55 #include <QMetaObject>
62 #include "../vmisc/def.h"
63 #include "../vlayout/vbank.h"
72 VSettings(Format format, Scope scope,
const QString &organization,
const QString &application = QString(),
73 QObject *parent =
134 QMarginsF
const QMarginsF &def = QMarginsF())
bool GetLayoutSaveLength() const
void setTiledPDFOrientation(PageOrientation value)
QString GetUsername() const
void SetLabelLanguage(const QString &value)
void SetProxyPort(const QString &value)
void SetProxy(const bool &value)
void SetGraphicalOutput(const bool &value)
void SetLayoutGroup(const Cases &value)
static bool GetDefLayoutSaveLength()
QString GetUserPassword() const
bool GetGraphicalOutput() const
void SetUsername(const QString &value)
static qreal GetDefLayoutWidth()
QString GetProxyPort() const
void SetProxyAddress(const QString &value)
quint8 GetMultiplier() const
static bool GetDefLayoutRotate()
static QString GetDefPathLayout()
bool GetStripOptimization() const
QString GetLabelLanguage() const
static Cases GetDefLayoutGroup()
bool GetSavePassword() const
QString GetProxyUser() const
void SetSavePassword(const bool &value)
static QString GetDefPathPattern()
VSettings(Format format, Scope scope, const QString &organization, const QString &application=QString(), QObject *parent=nullptr)
qreal GetLayoutPaperHeight() const
static bool GetDefTextAsPaths()
void setTiledPDFMargins(const QMarginsF &value, const Unit &unit)
VSettings::setTiledPDFMargins sets the setting tiled pdf margins to the given value.
qreal GetLayoutWidth() const
void setTextAsPaths(bool value)
void SetLayoutPaperHeight(qreal value)
QString GetServer() const
void SetFields(const QMarginsF &value)
Cases GetLayoutGroup() const
void SetPathPattern(const QString &value)
void SetLayoutAutoCrop(bool value)
qreal GetLayoutShift() const
void setTiledPDFPaperHeight(qreal value, const Unit &unit)
VSettings::setTiledPDFPaperHeight sets the tiled pdf paper height.
static quint8 GetDefMultiplier()
void SetLayoutSaveLength(bool value)
bool GetIgnoreAllFields() const
void SetServer(const QString &value)
void SetPathLayout(const QString &value)
static bool GetDefLayoutAutoCrop()
void SetLayoutRotate(bool value)
void SetMultiplier(quint8 value)
QString GetPathPattern() const
QMarginsF GetFields(const QMarginsF &def=QMarginsF()) const
void SetLayoutRotationIncrease(int value)
void SetLayoutWidth(qreal value)
void SetLayoutPaperWidth(qreal value)
qreal getTiledPDFPaperWidth(const Unit &unit) const
VSettings::getTiledPDFPaperWidth returns the paper height of tiled pdf in the desired unit.
QMarginsF GetTiledPDFMargins(const Unit &unit) const
VSettings::GetTiledPDFMargins returns the tiled pdf margins in the given unit. When the setting is ca...
QString getLayoutPath() const
bool GetLayoutAutoCrop() const
QString GetProxyPass() const
QString GetProxyAddress() const
static bool GetDefIgnoreAllFields()
void SetUserPassword(const QString &value)
static int GetDefLayoutRotationIncrease()
void SetServerSecure(const bool &value)
void SetLayoutShift(qreal value)
qreal getTiledPDFPaperHeight(const Unit &unit) const
VSettings::getTiledPDFPaperHeight returns the paper height of tiled pdf in the desired unit.
void SetStripOptimization(bool value)
bool GetServerSecure() const
bool GetLayoutUnitePages() const
bool GetLayoutRotate() const
void SetLayoutUnitePages(bool value)
void SetProxyUser(const QString &value)
void SetIgnoreAllFields(bool value)
PageOrientation getTiledPDFOrientation() const
void SetProxyPass(const QString &value)
qreal GetLayoutPaperWidth() const
bool GetTextAsPaths() const
int GetLayoutRotationIncrease() const
void setTiledPDFPaperWidth(qreal value, const Unit &unit)
VSettings::setTiledPDFPaperWidth sets the tiled pdf paper width.
static qreal GetDefLayoutShift()
static bool GetDefLayoutUnitePages()
static bool GetDefStripOptimization()