Storage;
348  // Check for conflicting operator or function names
349  if ( pFunMap!=&m_FunDef && m_FunDef.find(a_strName)!=m_FunDef.end() )
350  {
351  Error(ecNAME_CONFLICT, -1, a_strName);
352  }
354  if ( pFunMap!=&m_PostOprtDef && m_PostOprtDef.find(a_strName)!=m_PostOprtDef.end() )
355  {
356  Error(ecNAME_CONFLICT, -1, a_strName);
357  }
359  if ( pFunMap!=&m_InfixOprtDef && pFunMap!=&m_OprtDef && m_InfixOprtDef.find(a_strName)!=m_InfixOprtDef.end() )
360  {
361  Error(ecNAME_CONFLICT, -1, a_strName);
362  }
364  if ( pFunMap!=&m_InfixOprtDef && pFunMap!=&m_OprtDef && m_OprtDef.find(a_strName)!=m_OprtDef.end() )
365  {
366  Error(ecNAME_CONFLICT, -1, a_strName);
367  }
369  CheckOprt(a_strName, a_Callback, a_szCharSet);
370  a_Storage[a_strName] = a_Callback;
371  ReInit();
372 }
374 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
375 /**
376  * @brief Check if a name contains invalid characters.
377  *
378  * @throw ParserException if the name contains invalid charakters.
379  */
380 // cppcheck-suppress
381 void QmuParserBase::CheckOprt(const QString &a_sName, const QmuParserCallback &a_Callback,
382  const QString &a_szCharSet) const
383 {
384  const std::wstring a_sNameStd = a_sName.toStdWString();
385  const std::wstring a_szCharSetStd = a_szCharSet.toStdWString();
387  if ( a_sNameStd.length() == false || (a_sNameStd.find_first_not_of(a_szCharSetStd)!=string_type::npos) ||
388  (>='0' &&<='9'))
389  {
390  switch (a_Callback.GetCode())
391  {
392  case cmOPRT_POSTFIX:
393  Error(ecINVALID_POSTFIX_IDENT, -1, a_sName);
394  break;
395  case cmOPRT_INFIX:
396  Error(ecINVALID_INFIX_IDENT, -1, a_sName);
397  break;
398  default:
399  Error(ecINVALID_NAME, -1, a_sName);
400  break;
401  }
402  }
403 }
405 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
406 /**
407  * @brief Check if a name contains invalid characters.
408  *
409  * @throw ParserException if the name contains invalid characters.
410  */
411 void QmuParserBase::CheckName(const QString &a_sName, const QString &a_szCharSet) const
412 {
413  std::wstring a_sNameStd = a_sName.toStdWString();
414  std::wstring a_szCharSetStd = a_szCharSet.toStdWString();
416  if ( a_sNameStd.length() == false || (a_sNameStd.find_first_not_of(a_szCharSetStd)!=string_type::npos) ||
417  (a_sNameStd[0]>='0' && a_sNameStd[0]<='9'))
418  {
420  }
421 }
423 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
424 /**
425  * @brief Set the formula.
426  * @param a_sExpr Formula as string_type
427  * @throw ParserException in case of syntax errors.
428  *
429  * Triggers first time calculation thus the creation of the bytecode and scanning of used variables.
430  */
431 void QmuParserBase::SetExpr(const QString &a_sExpr)
432 {
433  // Check locale compatibility
434  std::locale loc;
435  if (m_pTokenReader->GetArgSep()==std::use_facet<std::numpunct<char_type> >(loc).decimal_point())
436  {
437  Error(ecLOCALE);
438  }
440  // <ibg> 20060222: Bugfix for Borland-Kylix:
441  // adding a space to the expression will keep Borlands KYLIX from going wild
442  // when calling tellg on a stringstream created from the expression after
443  // reading a value at the end of an expression. (qmu::QmuParser::IsVal function)
444  // (tellg returns -1 otherwise causing the parser to ignore the value)
445  QString sBuf(a_sExpr + " " );
446  m_pTokenReader->SetFormula(sBuf);
447  ReInit();
448 }
450 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
451 /**
452  * @brief Virtual function that defines the characters allowed in name identifiers.
453  * @sa #ValidOprtChars, #ValidPrefixOprtChars
454  */
455 const QString& QmuParserBase::ValidNameChars() const
456 {
457  assert(m_sNameChars.size());
458  return m_sNameChars;
459 }
461 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
462 /**
463  * @brief Virtual function that defines the characters allowed in operator definitions.
464  * @sa #ValidNameChars, #ValidPrefixOprtChars
465  */
466 const QString &QmuParserBase::ValidOprtChars() const
467 {
468  assert(m_sOprtChars.size());
469  return m_sOprtChars;
470 }
472 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
473 /**
474  * @brief Virtual function that defines the characters allowed in infix operator definitions.
475  * @sa #ValidNameChars, #ValidOprtChars
476  */
478 {
479  assert(m_sInfixOprtChars.size());
480  return m_sInfixOprtChars;
481 }
483 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
484 /**
485  * @brief Add a user defined operator.
486  * @post Will reset the Parser to string parsing mode.
487  */
488 void QmuParserBase::DefinePostfixOprt(const QString &a_sFun, fun_type1 a_pFun, bool a_bAllowOpt)
489 {
490  AddCallback(a_sFun, QmuParserCallback(a_pFun, a_bAllowOpt, prPOSTFIX, cmOPRT_POSTFIX), m_PostOprtDef,
491  ValidOprtChars() );
492 }
494 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
495 /**
496  * @brief Initialize user defined functions.
497  *
498  * Calls the virtual functions InitFun(), InitConst() and InitOprt().
499  */
500 // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction
502 {
503  InitCharSets();
504  InitFun();
505  InitConst();
506  InitOprt();
507 }
509 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
510 /**
511  * @brief Add a user defined operator.
512  * @post Will reset the Parser to string parsing mode.
513  * @param [in] a_sName operator Identifier
514  * @param [in] a_pFun Operator callback function
515  * @param [in] a_iPrec Operator Precedence (default=prSIGN)
516  * @param [in] a_bAllowOpt True if operator is volatile (default=false)
517  * @sa EPrec
518  */
519 void QmuParserBase::DefineInfixOprt(const QString &a_sName, fun_type1 a_pFun, int a_iPrec, bool a_bAllowOpt)
520 {
521  AddCallback(a_sName, QmuParserCallback(a_pFun, a_bAllowOpt, a_iPrec, cmOPRT_INFIX), m_InfixOprtDef,
523 }
525 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
526 /**
527  * @brief Define a binary operator.
528  * @param [in] a_sName The identifier of the operator.
529  * @param [in] a_pFun Pointer to the callback function.
530  * @param [in] a_iPrec Precedence of the operator.
531  * @param [in] a_eAssociativity The associativity of the operator.
532  * @param [in] a_bAllowOpt If this is true the operator may be optimized away.
533  *
534  * Adds a new Binary operator the the parser instance.
535  */
536 void QmuParserBase::DefineOprt( const QString &a_sName, fun_type2 a_pFun, unsigned a_iPrec,
537  EOprtAssociativity a_eAssociativity, bool a_bAllowOpt )
538 {
539  // Check for conflicts with built in operator names
540  for (int i=0; m_bBuiltInOp && i<cmENDIF; ++i)
541  {
542  if (a_sName ==
543  {
544  Error(ecBUILTIN_OVERLOAD, -1, a_sName);
545  }
546  }
548  AddCallback(a_sName, QmuParserCallback(a_pFun, a_bAllowOpt, static_cast<int>(a_iPrec), a_eAssociativity), m_OprtDef,
549  ValidOprtChars() );
550 }
552 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
553 /**
554  * @brief Define a new string constant.
555  * @param [in] a_strName The name of the constant.
556  * @param [in] a_strVal the value of the constant.
557  */
558 // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction
559 void QmuParserBase::DefineStrConst(const QString &a_strName, const QString &a_strVal)
560 {
561  // Test if a constant with that names already exists
562  if (m_StrVarDef.find(a_strName)!=m_StrVarDef.end())
563  {
565  }
567  CheckName(a_strName, ValidNameChars());
569  m_vStringVarBuf.push_back(a_strVal); // Store variable string in internal buffer
570  m_StrVarDef[a_strName] = m_vStringBuf.size(); // bind buffer index to variable name
572  ReInit();
573 }
575 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
576 /**
577  * @brief Add a user defined variable.
578  * @param [in] a_sName the variable name
579  * @param [in] a_pVar A pointer to the variable vaule.
580  * @post Will reset the Parser to string parsing mode.
581  * @throw ParserException in case the name contains invalid signs or a_pVar is NULL.
582  */
583 void QmuParserBase::DefineVar(const QString &a_sName, qreal *a_pVar)
584 {
585  if (a_pVar == nullptr)
586  {
588  }
590  // Test if a constant with that names already exists
591  if (m_ConstDef.find(a_sName)!=m_ConstDef.end())
592  {
594  }
596  CheckName(a_sName, ValidNameChars());
597  m_VarDef[a_sName] = a_pVar;
598  ReInit();
599 }
601 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
602 /**
603  * @brief Add a user defined constant.
604  * @param [in] a_sName The name of the constant.
605  * @param [in] a_fVal the value of the constant.
606  * @post Will reset the Parser to string parsing mode.
607  * @throw ParserException in case the name contains invalid signs.
608  */
609 void QmuParserBase::DefineConst(const QString &a_sName, qreal a_fVal)
610 {
611  CheckName(a_sName, ValidNameChars());
612  m_ConstDef[a_sName] = a_fVal;
613  ReInit();
614 }
616 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
617 /**
618  * @brief Get operator priority.
619  * @throw ParserException if a_Oprt is no operator code
620  */
622 {
623  switch (a_Tok.GetCode())
624  {
625  // built in operators
626  case cmEND:
627  return -5;
628  case cmARG_SEP:
629  return -4;
630  case cmASSIGN:
631  return -1;
632  case cmELSE:
633  case cmIF:
634  return 0;
635  case cmLAND:
636  return prLAND;
637  case cmLOR:
638  return prLOR;
639  case cmLT:
640  case cmGT:
641  case cmLE:
642  case cmGE:
643  case cmNEQ:
644  case cmEQ:
645  return prCMP;
646  case cmADD:
647  case cmSUB:
648  return prADD_SUB;
649  case cmMUL:
650  case cmDIV:
651  return prMUL_DIV;
652  case cmPOW:
653  return prPOW;
654  // user defined binary operators
655  case cmOPRT_INFIX:
656  case cmOPRT_BIN:
657  return a_Tok.GetPri();
658  default:
660  return 999;
661  }
662 }
664 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
665 /**
666  * @brief Get operator priority.
667  * @throw ParserException if a_Oprt is no operator code
668  */
670 {
671  switch (a_Tok.GetCode())
672  {
673  case cmASSIGN:
674  case cmLAND:
675  case cmLOR:
676  case cmLT:
677  case cmGT:
678  case cmLE:
679  case cmGE:
680  case cmNEQ:
681  case cmEQ:
682  case cmADD:
683  case cmSUB:
684  case cmMUL:
685  case cmDIV:
686  return oaLEFT;
687  case cmPOW:
688  return oaRIGHT;
689  case cmOPRT_BIN:
690  return a_Tok.GetAssociativity();
691  default:
692  return oaNONE;
693  }
694 }
696 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
697 /**
698  * @brief Return a map containing the used variables only.
699  */
701 {
702  try
703  {
704  m_pTokenReader->IgnoreUndefVar(true);
705  CreateRPN(); // try to create bytecode, but don't use it for any further calculations since it
706  // may contain references to nonexisting variables.
708  m_pTokenReader->IgnoreUndefVar(false);
709  }
710  catch (const QmuParserError &e)
711  {
712  Q_UNUSED(e)
713  // Make sure to stay in string parse mode, dont call ReInit()
714  // because it deletes the array with the used variables
716  m_pTokenReader->IgnoreUndefVar(false);
717  throw;
718  }
719  return m_pTokenReader->GetUsedVar();
720 }
722 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
723 /**
724  * @brief Execute a function that takes a single string argument.
725  * @param a_FunTok Function token.
726  * @throw QmuParserError If the function token is not a string function
727  */
729  const QVector<token_type> &a_vArg) const
730 {
731  if (a_vArg.back().GetCode()!=cmSTRING)
732  {
733  Error(ecSTRING_EXPECTED, m_pTokenReader->GetPos(), a_FunTok.GetAsString());
734  }
736  token_type valTok;
737  generic_fun_type pFunc = a_FunTok.GetFuncAddr();
738  assert(pFunc);
740  try
741  {
742  // Check function arguments; write dummy value into valtok to represent the result
743  switch (a_FunTok.GetArgCount())
744  {
745  case 0:
746  valTok.SetVal(1);
747  a_vArg[0].GetAsString();
748  break;
749  case 1:
750  valTok.SetVal(1);
751  a_vArg[1].GetAsString();
752  a_vArg[0].GetVal();
753  break;
754  case 2:
755  valTok.SetVal(1);
756  a_vArg[2].GetAsString();
757  a_vArg[1].GetVal();
758  a_vArg[0].GetVal();
759  break;
760  default:
762  break;
763  }
764  }
765  catch (QmuParserError& )
766  {
767  Error(ecVAL_EXPECTED, m_pTokenReader->GetPos(), a_FunTok.GetAsString());
768  }
770  // string functions won't be optimized
771  m_vRPN.AddStrFun(pFunc, a_FunTok.GetArgCount(), a_vArg.back().GetIdx());
773  // Push dummy value representing the function result to the stack
774  return valTok;
775 }
777 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
778 /**
779  * @brief Apply a function token.
780  * @param a_iArgCount Number of Arguments actually gathered used only for multiarg functions.
781  * @post The result is pushed to the value stack
782  * @post The function token is removed from the stack
783  * @throw QmuParserError if Argument count does not mach function requirements.
784  */
785 void QmuParserBase::ApplyFunc( QStack<token_type> &a_stOpt, QStack<token_type> &a_stVal, int a_iArgCount) const
786 {
787  assert(m_pTokenReader.get());
789  // Operator stack empty or does not contain tokens with callback functions
790  if (a_stOpt.empty() || == nullptr)
791  {
792  return;
793  }
795  token_type funTok = a_stOpt.pop();
796  assert(funTok.GetFuncAddr());
798  // Binary operators must rely on their internal operator number
799  // since counting of operators relies on commas for function arguments
800  // binary operators do not have commas in their expression
801  int iArgCount = (funTok.GetCode()==cmOPRT_BIN) ? funTok.GetArgCount() : a_iArgCount;
803  // determine how many parameters the function needs. To remember iArgCount includes the
804  // string parameter whilst GetArgCount() counts only numeric parameters.
805  int iArgRequired = funTok.GetArgCount() + ((funTok.GetType()==tpSTR) ? 1 : 0);
807  // Thats the number of numerical parameters
808  int iArgNumerical = iArgCount - ((funTok.GetType()==tpSTR) ? 1 : 0);
810  if (funTok.GetCode()==cmFUNC_STR && iArgCount-iArgNumerical>1)
811  {
813  }
815  if (funTok.GetArgCount()>=0 && iArgCount>iArgRequired)
816  {
817  Error(ecTOO_MANY_PARAMS, m_pTokenReader->GetPos()-1, funTok.GetAsString());
818  }
820  if (funTok.GetCode()!=cmOPRT_BIN && iArgCount<iArgRequired )
821  {
822  Error(ecTOO_FEW_PARAMS, m_pTokenReader->GetPos()-1, funTok.GetAsString());
823  }
825  if (funTok.GetCode()==cmFUNC_STR && iArgCount>iArgRequired )
826  {
827  Error(ecTOO_MANY_PARAMS, m_pTokenReader->GetPos()-1, funTok.GetAsString());
828  }
830  // Collect the numeric function arguments from the value stack and store them
831  // in a vector
832  QVector<token_type> stArg;
833  for (int i=0; i<iArgNumerical; ++i)
834  {
835  if (a_stVal.isEmpty())// Check if stack is empty like in origin muparser.
836  {
838  }
839  stArg.push_back( a_stVal.pop() );
840  if ( stArg.back().GetType()==tpSTR && funTok.GetType()!=tpSTR )
841  {
842  Error(ecVAL_EXPECTED, m_pTokenReader->GetPos(), funTok.GetAsString());
843  }
844  }
846  switch (funTok.GetCode())
847  {
848  case cmFUNC_STR:
849  stArg.push_back(a_stVal.pop());
851  if ( stArg.back().GetType()==tpSTR && funTok.GetType()!=tpSTR )
852  {
853  Error(ecVAL_EXPECTED, m_pTokenReader->GetPos(), funTok.GetAsString());
854  }
856  ApplyStrFunc(funTok, stArg);
857  break;
858  case cmFUNC_BULK:
859  m_vRPN.AddBulkFun(funTok.GetFuncAddr(), stArg.size());
860  break;
861  case cmOPRT_BIN:
862  case cmOPRT_POSTFIX:
863  case cmOPRT_INFIX:
864  case cmFUNC:
865  if (funTok.GetArgCount()==-1 && iArgCount==0)
866  {
867  Error(ecTOO_FEW_PARAMS, m_pTokenReader->GetPos(), funTok.GetAsString());
868  }
870  m_vRPN.AddFun(funTok.GetFuncAddr(), (funTok.GetArgCount()==-1) ? -iArgNumerical : iArgNumerical);
871  break;
872  default:
873  break;
874  }
875  // Push dummy value representing the function result to the stack
876  token_type token;
877  token.SetVal(1);
878  a_stVal.push(token);
879 }
881 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
883 {
884  // Check if there is an if Else clause to be calculated
885  while (a_stOpt.size() &&
886  {
887  token_type opElse = a_stOpt.pop();
888  Q_ASSERT(a_stOpt.size()>0);
890  // Take the value associated with the else branch from the value stack
891  token_type vVal2 = a_stVal.pop();
893  Q_ASSERT(a_stOpt.size()>0);
894  Q_ASSERT(a_stVal.size()>=2);
896  // it then else is a ternary operator Pop all three values from the value s
897  // tack and just return the right value
898  token_type vVal1 = a_stVal.pop();
899  token_type vExpr = a_stVal.pop();
901  a_stVal.push( not qFuzzyIsNull(vExpr.GetVal()) ? vVal1 : vVal2);
903  token_type opIf = a_stOpt.pop();
904  Q_ASSERT(opElse.GetCode()==cmELSE);
905  Q_ASSERT(opIf.GetCode()==cmIF);
908  } // while pending if-else-clause found
909 }
911 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
912 /**
913  * @brief Performs the necessary steps to write code for the execution of binary operators into the bytecode.
914  */
916 {
917  // is it a user defined binary operator?
918  if (
919  {
920  ApplyFunc(a_stOpt, a_stVal, 2);
921  }
922  else
923  {
924  if(a_stVal.size()<2)
925  {
927  }
929  token_type valTok1 = a_stVal.pop(),
930  valTok2 = a_stVal.pop(),
931  optTok = a_stOpt.pop(),
932  resTok;
934  if ( valTok1.GetType()!=valTok2.GetType() || (valTok1.GetType()==tpSTR && valTok2.GetType()==tpSTR) )
935  {
936  Error(ecOPRT_TYPE_CONFLICT, m_pTokenReader->GetPos(), optTok.GetAsString());
937  }
939  if (optTok.GetCode()==cmASSIGN)
940  {
941  if (valTok2.GetCode()!=cmVAR)
942  {
943  Error(ecUNEXPECTED_OPERATOR, -1, "=");
944  }
945  m_vRPN.AddAssignOp(valTok2.GetVar());
946  }
947  else
948  {
949  m_vRPN.AddOp(optTok.GetCode());
950  }
951  resTok.SetVal(1);
952  a_stVal.push(resTok);
953  }
954 }
956 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
957 /**
958  * @brief Apply a binary operator.
959  * @param stOpt The operator stack
960  * @param stVal The value stack
961  */
963 {
964  while (stOpt.size() && != cmBO && != cmIF)
965  {
966  const ECmdCode code =;
968  if ((code >= cmLE && code <= cmASSIGN) || code == cmOPRT_INFIX || code == cmOPRT_BIN)
969  {
970  if (code==cmOPRT_INFIX)
971  {
972  ApplyFunc(stOpt, stVal, 1);
973  }
974  else
975  {
976  ApplyBinOprt(stOpt, stVal);
977  }
978  }
979  else if (code == cmELSE)
980  {
981  ApplyIfElse(stOpt, stVal);
982  }
983  else
984  {
986  }
987  }
988 }
990 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
991 /**
992  * @brief Parse the command code.
993  * @sa ParseString(...)
994  *
995  * Command code contains precalculated stack positions of the values and the associated operators. The Stack is
996  * filled beginning from index one the value at index zero is not used at all.
997  */
999 {
1000  return ParseCmdCodeBulk(0, 0);
1001 }
1003 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1004 /**
1005  * @brief Evaluate the RPN.
1006  * @param nOffset The offset added to variable addresses (for bulk mode)
1007  * @param nThreadID OpenMP Thread id of the calling thread
1008  */
1009 qreal QmuParserBase::ParseCmdCodeBulk(int nOffset, int nThreadID) const
1010 {
1011  assert(nThreadID<=s_MaxNumOpenMPThreads);
1013  // Note: The check for nOffset==0 and nThreadID here is not necessary but
1014  // brings a minor performance gain when not in bulk mode.
1015  qreal *Stack = ((nOffset==0) && (nThreadID==0)) ? &m_vStackBuffer[0] : &m_vStackBuffer[nThreadID *
1017  qreal buf;
1018  int sidx(0);
1019  for (const SToken *pTok = m_vRPN.GetBase(); pTok->Cmd!=cmEND ; ++pTok)
1020  {
1021  switch (pTok->Cmd)
1022  {
1023  // built in binary operators
1024  case cmLE:
1025  --sidx;
1026  Stack[sidx] = Stack[sidx] <= Stack[sidx+1];
1027  continue;
1028  case cmGE:
1029  --sidx;
1030  Stack[sidx] = Stack[sidx] >= Stack[sidx+1];
1031  continue;
1032  case cmNEQ:
1033  --sidx;
1034  Stack[sidx] = not QmuFuzzyComparePossibleNulls(Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1]);
1035  continue;
1036  case cmEQ:
1037  --sidx;
1038  Stack[sidx] = QmuFuzzyComparePossibleNulls(Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1]);
1039  continue;
1040  case cmLT:
1041  --sidx;
1042  Stack[sidx] = Stack[sidx] < Stack[sidx+1];
1043  continue;
1044  case cmGT:
1045  --sidx;
1046  Stack[sidx] = Stack[sidx] > Stack[sidx+1];
1047  continue;
1048  case cmADD:
1049  --sidx;
1050  Stack[sidx] += Stack[1+sidx];
1051  continue;
1052  case cmSUB:
1053  --sidx;
1054  Stack[sidx] -= Stack[1+sidx];
1055  continue;
1056  case cmMUL:
1057  --sidx;
1058  Stack[sidx] *= Stack[1+sidx];
1059  continue;
1060  case cmDIV:
1061  --sidx;
1062  #if defined(MUP_MATH_EXCEPTIONS)
1063  if (Stack[1+sidx]==0)
1064  {
1066  }
1067  #endif
1068  Stack[sidx] /= Stack[1+sidx];
1069  continue;
1070  case cmPOW:
1071  --sidx;
1072  Stack[sidx] = qPow(Stack[sidx], Stack[1+sidx]);
1073  continue;
1074  case cmLAND:
1075  --sidx;
1077 QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wfloat-equal")
1078  Stack[sidx] = static_cast<bool>(Stack[sidx]) && static_cast<bool>(Stack[sidx+1]);
1080  continue;
1081  case cmLOR:
1082  --sidx;
1084 QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wfloat-equal")
1085  Stack[sidx] = static_cast<bool>(Stack[sidx]) || static_cast<bool>(Stack[sidx+1]);
1087  continue;
1088  case cmASSIGN:
1089  // Bugfix for Bulkmode:
1090  // for details see:
1091  //
1092  // showtabs=false&parenturl=!topic/
1093  // muparser-dev/szgatgoHTws
1094  --sidx;
1095  Stack[sidx] = *(pTok->Oprt.ptr + nOffset) = Stack[sidx + 1];
1096  continue;
1097  // original code:
1098  //--sidx;
1099  //Stack[sidx] = *pTok->Oprt.ptr = Stack[sidx+1];
1100  //continue;
1101  case cmIF:
1102  if (qFuzzyIsNull(Stack[sidx--]))
1103  {
1104  pTok += pTok->Oprt.offset;
1105  }
1106  continue;
1107  case cmELSE:
1108  pTok += pTok->Oprt.offset;
1109  continue;
1110  case cmENDIF:
1111  continue;
1113  // value and variable tokens
1114  case cmVAR:
1115  Stack[++sidx] = *(pTok->Val.ptr + nOffset);
1116  continue;
1117  case cmVAL:
1118  Stack[++sidx] = pTok->Val.data2;
1119  continue;
1120  case cmVARPOW2:
1121  buf = *(pTok->Val.ptr + nOffset);
1122  Stack[++sidx] = buf*buf;
1123  continue;
1124  case cmVARPOW3:
1125  buf = *(pTok->Val.ptr + nOffset);
1126  Stack[++sidx] = buf*buf*buf;
1127  continue;
1128  case cmVARPOW4:
1129  buf = *(pTok->Val.ptr + nOffset);
1130  Stack[++sidx] = buf*buf*buf*buf;
1131  continue;
1132  case cmVARMUL:
1133  Stack[++sidx] = *(pTok->Val.ptr + nOffset) * pTok-> + pTok->Val.data2;
1134  continue;
1135  // Next is treatment of numeric functions
1136  case cmFUNC:
1137  {
1138  int iArgCount = pTok->Fun.argc;
1141 QT_WARNING_DISABLE_CLANG("-Wundefined-reinterpret-cast")
1143  void* fPtr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(pTok->Fun.ptr);
1144  // switch according to argument count
1145  switch (iArgCount)
1146  {
1147  case 0:
1148  sidx += 1;
1149  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<fun_type0>(fPtr))();
1150  continue;
1151  case 1:
1152  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<fun_type1>(fPtr))(Stack[sidx]);
1153  continue;
1154  case 2:
1155  sidx -= 1;
1156  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<fun_type2>(fPtr))(Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1]);
1157  continue;
1158  case 3:
1159  sidx -= 2;
1160  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<fun_type3>(fPtr))(Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1],
1161  Stack[sidx+2]);
1162  continue;
1163  case 4:
1164  sidx -= 3;
1165  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<fun_type4>(fPtr))(Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1],
1166  Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3]);
1167  continue;
1168  case 5:
1169  sidx -= 4;
1170  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<fun_type5>(fPtr))(Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1],
1171  Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3], Stack[sidx+4]);
1172  continue;
1173  case 6:
1174  sidx -= 5;
1175  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<fun_type6>(fPtr))(Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1],
1176  Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3], Stack[sidx+4], Stack[sidx+5]);
1177  continue;
1178  case 7:
1179  sidx -= 6;
1180  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<fun_type7>(fPtr))(Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1],
1181  Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3], Stack[sidx+4], Stack[sidx+5], Stack[sidx+6]);
1182  continue;
1183  case 8:
1184  sidx -= 7;
1185  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<fun_type8>(fPtr))(Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1],
1186  Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3], Stack[sidx+4], Stack[sidx+5], Stack[sidx+6],
1187  Stack[sidx+7]);
1188  continue;
1189  case 9:
1190  sidx -= 8;
1191  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<fun_type9>(fPtr))(Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1],
1192  Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3], Stack[sidx+4], Stack[sidx+5], Stack[sidx+6],
1193  Stack[sidx+7], Stack[sidx+8]);
1194  continue;
1195  case 10:
1196  sidx -= 9;
1197  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<fun_type10>(fPtr))(Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1],
1198  Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3], Stack[sidx+4], Stack[sidx+5], Stack[sidx+6],
1199  Stack[sidx+7], Stack[sidx+8], Stack[sidx+9]);
1200  continue;
1201  default:
1202  if (iArgCount>0) // function with variable arguments store the number as a negative value
1203  {
1204  Error(ecINTERNAL_ERROR, 1);
1205  }
1207  sidx -= -iArgCount - 1;
1208  Stack[sidx] =(*reinterpret_cast<multfun_type>(fPtr))(&Stack[sidx], -iArgCount);
1209  continue;
1210  }
1211  }
1212  // Next is treatment of string functions
1213  case cmFUNC_STR:
1214  {
1215  sidx -= pTok->Fun.argc -1;
1217  // The index of the string argument in the string table
1218  int iIdxStack = pTok->Fun.idx;
1219  void* fPtr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(pTok->Fun.ptr);
1220  Q_ASSERT( iIdxStack>=0 && iIdxStack<m_vStringBuf.size() );
1222  switch (pTok->Fun.argc) // switch according to argument count
1223  {
1224  case 0:
1225  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<strfun_type1>(fPtr))(;
1226  continue;
1227  case 1:
1228  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<strfun_type2>(fPtr))(,
1229  Stack[sidx]);
1230  continue;
1231  case 2:
1232  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<strfun_type3>(fPtr))(,
1233  Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1]);
1234  continue;
1235  default:
1236  break;
1237  }
1239  continue;
1240  }
1241  case cmFUNC_BULK:
1242  {
1243  int iArgCount = pTok->Fun.argc;
1245  void* fPtr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(pTok->Fun.ptr);
1246  // switch according to argument count
1247  switch (iArgCount)
1248  {
1249  case 0:
1250  sidx += 1;
1251  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<bulkfun_type0>(fPtr))(nOffset, nThreadID);
1252  continue;
1253  case 1:
1254  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<bulkfun_type1>(fPtr))(nOffset, nThreadID,
1255  Stack[sidx]);
1256  continue;
1257  case 2:
1258  sidx -= 1;
1259  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<bulkfun_type2>(fPtr))(nOffset, nThreadID, Stack[sidx],
1260  Stack[sidx+1]);
1261  continue;
1262  case 3:
1263  sidx -= 2;
1264  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<bulkfun_type3>(fPtr))(nOffset, nThreadID, Stack[sidx],
1265  Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2]);
1266  continue;
1267  case 4:
1268  sidx -= 3;
1269  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<bulkfun_type4>(fPtr))(nOffset, nThreadID, Stack[sidx],
1270  Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3]);
1271  continue;
1272  case 5:
1273  sidx -= 4;
1274  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<bulkfun_type5>(fPtr))(nOffset, nThreadID, Stack[sidx],
1275  Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3],
1276  Stack[sidx+4]);
1277  continue;
1278  case 6:
1279  sidx -= 5;
1280  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<bulkfun_type6>(fPtr))(nOffset, nThreadID, Stack[sidx],
1281  Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2],
1282  Stack[sidx+3], Stack[sidx+4], Stack[sidx+5]);
1283  continue;
1284  case 7:
1285  sidx -= 6;
1286  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<bulkfun_type7>(fPtr))(nOffset, nThreadID, Stack[sidx],
1287  Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3],
1288  Stack[sidx+4], Stack[sidx+5], Stack[sidx+6]);
1289  continue;
1290  case 8:
1291  sidx -= 7;
1292  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<bulkfun_type8>(fPtr))(nOffset, nThreadID, Stack[sidx],
1293  Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3],
1294  Stack[sidx+4], Stack[sidx+5], Stack[sidx+6], Stack[sidx+7]);
1295  continue;
1296  case 9:
1297  sidx -= 8;
1298  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<bulkfun_type9>(fPtr))(nOffset, nThreadID, Stack[sidx],
1299  Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3],
1300  Stack[sidx+4], Stack[sidx+5], Stack[sidx+6], Stack[sidx+7], Stack[sidx+8]);
1301  continue;
1302  case 10:
1303  sidx -= 9;
1304  Stack[sidx] = (*reinterpret_cast<bulkfun_type10>(fPtr))(nOffset, nThreadID,
1305  Stack[sidx],
1306  Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3],
1307  Stack[sidx+4], Stack[sidx+5], Stack[sidx+6], Stack[sidx+7], Stack[sidx+8],
1308  Stack[sidx+9]);
1309  continue;
1310  default:
1311  Error(ecINTERNAL_ERROR, 2);
1312  continue;
1313  }
1314  }
1315  case cmSTRING:
1316  case cmOPRT_BIN:
1317  case cmOPRT_POSTFIX:
1318  case cmOPRT_INFIX:
1320  // continue;
1321  case cmEND:
1322  // return Stack[m_nFinalResultIdx];
1323  case cmPOW2:
1324  case cmUNKNOWN:
1325  case cmBO: // unused, listed for compiler optimization purposes
1326  case cmBC:
1328  // continue;
1329  case cmARG_SEP:
1331  // continue;
1332  default:
1333  Error(ecINTERNAL_ERROR, 3);
1334  return 0;
1335  } // switch CmdCode
1339  } // for all bytecode tokens
1341  return Stack[m_nFinalResultIdx];
1342 }
1344 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1345 void QmuParserBase::CreateRPN() const
1346 {
1347  if (m_pTokenReader->GetExpr().length() == false)
1348  {
1349  Error(ecUNEXPECTED_EOF, 0);
1350  }
1352  QStack<token_type> stOpt, stVal;
1353  QStack<int> stArgCount;
1354  token_type opta, opt; // for storing operators
1355  //token_type val, tval; // for storing value
1356  //string_type strBuf; // buffer for string function arguments
1358  ReInit();
1360  // The outermost counter counts the number of seperated items
1361  // such as in "a=10,b=20,c=c+a"
1362  stArgCount.push(1);
1364  for (;;)
1365  {
1366  opt = m_pTokenReader->ReadNextToken(m_locale, m_decimalPoint, m_thousandsSeparator);
1368  switch (opt.GetCode())
1369  {
1370  //
1371  // Next three are different kind of value entries
1372  //
1373  case cmSTRING:
1374  {
1375  opt.SetIdx(m_vStringBuf.size()); // Assign buffer index to token
1376  stVal.push(opt);
1377  const QString &str = opt.GetAsString();
1378  m_vStringBuf.push_back(str); // Store string in internal buffer
1379  m_Tokens.insert(m_pTokenReader->GetPos()-str.length(), str);
1380  break;
1381  }
1382  case cmVAR:
1383  {
1384  stVal.push(opt);
1385  m_vRPN.AddVar( static_cast<qreal*>(opt.GetVar()) );
1386  const QString &str = opt.GetAsString();
1387  m_Tokens.insert(m_pTokenReader->GetPos()-str.length(), str);
1388  break;
1389  }
1390  case cmVAL:
1391  {
1392  stVal.push(opt);
1393  m_vRPN.AddVal( opt.GetVal() );
1394  const QString &str = opt.GetAsString();
1395  m_Numbers.insert(m_pTokenReader->GetPos()-str.length(), str);
1396  break;
1397  }
1398  case cmELSE:
1399  m_nIfElseCounter--;
1400  if (m_nIfElseCounter<0)
1401  {
1402  Error(ecMISPLACED_COLON, m_pTokenReader->GetPos());
1403  }
1404  ApplyRemainingOprt(stOpt, stVal);
1405  m_vRPN.AddIfElse(cmELSE);
1406  stOpt.push(opt);
1407  break;
1408  case cmARG_SEP:
1409  if (stArgCount.empty())
1410  {
1411  Error(ecUNEXPECTED_ARG_SEP, m_pTokenReader->GetPos());
1412  }
1413  if (stOpt.empty() && allowSubexpressions == false)
1414  {
1415  Error(ecUNEXPECTED_ARG_SEP, m_pTokenReader->GetPos());
1416  }
1418  // fallthrough intentional (no break!)
1420  case cmEND:
1421  ApplyRemainingOprt(stOpt, stVal);
1422  break;
1423  case cmBC:
1424  {
1425  // The argument count for parameterless functions is zero
1426  // by default an opening bracket sets parameter count to 1
1427  // in preparation of arguments to come. If the last token
1428  // was an opening bracket we know better...
1429  if (opta.GetCode()==cmBO)
1430  {
1432  }
1434  ApplyRemainingOprt(stOpt, stVal);
1436  // Check if the bracket content has been evaluated completely
1437  if (stOpt.size() &&
1438  {
1439  // if opt is ")" and opta is "(" the bracket has been evaluated, now its time to check
1440  // if there is either a function or a sign pending
1441  // neither the opening nor the closing bracket will be pushed back to
1442  // the operator stack
1443  // Check if a function is standing in front of the opening bracket,
1444  // if yes evaluate it afterwards check for infix operators
1445  assert(stArgCount.size());
1446  int iArgCount = stArgCount.pop();
1448  stOpt.pop(); // Take opening bracket from stack
1450  if (iArgCount>1 && ( stOpt.size()==0 || (!=cmFUNC &&
1451!=cmFUNC_BULK &&
1452!=cmFUNC_STR) ) )
1453  {
1454  Error(ecUNEXPECTED_ARG, m_pTokenReader->GetPos());
1455  }
1457  // The opening bracket was popped from the stack now check if there
1458  // was a function before this bracket
1459  if (stOpt.size() &&!=cmOPRT_INFIX &&!=cmOPRT_BIN &&
1461  {
1462  ApplyFunc(stOpt, stVal, iArgCount);
1463  }
1464  }
1465  } // if bracket content is evaluated
1466  break;
1467  //
1468  // Next are the binary operator entries
1469  //
1470  //case cmAND: // built in binary operators
1471  //case cmOR:
1472  //case cmXOR:
1473  case cmIF:
1474  m_nIfElseCounter++;
1475  // fallthrough intentional (no break!)
1477  case cmLE:
1478  case cmGE:
1479  case cmNEQ:
1480  case cmEQ:
1481  case cmLT:
1482  case cmGT:
1483  case cmADD:
1484  case cmSUB:
1485  case cmMUL:
1486  case cmDIV:
1487  case cmPOW:
1488  case cmLAND:
1489  case cmLOR:
1490  case cmASSIGN:
1491  case cmOPRT_BIN:
1492  // A binary operator (user defined or built in) has been found.
1493  while ( stOpt.size() && != cmBO && != cmELSE &&
1494 != cmIF)
1495  {
1496  const token_type &topToken =;
1497  int nPrec1 = GetOprtPrecedence(topToken),
1498  nPrec2 = GetOprtPrecedence(opt);
1500  const ECmdCode code = topToken.GetCode();
1501  if (code==opt.GetCode())
1502  {
1503  // Deal with operator associativity
1504  EOprtAssociativity eOprtAsct = GetOprtAssociativity(opt);
1505  if ( (eOprtAsct==oaRIGHT && (nPrec1 <= nPrec2)) ||
1506  (eOprtAsct==oaLEFT && (nPrec1 < nPrec2)) )
1507  {
1508  break;
1509  }
1510  }
1511  else if (nPrec1 < nPrec2)
1512  {
1513  // In case the operators are not equal the precedence decides alone...
1514  break;
1515  }
1516  if (code==cmOPRT_INFIX)
1517  {
1518  ApplyFunc(stOpt, stVal, 1);
1519  }
1520  else
1521  {
1522  ApplyBinOprt(stOpt, stVal);
1523  }
1524  } // while ( ... )
1526  if (opt.GetCode()==cmIF)
1527  {
1528  m_vRPN.AddIfElse(opt.GetCode());
1529  }
1531  // The operator can't be evaluated right now, push back to the operator stack
1532  stOpt.push(opt);
1533  break;
1534  //
1535  // Last section contains functions and operators implicitely mapped to functions
1536  //
1537  case cmBO:
1538  stArgCount.push(1);
1539  stOpt.push(opt);
1540  break;
1541  case cmOPRT_INFIX:
1542  case cmFUNC:
1543  case cmFUNC_BULK:
1544  case cmFUNC_STR:
1545  stOpt.push(opt);
1546  m_Tokens.insert(m_pTokenReader->GetPos()-opt.GetAsString().length(), opt.GetAsString());
1547  break;
1548  case cmOPRT_POSTFIX:
1549  stOpt.push(opt);
1550  ApplyFunc(stOpt, stVal, 1); // this is the postfix operator
1551  m_Tokens.insert(m_pTokenReader->GetPos()-opt.GetAsString().length(), opt.GetAsString());
1552  break;
1553  case cmENDIF:
1554  case cmVARPOW2:
1555  case cmVARPOW3:
1556  case cmVARPOW4:
1557  case cmVARMUL:
1558  case cmPOW2:
1559  case cmUNKNOWN:
1560  default:
1561  Error(ecINTERNAL_ERROR, 3);
1562  } // end of switch operator-token
1564  opta = opt;
1566  if ( opt.GetCode() == cmEND )
1567  {
1568  m_vRPN.Finalize();
1569  break;
1570  }
1572  if (QmuParserBase::g_DbgDumpStack)
1573  {
1574  StackDump(stVal, stOpt);
1575  m_vRPN.AsciiDump();
1576  }
1577  } // while (true)
1579  if (QmuParserBase::g_DbgDumpCmdCode)
1580  {
1581  m_vRPN.AsciiDump();
1582  }
1584  if (m_nIfElseCounter>0)
1585  {
1587  }
1589  // get the last value (= final result) from the stack
1590  Q_ASSERT(stArgCount.size()==1);
1591  m_nFinalResultIdx =;
1592  if (m_nFinalResultIdx==0)
1593  {
1594  Error(ecINTERNAL_ERROR, 9);
1595  }
1597  if (stVal.size()==0)
1598  {
1599  Error(ecEMPTY_EXPRESSION);
1600  }
1602  if (!=tpDBL)
1603  {
1604  Error(ecSTR_RESULT);
1605  }
1607  m_vStackBuffer.resize(m_vRPN.GetMaxStackSize() * s_MaxNumOpenMPThreads);
1608 }
1610 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1611 /**
1612  * @brief One of the two main parse functions.
1613  * @sa ParseCmdCode(...)
1614  *
1615  * Parse expression from input string. Perform syntax checking and create bytecode. After parsing the string and
1616  * creating the bytecode the function pointer #m_pParseFormula will be changed to the second parse routine the
1617  * uses bytecode instead of string parsing.
1618  */
1619 qreal QmuParserBase::ParseString() const
1620 {
1621  try
1622  {
1623  CreateRPN();
1624  m_pParseFormula = &QmuParserBase::ParseCmdCode;
1625  return (this->*m_pParseFormula)();
1626  }
1627  catch (qmu::QmuParserError &exc)
1628  {
1629  exc.SetFormula(m_pTokenReader->GetExpr());
1630  throw;
1631  }
1632 }
1634 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1635 /**
1636 * @brief Create an error containing the parse error position.
1637 *
1638 * This function will create an Parser Exception object containing the error text and its position.
1639 *
1640 * @param a_iErrc [in] The error code of type #EErrorCodes.
1641 * @param a_iPos [in] The position where the error was detected.
1642 * @param a_sTok [in] The token string representation associated with the error.
1643 * @throw ParserException always throws thats the only purpose of this function.
1644 */
1645 void Q_NORETURN QmuParserBase::Error(EErrorCodes a_iErrc, int a_iPos, const QString &a_sTok) const
1646 {
1647  throw qmu::QmuParserError (a_iErrc, a_sTok, m_pTokenReader->GetExpr(), a_iPos);
1648 }
1650 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1651 /**
1652  * @brief Clear all user defined variables.
1653  * @throw nothrow
1654  *
1655  * Resets the parser to string parsing mode by calling #ReInit.
1656  */
1657 // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction
1658 void QmuParserBase::ClearVar()
1659 {
1660  m_VarDef.clear();
1661  ReInit();
1662 }
1664 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1665 /**
1666  * @brief Remove a variable from internal storage.
1667  * @throw nothrow
1668  *
1669  * Removes a variable if it exists. If the Variable does not exist nothing will be done.
1670  */
1671 void QmuParserBase::RemoveVar(const QString &a_strVarName)
1672 {
1673  varmap_type::iterator item = m_VarDef.find(a_strVarName);
1674  if (item!=m_VarDef.end())
1675  {
1676  m_VarDef.erase(item);
1677  ReInit();
1678  }
1679 }
1681 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1682 /**
1683  * @brief Clear all functions.
1684  * @post Resets the parser to string parsing mode.
1685  * @throw nothrow
1686  */
1687 // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction
1688 void QmuParserBase::ClearFun()
1689 {
1690  m_FunDef.clear();
1691  ReInit();
1692 }
1694 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1695 /**
1696  * @brief Clear all user defined constants.
1697  *
1698  * Both numeric and string constants will be removed from the internal storage.
1699  * @post Resets the parser to string parsing mode.
1700  * @throw nothrow
1701  */
1702 void QmuParserBase::ClearConst()
1703 {
1704  m_ConstDef.clear();
1705  m_StrVarDef.clear();
1706  ReInit();
1707 }
1709 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1710 /**
1711  * @brief Clear all user defined postfix operators.
1712  * @post Resets the parser to string parsing mode.
1713  * @throw nothrow
1714  */
1715 void QmuParserBase::ClearPostfixOprt()
1716 {
1717  m_PostOprtDef.clear();
1718  ReInit();
1719 }
1721 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1722 /**
1723  * @brief Clear all user defined binary operators.
1724  * @post Resets the parser to string parsing mode.
1725  * @throw nothrow
1726  */
1727 // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction
1728 void QmuParserBase::ClearOprt()
1729 {
1730  m_OprtDef.clear();
1731  ReInit();
1732 }
1734 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1735 /**
1736  * @brief Clear the user defined Prefix operators.
1737  * @post Resets the parser to string parser mode.
1738  * @throw nothrow
1739  */
1740 // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction
1741 void QmuParserBase::ClearInfixOprt()
1742 {
1743  m_InfixOprtDef.clear();
1744  ReInit();
1745 }
1747 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1748 /**
1749  * @brief Enable or disable the formula optimization feature.
1750  * @post Resets the parser to string parser mode.
1751  * @throw nothrow
1752  */
1753 void QmuParserBase::EnableOptimizer(bool a_bIsOn)
1754 {
1755  m_vRPN.EnableOptimizer(a_bIsOn);
1756  ReInit();
1757 }
1759 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1760 /**
1761  * @brief Enable the dumping of bytecode amd stack content on the console.
1762  * @param bDumpCmd Flag to enable dumping of the current bytecode to the console.
1763  * @param bDumpStack Flag to enable dumping of the stack content is written to the console.
1764  *
1765  * This function is for debug purposes only!
1766  */
1767 // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction
1768 void QmuParserBase::EnableDebugDump(bool bDumpCmd, bool bDumpStack)
1769 {
1770  QmuParserBase::g_DbgDumpCmdCode = bDumpCmd;
1771  QmuParserBase::g_DbgDumpStack = bDumpStack;
1772 }
1774 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1775 /**
1776  * @brief Enable or disable the built in binary operators.
1777  * @throw nothrow
1778  * @sa m_bBuiltInOp, ReInit()
1779  *
1780  * If you disable the built in binary operators there will be no binary operators defined. Thus you must add them
1781  * manually one by one. It is not possible to disable built in operators selectively. This function will Reinitialize
1782  * the parser by calling ReInit().
1783  */
1784 void QmuParserBase::EnableBuiltInOprt(bool a_bIsOn)
1785 {
1786  m_bBuiltInOp = a_bIsOn;
1787  ReInit();
1788 }
1790 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1791 /**
1792  * @brief Get the argument separator character.
1793  */
1794 QChar QmuParserBase::GetArgSep() const
1795 {
1796  return m_pTokenReader->GetArgSep();
1797 }
1799 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1800 /**
1801  * @brief Set argument separator.
1802  * @param cArgSep the argument separator character.
1803  */
1804 void QmuParserBase::SetArgSep(char_type cArgSep)
1805 {
1806  m_pTokenReader->SetArgSep(cArgSep);
1807 }
1809 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1810 /**
1811  * @brief Dump stack content.
1812  *
1813  * This function is used for debugging only.
1814  */
1815 void QmuParserBase::StackDump(const QStack<token_type> &a_stVal, const QStack<token_type> &a_stOprt) const
1816 {
1817  QStack<token_type> stOprt(a_stOprt),
1818  stVal(a_stVal);
1820  qDebug() << "\nValue stack:\n";
1821  while ( stVal.empty() == false )
1822  {
1823  token_type val = stVal.pop();
1824  if (val.GetType()==tpSTR)
1825  {
1826  qDebug() << " \"" << val.GetAsString() << "\" ";
1827  }
1828  else
1829  {
1830  qDebug() << " " << val.GetVal() << " ";
1831  }
1832  }
1833  qDebug() << "\nOperator stack:\n";
1835  while ( stOprt.empty() == false )
1836  {
1837  const token_type &topToken =;
1838  if (topToken.GetCode()<=cmASSIGN)
1839  {
1840  qDebug() << "OPRT_INTRNL \"" << QmuParserBase::c_DefaultOprt[topToken.GetCode()] << "\" \n";
1841  }
1842  else
1843  {
1844  switch ( topToken.GetCode())
1845  {
1846  case cmVAR:
1847  qDebug() << "VAR\n";
1848  break;
1849  case cmVAL:
1850  qDebug() << "VAL\n";
1851  break;
1852  case cmFUNC:
1853  qDebug() << "FUNC \"" << topToken.GetAsString() << "\"\n";
1854  break;
1855  case cmFUNC_BULK:
1856  qDebug() << "FUNC_BULK \"" << topToken.GetAsString() << "\"\n";
1857  break;
1858  case cmOPRT_INFIX:
1859  qDebug() << "OPRT_INFIX \"" << topToken.GetAsString() << "\"\n";
1860  break;
1861  case cmOPRT_BIN:
1862  qDebug() << "OPRT_BIN \"" << topToken.GetAsString() << "\"\n";
1863  break;
1864  case cmFUNC_STR:
1865  qDebug() << "FUNC_STR\n";
1866  break;
1867  case cmEND:
1868  qDebug() << "END\n";
1869  break;
1870  case cmUNKNOWN:
1871  qDebug() << "UNKNOWN\n";
1872  break;
1873  case cmBO:
1874  qDebug() << "BRACKET \"(\"\n";
1875  break;
1876  case cmBC:
1877  qDebug() << "BRACKET \")\"\n";
1878  break;
1879  case cmIF:
1880  qDebug() << "IF\n";
1881  break;
1882  case cmELSE:
1883  qDebug() << "ELSE\n";
1884  break;
1885  case cmENDIF:
1886  qDebug() << "ENDIF\n";
1887  break;
1888  default:
1889  qDebug() << topToken.GetCode() << " ";
1890  break;
1891  }
1892  }
1893  stOprt.pop();
1894  }
1895  qDebug() << Qt::dec;
1896 }
1898 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1899 /** @brief Evaluate an expression containing comma seperated subexpressions
1900  * @param [out] nStackSize The total number of results available
1901  * @return Pointer to the array containing all expression results
1902  *
1903  * This member function can be used to retriev all results of an expression made up of multiple comma seperated
1904  * subexpressions (i.e. "x+y,sin(x),cos(y)")
1905  */
1906 qreal* QmuParserBase::Eval(int &nStackSize) const
1907 {
1908  (this->*m_pParseFormula)();
1909  nStackSize = m_nFinalResultIdx;
1911  // (for historic reasons the stack starts at position 1)
1912  return &m_vStackBuffer[1];
1913 }
1915 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1916 void QmuParserBase::Eval(qreal *results, int nBulkSize) const
1917 {
1918  CreateRPN();
1920  int i = 0;
1922  #ifdef QMUP_USE_OPENMP
1923  //#define DEBUG_OMP_STUFF
1924  #ifdef DEBUG_OMP_STUFF
1925  int *pThread = new int[nBulkSize];
1926  int *pIdx = new int[nBulkSize];
1927  #endif
1929  int nMaxThreads = qMin(omp_get_max_threads(), s_MaxNumOpenMPThreads);
1930  // cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable
1931  int ct=0;
1932  omp_set_num_threads(nMaxThreads);
1934  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, nBulkSize/nMaxThreads) private(nThreadID)
1935  for (i=0; i<nBulkSize; ++i)
1936  {
1937  int nThreadID = omp_get_thread_num();
1938  results[i] = ParseCmdCodeBulk(i, nThreadID);
1940  #ifdef DEBUG_OMP_STUFF
1941  #pragma omp critical
1942  {
1943  pThread[ct] = nThreadID;
1944  pIdx[ct] = i;
1945  ct++;
1946  }
1947  #endif
1948  }
1950  #ifdef DEBUG_OMP_STUFF
1951  FILE *pFile = fopen("bulk_dbg.txt", "w");
1952  for (i=0; i<nBulkSize; ++i)
1953  {
1954  fprintf(pFile, "idx: %d thread: %d \n", pIdx[i], pThread[i]);
1955  }
1957  delete [] pIdx;
1958  delete [] pThread;
1960  fclose(pFile);
1961  #endif
1963  #else
1964  for (i=0; i<nBulkSize; ++i)
1965  {
1966  results[i] = ParseCmdCodeBulk(i, 0);
1967  }
1968  #endif
1969 }
1971 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1972 /**
1973  * @brief Set a function that can create variable pointer for unknown expression variables.
1974  * @param a_pFactory A pointer to the variable factory.
1975  * @param pUserData A user defined context pointer.
1976  */
1977 // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction
1978 void qmu::QmuParserBase::SetVarFactory(facfun_type a_pFactory, void *pUserData)
1979 {
1980  m_pTokenReader->SetVarCreator(a_pFactory, pUserData);
1981 }
1983 } // namespace qmu
Mathematical expressions parser (base parser engine).
Definition: qmuparserbase.h:66
void setDecimalPoint(const QChar &c)
void CheckOprt(const QString &a_sName, const QmuParserCallback &a_Callback, const QString &a_szCharSet) const
Check if a name contains invalid characters.
void Assign(const QmuParserBase &a_Parser)
Copy state of a parser object to this.
void AddCallback(const QString &a_strName, const QmuParserCallback &a_Callback, funmap_type &a_Storage, const QString &a_szCharSet)
Add a function or operator callback to the parser.
void CheckName(const QString &a_sName, const QString &a_szCharSet) const
Check if a name contains invalid characters.
QLocale getLocale() const
void InitTokenReader()
Initialize the token reader.
funmap_type m_OprtDef
Binary operator callbacks.
void SetArgSep(char_type cArgSep)
Set argument separator.
valbuf_type m_vStackBuffer
This is merely a buffer used for the stack in the cmd parsing routine.
QmuParserByteCode m_vRPN
The Bytecode class.
static QString GetVersion(EParserVersionInfo eInfo=pviFULL)
Returns the version of muparser.
stringbuf_type m_vStringVarBuf
void DefineStrConst(const QString &a_strName, const QString &a_strVal)
Define a new string constant.
void DefineOprt(const QString &a_sName, fun_type2 a_pFun, unsigned a_iPrec=0, EOprtAssociativity a_eAssociativity=oaLEFT, bool a_bAllowOpt=false)
Define a binary operator.
void setAllowSubexpressions(bool value)
EOprtAssociativity GetOprtAssociativity(const token_type &a_Tok) const
Get operator priority.
static const QStringList c_DefaultOprt
Identifiers for built in binary operators.
valmap_type m_ConstDef
user constants.
int GetOprtPrecedence(const token_type &a_Tok) const
Get operator priority.
QmuParserTokenReader token_reader_type
Typedef for the token reader.
strmap_type m_StrVarDef
user defined string constants
funmap_type m_FunDef
Map of function names and pointers.
void Q_NORETURN Error(EErrorCodes a_iErrc, int a_iPos=-1, const QString &a_sTok=QString()) const
Create an error containing the parse error position.
funmap_type m_PostOprtDef
Postfix operator callbacks.
void ReInit() const
Reset parser to string parsing mode and clear internal buffers.
void DefineVar(const QString &a_sName, qreal *a_pVar)
Add a user defined variable.
void ApplyRemainingOprt(QStack< token_type > &a_stOpt, QStack< token_type > &a_stVal) const
Apply a binary operator.
virtual void InitConst()=0
const QString & ValidNameChars() const
Virtual function that defines the characters allowed in name identifiers.
QString m_sInfixOprtChars
Charset for infix operator tokens.
static const int s_MaxNumOpenMPThreads
Maximum number of threads spawned by OpenMP when using the bulk mode.
QChar getDecimalPoint() const
int m_nIfElseCounter
Internal counter for keeping track of nested if-then-else clauses.
qreal ParseCmdCodeBulk(int nOffset, int nThreadID) const
Evaluate the RPN.
QLocale m_locale
The locale used by the parser.
QMap< int, QString > m_Numbers
Keep all numbers what exist in formula.
void Init()
Initialize user defined functions.
QChar getThousandsSeparator() const
void ApplyFunc(QStack< token_type > &a_stOpt, QStack< token_type > &a_stVal, int iArgCount) const
Apply a function token.
funmap_type m_InfixOprtDef
unary infix operator.
bool m_bBuiltInOp
Flag that can be used for switching built in operators on and off.
void CreateRPN() const
static bool g_DbgDumpStack
void ApplyBinOprt(QStack< token_type > &a_stOpt, QStack< token_type > &a_stVal) const
Performs the necessary steps to write code for the execution of binary operators into the bytecode.
void setThousandsSeparator(const QChar &c)
void DefinePostfixOprt(const QString &a_sFun, fun_type1 a_pFun, bool a_bAllowOpt=true)
Add a user defined operator.
const varmap_type & GetUsedVar() const
Return a map containing the used variables only.
virtual void InitFun()=0
stringbuf_type m_vStringBuf
String buffer, used for storing string function arguments.
token_type ApplyStrFunc(const token_type &a_FunTok, const QVector< token_type > &a_vArg) const
Execute a function that takes a single string argument.
void SetExpr(const QString &a_sExpr)
Set the formula.
QMap< int, QString > m_Tokens
Keep all tokens that we can translate.
void setLocale(const QLocale &value)
void SetVarFactory(facfun_type a_pFactory, void *pUserData=nullptr)
Set a function that can create variable pointer for unknown expression variables.
qreal ParseCmdCode() const
Parse the command code.
void ResetLocale()
Resets the locale.
virtual void OnDetectVar(const QString &pExpr, int &nStart, int &nEnd)
const QString & ValidInfixOprtChars() const
Virtual function that defines the characters allowed in infix operator definitions.
virtual void InitCharSets()=0
const QString & ValidOprtChars() const
Virtual function that defines the characters allowed in operator definitions.
QString m_sOprtChars
Charset for postfix/ binary operator tokens.
std::unique_ptr< token_reader_type > m_pTokenReader
Managed pointer to the token reader object.
ParseFunction m_pParseFormula
Pointer to the parser function.
varmap_type m_VarDef
user defind variables.
qreal ParseString() const
One of the two main parse functions.
static bool g_DbgDumpCmdCode
void ApplyIfElse(QStack< token_type > &a_stOpt, QStack< token_type > &a_stVal) const
void DefineConst(const QString &a_sName, qreal a_fVal)
Add a user defined constant.
QmuParserBase & operator=(const QmuParserBase &a_Parser)
Assignement operator.
virtual void InitOprt()=0
void DefineInfixOprt(const QString &a_sName, fun_type1 a_pFun, int a_iPrec=prINFIX, bool a_bAllowOpt=true)
Add a user defined operator.
QString m_sNameChars
Charset for names.
void AddIfElse(ECmdCode a_Oprt)
void AddFun(generic_fun_type a_pFun, int a_iArgc)
Add function to bytecode.
const SToken * GetBase() const
void AddStrFun(generic_fun_type a_pFun, int a_iArgc, int a_iIdx)
Add Strung function entry to the parser bytecode.
void AddOp(ECmdCode a_Oprt)
Add an operator identifier to bytecode.
void clear()
Delete the bytecode.
void AddBulkFun(generic_fun_type a_pFun, int a_iArgc)
Add a bulk function to bytecode.
void AddAssignOp(qreal *a_pVar)
Add an assignement operator.
Encapsulation of prototypes for a numerical parser function.
ECmdCode GetCode() const
Return the callback code.
void * GetAddr() const
Get the callback address for the parser function.
Error class of the parser.
void SetFormula(const QString &a_strFormula)
Set the expression related to this error.
ETypeCode GetType() const
EOprtAssociativity GetAssociativity() const
generic_fun_type GetFuncAddr() const
Return the address of the callback function assoziated with function and operator tokens.
void SetIdx(int a_iIdx)
Set an index associated with the token related data.
ECmdCode GetCode() const
Return the token type.
QmuParserToken & SetVal(TBase a_fVal, const TString &a_strTok=TString())
Make this token a value token.
int GetArgCount() const
Return the number of function arguments.
const TString & GetAsString() const
Return the token identifier.
TBase GetVal() const
Get value of the token.
TBase * GetVar() const
Get address of a variable token.
Namespace for mathematical applications.
qreal(* bulkfun_type10)(int, int, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal)
Callback type used for functions with five arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:287
std::map< QString, QmuParserCallback > funmap_type
Container for Callback objects.
string_type::value_type char_type
The character type used by the parser.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:202
qreal(* bulkfun_type4)(int, int, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal)
Callback type used for functions with four arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:269
qreal(* fun_type7)(qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal)
Callback type used for functions with five arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:245
qreal(* fun_type10)(qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal)
Callback type used for functions with five arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:254
qreal(* fun_type3)(qreal, qreal, qreal)
Callback type used for functions with three arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:233
qreal(* fun_type8)(qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal)
Callback type used for functions with five arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:248
Error codes.
Too few function parameters. (Example: "ite(1<2;2)")
Unexpected binary operator found.
binary operators may only be applied to value items of the same type
Invalid function, variable or constant name.
Conflict with current locale.
Invalid function, variable or constant name.
Trying to overload builtin operator.
Unexpected end of formula. (Example: "2+sin(")
Invalid callback function pointer.
A string function has been called with a different type of argument.
Name conflict.
A numerical function has been called with a non value type of argument.
Token cant be identified.
An unexpected semicolon has been found. (Example: "1;23")
An unexpected argument has been found.
result is a string
The Expression is empty.
Invalid function, variable or constant name.
Too many function parameters.
Internal error of any kind.
Invalid variable pointer.
Division by zero (currently unused)
qreal *(* facfun_type)(const QString &, void *)
Callback used for variable creation factory functions.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:306
qreal(* bulkfun_type5)(int, int, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal)
Callback type used for functions with five arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:272
Bytecode values.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:99
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:129
code for infix operators
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:140
@ cmBC
Operator item: closing bracket.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:118
@ cmLE
Operator item: less or equal.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:103
uninitialized item
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:142
@ cmSUB
Operator item: subtract.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:110
@ cmLAND
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:114
@ cmGT
Operator item: greater than.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:108
Code for a string token.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:137
@ cmFUNC
Code for a generic function item.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:134
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:130
@ cmEND
end of formula
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:141
Code for a function with a string parameter.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:135
@ cmLT
Operator item: less than.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:107
@ cmMUL
Operator item: multiply.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:111
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:128
@ cmGE
Operator item: greater or equal.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:104
@ cmADD
Operator item: add.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:109
Operator item: Assignment operator.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:116
For use in the ternary if-then-else operator.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:121
@ cmELSE
For use in the ternary if-then-else operator.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:120
@ cmEQ
Operator item: equals.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:106
Special callbacks for Bulk mode with an additional parameter for the bulk index.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:136
@ cmPOW2
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:131
function argument separator
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:122
@ cmPOW
Operator item: y to the power of ...
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:113
@ cmLOR
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:115
@ cmNEQ
Operator item: not equal.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:105
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:127
user defined binary operator
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:138
@ cmIF
For use in the ternary if-then-else operator.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:119
@ cmVAL
value item
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:124
code for postfix operators
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:139
@ cmDIV
Operator item: division.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:112
@ cmVAR
variable item
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:123
@ cmBO
Operator item: opening bracket.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:117
qreal(* fun_type6)(qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal)
Callback type used for functions with five arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:242
qreal(* fun_type4)(qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal)
Callback type used for functions with four arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:236
qreal(* fun_type9)(qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal)
Callback type used for functions with five arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:251
qreal(* bulkfun_type1)(int, int, qreal)
Callback type used for functions with a single arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:260
qreal(* fun_type2)(qreal, qreal)
Callback type used for functions with two arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:230
qreal(* bulkfun_type2)(int, int, qreal, qreal)
Callback type used for functions with two arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:263
qreal(* generic_fun_type)()
Callback type used for functions without arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:221
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:157
@ pviFULL
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:159
qreal(* bulkfun_type0)(int, int)
Callback type used for functions without arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:257
qreal(* strfun_type3)(const QString &, qreal, qreal)
Callback type used for functions taking a string and two values as arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:299
Parser operator precedence values.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:165
@ oaNONE
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:168
@ oaLEFT
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:166
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:167
qreal(* fun_type1)(qreal)
Callback type used for functions with a single arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:227
qreal(* bulkfun_type7)(int, int, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal)
Callback type used for functions with five arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:278
qreal(* multfun_type)(const qreal *, int)
Callback type used for functions with a variable argument list.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:290
qreal(* strfun_type2)(const QString &, qreal)
Callback type used for functions taking a string and a value as arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:296
qreal(* fun_type0)()
Callback type used for functions without arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:224
@ prPOW
power operator priority (highest)
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:182
@ prLAND
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:177
@ prLOR
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:176
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:180
Postfix operator priority (currently unused)
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:186
@ prCMP
comparsion operators
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:179
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:181
qreal(* bulkfun_type6)(int, int, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal)
Callback type used for functions with five arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:275
qreal(* bulkfun_type8)(int, int, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal)
Callback type used for functions with five arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:281
qreal(* bulkfun_type3)(int, int, qreal, qreal, qreal)
Callback type used for functions with three arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:266
qreal(* bulkfun_type9)(int, int, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal)
Callback type used for functions with five arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:284
@ tpDBL
Floating point variables.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:151
@ tpSTR
String type (Function arguments and constants only, no string variables)
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:150
std::map< QString, qreal * > varmap_type
Type used for storing variables.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:210
qreal(* fun_type5)(qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal, qreal)
Callback type used for functions with five arguments.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:239
qreal(* strfun_type1)(const QString &)
Callback type used for functions taking a string as an argument.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:293
QT_WARNING_POP static Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool QmuFuzzyComparePossibleNulls(double p1, double p2)
Definition: qmudef.h:61
This file contains the class definition of the qmuparser engine.
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:35
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:36
Definition: qmuparserdef.h:74