80 :
VException(e), id(e.BadId()), key(e.BadKey()){}
105 error = QString(
"ExceptionBadId: %1, id = %2").arg(this->error).arg(
109 error = QString(
"ExceptionBadId: %1, id = %2").arg(this->error).arg(
The VExceptionBadId class for exception bad id.
VExceptionBadId(const QString &error, const quint32 &id)
VExceptionBadId exception bad id.
QString BadKey() const
BadKey return bad key.
VExceptionBadId & operator=(const VExceptionBadId &e)
virtual QString ErrorMessage() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
ErrorMessage return main error message.
quint32 BadId() const
BadId return bad id.
The VException class parent for all exception. Could be use for abstract exception.
QString error
error string with error
VException & operator=(const VException &e)