67 Q_ASSERT_X(not
str.isEmpty(), Q_FUNC_INFO,
"Error converting string is empty");
98 return QString(
"ExceptionConversionError: %1 \"%2\"").arg(
The VExceptionConversionError class for exception of conversion error.
QString str
str string, where happend error
VExceptionConversionError & operator=(const VExceptionConversionError &e)
QString String() const
String return string, where happend error.
virtual QString ErrorMessage() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
ErrorMessage return main error message.
VExceptionConversionError(const QString &error, const QString &str)
VExceptionConversionError exception conversion error.
The VException class parent for all exception. Could be use for abstract exception.
QString error
error string with error
VException & operator=(const VException &e)