#include <pattern_piece_dialog.h>
Public Slots | |
virtual void | ChosenObject (quint32 id, const SceneObject &type) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
ChosenObject adds selected object of id and type to list of path items. More... | |
virtual void | ShowDialog (bool click) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
![]() | |
virtual void | ChosenObject (quint32 id, const SceneObject &type) |
ChosenObject gets id and type of selected object. Save right data and ignore wrong. More... | |
virtual void | SelectedObject (bool selected, quint32 object, quint32 tool) |
void | NamePointChanged () |
NamePointChanged check name of point. More... | |
virtual void | DialogAccepted () |
DialogAccepted save data and emit signal about closed dialog. More... | |
virtual void | DialogApply () |
DialogApply save data and emit signal DialogApplied. More... | |
virtual void | DialogRejected () |
DialogRejected emit signal dialog rejected. More... | |
void | FormulaChanged () |
formula check formula More... | |
void | FormulaChangedPlainText () |
FormulaChangedPlainText check formula (plain text editor editor) More... | |
void | ArrowUp () |
ArrowUp set angle value 90 degree. More... | |
void | ArrowDown () |
ArrowDown set angle value 270 degree. More... | |
void | ArrowLeft () |
ArrowLeft set angle value 180 degree. More... | |
void | ArrowRight () |
ArrowRight set angle value 0 degree. More... | |
void | ArrowLeftUp () |
ArrowLeftUp set angle value 135 degree. More... | |
void | ArrowLeftDown () |
ArrowLeftDown set angle value 225 degree. More... | |
void | ArrowRightUp () |
ArrowRightUp set angle value 45 degree. More... | |
void | ArrowRightDown () |
ArrowRightDown set angle value 315 degree. More... | |
virtual void | EvalFormula () |
EvalFormula evaluate formula. More... | |
virtual void | PointNameChanged () |
Public Member Functions | |
PatternPieceDialog (const VContainer *data, const quint32 &toolId, QWidget *parent=nullptr) | |
virtual | ~PatternPieceDialog () |
void | pageChanged (QListWidgetItem *current, QListWidgetItem *previous) |
void | enableApply (bool enable) |
VPiece | GetPiece () const |
void | SetPiece (const VPiece &piece) |
QString | getSeamAllowanceWidthFormula () const |
![]() | |
DialogTool (const VContainer *data, const quint32 &toolId, QWidget *parent=nullptr) | |
DialogTool create dialog. More... | |
virtual | ~DialogTool () Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
VAbstractTool * | GetAssociatedTool () |
void | SetAssociatedTool (VAbstractTool *tool) |
virtual void | ShowDialog (bool click) |
virtual void | Build (const Tool &type) |
virtual void | SetPiecesList (const QVector< quint32 > &list) |
quint32 | GetToolId () const |
void | SetToolId (const quint32 &value) |
QString | getPointName () const |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | SaveData () Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
SaveData Put dialog data in local variables. More... | |
virtual void | CheckState () Q_DECL_FINAL |
SaveData Put dialog data in local variables. More... | |
virtual bool | eventFilter (QObject *object, QEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | closeEvent (QCloseEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
closeEvent handle when dialog cloded More... | |
virtual void | showEvent (QShowEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
showEvent handle when window show More... | |
virtual void | resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
![]() | |
virtual void | keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
void | FillComboBoxPiecesList (QComboBox *box, const QVector< quint32 > &list) |
void | FillComboBoxPoints (QComboBox *box, FillComboBox rule=FillComboBox::Whole, const quint32 &ch1=NULL_ID, const quint32 &ch2=NULL_ID) const |
FillComboBoxPoints fill comboBox list of points. More... | |
void | FillComboBoxArcs (QComboBox *box, FillComboBox rule=FillComboBox::Whole, const quint32 &ch1=NULL_ID, const quint32 &ch2=NULL_ID) const |
void | FillComboBoxSplines (QComboBox *box) const |
void | FillComboBoxSplinesPath (QComboBox *box) const |
void | FillComboBoxCurves (QComboBox *box) const |
void | FillComboBoxTypeLine (QComboBox *box, const QMap< QString, QIcon > &stylesPics) const |
FillComboBoxTypeLine fill comboBox list of type lines. More... | |
void | FillComboBoxLineColors (QComboBox *box) const |
void | FillComboBoxCrossCirclesPoints (QComboBox *box) const |
void | FillComboBoxVCrossCurvesPoint (QComboBox *box) const |
void | FillComboBoxHCrossCurvesPoint (QComboBox *box) const |
QString | GetComboBoxCurrentData (const QComboBox *box, const QString &def) const |
void | ChangeCurrentData (QComboBox *box, const QVariant &value) const |
ChangeCurrentData select item in combobox by id. More... | |
void | ValFormulaChanged (bool &flag, QLineEdit *edit, QTimer *timer, const QString &postfix=QString()) |
ValFormulaChanged handle change formula. More... | |
void | ValFormulaChanged (bool &flag, QPlainTextEdit *edit, QTimer *timer, const QString &postfix=QString()) |
qreal | Eval (const QString &text, bool &flag, QLabel *label, const QString &postfix, bool checkZero=true, bool checkLessThanZero=false) |
Eval evaluate formula and show result. More... | |
qreal | normalize (const qreal value, const qreal start, const qreal end) |
void | setCurrentPointId (QComboBox *box, const quint32 &value, FillComboBox rule=FillComboBox::NoChildren, const quint32 &ch1=NULL_ID, const quint32 &ch2=NULL_ID) const |
void | setCurrentSplineId (QComboBox *box, const quint32 &value) const |
setCurrentSplineId set current spline id in combobox More... | |
void | setCurrentArcId (QComboBox *box, const quint32 &value, FillComboBox rule=FillComboBox::NoChildren, const quint32 &ch1=NULL_ID, const quint32 &ch2=NULL_ID) const |
setCurrentArcId More... | |
void | setCurrentSplinePathId (QComboBox *box, const quint32 &value) const |
setCurrentSplinePathId set current splinePath id in combobox More... | |
void | setCurrentCurveId (QComboBox *box, const quint32 &value) const |
quint32 | getCurrentObjectId (QComboBox *box) const |
getCurrentPointId return current point id stored in combobox More... | |
template<typename T > | |
T | getCurrentCrossPoint (QComboBox *box) const |
bool | SetObject (const quint32 &id, QComboBox *box, const QString &toolTip) |
void | DeployFormula (QPlainTextEdit *formula, QPushButton *buttonGrowLength, int formulaBaseHeight) |
template<typename T > | |
void | initializeOkCancelApply (T *ui) |
initializeOkCancelApply initialize OK / Cancel and Apply buttons More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | initializeOkCancel (T *ui) |
initializeOkCancel initialize OK and Cancel buttons More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | initializeFormulaUi (T *ui) |
initializeFormulaUi initialize ui object for the formula field More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | AddVisualization () |
template<typename T > | |
QVector< T > | GetListInternals (const QListWidget *list) const |
void | ChangeColor (QWidget *widget, const QColor &color) |
virtual void | ShowVisualization () |
void | MoveCursorToEnd (QPlainTextEdit *plainTextEdit) const |
quint32 | DNumber (const QString &baseName) const |
NodeInfo | getNodeInfo (const VPieceNode &node, bool showNotch=false) const |
void | newNodeItem (QListWidget *listWidget, const VPieceNode &node, bool nodeExcluded=true, bool isDuplicate=false) |
void | initializeNodeAngles (QComboBox *box) |
Private Member Functions | |
VPiece | CreatePiece () const |
void | newMainPathItem (const VPieceNode &node) |
void | newCustomSeamAllowance (const CustomSARecord &record) |
void | newInternalPath (quint32 path) |
void | newAnchorPoint (quint32 anchorPoint) |
QString | getPathName (quint32 path, bool reverse=false) const |
QString | getPieceColor () const |
void | setPieceColor (const QString &value) |
QString | getPieceFill () const |
void | setPieceFill (const QString &value) |
bool | isInLayout () const |
void | setInLayout (const bool &state) |
bool | getPieceLock () const |
void | setPieceLock (const bool &state) |
bool | isMainPathValid () const |
void | validateObjects (bool value) |
bool | isMainPathClockwise () const |
void | updateCurrentCustomSARecord () |
void | updateCurrentInternalPathRecord () |
QListWidgetItem * | getItemById (quint32 id) |
quint32 | getPreviousId () const |
VPieceNode | getLastNode () const |
bool | pointNodesExist () const |
void | setCurrentBeforeSeamAllowance (const QString &formula) |
void | setCurrentAfterSeamAllowance (const QString &formula) |
void | updateNodeBeforeSeamAllowance (const QString &formula) |
void | updateNodeAfterSeamAllowance (const QString &formula) |
void | initializeMainPathTab () |
void | initializeSeamAllowanceTab () |
void | initializeNodesList () |
void | initializeNotchesList () |
void | initializeCSAPoint (QComboBox *box) |
void | initAnchorPoint (QComboBox *box) |
void | initializeSAIncludeType () |
void | initializeInternalPathsTab () |
void | initializePropertiesTab () |
void | initializeLabelsTab () |
void | initializeGrainlineTab () |
void | initializeAnchorsTab () |
void | initializeNotchesTab () |
void | initAnchorPointComboboxes () |
void | setSeamAllowanceWidthFormula (const QString &formula) |
void | setGrainlineAngle (QString angleFormula) |
void | setGrainlineLength (QString lengthFormula) |
void | setPieceLabelWidth (QString widthFormula) |
void | setPieceLabelHeight (QString heightFormula) |
void | setPieceLabelAngle (QString angleFormula) |
void | setPatternLabelWidth (QString widthFormula) |
void | setPatternLabelHeight (QString heightFormula) |
void | setPatternLabelAngle (QString angleFormula) |
void | showAnchorPoints () |
void | setMoveExclusions () |
QString | createPieceName () const |
void | reverseNode (QListWidgetItem *rowItem) |
void | duplicateNode (QListWidgetItem *rowItem) |
void | excludeNode (QListWidgetItem *rowItem) |
void | setNotch (QListWidgetItem *rowItem, bool isNotch, NotchType notchType) |
void | setCurrentText (QComboBox *box, const QString &text) const |
qreal | getFormulaValue (QPlainTextEdit *text) const |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
void | DialogClosed (int result) |
DialogClosed signal dialog closed. More... | |
void | DialogApplied () |
DialogApplied emit signal dialog apply changes. More... | |
void | ToolTip (const QString &toolTip) |
ToolTip emit tooltipe for tool. More... | |
![]() | |
static void | moveListRowTop (QListWidget *list) |
static void | moveListRowUp (QListWidget *list) |
static void | moveListRowDown (QListWidget *list) |
static void | moveListRowBottom (QListWidget *list) |
![]() | |
static int | FindNotExcludedNodeDown (QListWidget *listWidget, int candidate) |
static int | FindNotExcludedNodeUp (QListWidget *listWidget, int candidate) |
static bool | isFirstPointSameAsLast (QListWidget *listWidget) |
static bool | doublePointsExist (QListWidget *listWidget) |
static bool | isEachPointNameUnique (QListWidget *listWidget) |
static QString | DialogWarningIcon () |
static QFont | NodeFont (bool nodeExcluded) |
![]() | |
const VContainer * | data |
data container with data More... | |
bool | isInitialized |
isInitialized true if window is initialized More... | |
bool | flagName |
flagName true if name is correct More... | |
bool | flagFormula |
flagFormula true if formula correct More... | |
bool | flagError |
flagError use this flag if for you do not enought More... | |
QTimer * | timerFormula |
timerFormula timer for check formula More... | |
QPushButton * | ok_Button |
ok_Button button ok More... | |
QPushButton * | apply_Button |
apply_Button button apply More... | |
QDoubleSpinBox * | spinBoxAngle |
spinBoxAngle spinbox for angle More... | |
QPlainTextEdit * | plainTextEditFormula |
plainTextEditFormula formula More... | |
QLabel * | labelResultCalculation |
labelResultCalculation label with result of calculation More... | |
QLabel * | labelEditNamePoint |
labelEditNamePoint label used when need show wrong name of point More... | |
QLabel * | labelEditFormula |
labelEditFormula label used when need show wrong formula More... | |
const QColor | okColor |
const QColor | errorColor |
VAbstractTool * | associatedTool |
associatedTool vdrawtool associated with opened dialog. More... | |
quint32 | toolId |
bool | prepare |
prepare show if we prepare. Show dialog after finish working with visual part of tool More... | |
QString | pointName |
pointName name of point More... | |
qint32 | number |
number number of handled objects More... | |
QPointer< Visualization > | vis |
Definition at line 78 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
PatternPieceDialog::PatternPieceDialog | ( | const VContainer * | data, |
const quint32 & | toolId, | ||
QWidget * | parent = nullptr |
) |
Definition at line 110 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References applyAllowed, DialogTool::ChangeColor(), CheckState(), DialogTool::data, enableApply(), flagMainPath, DialogTool::flagName, initializeAnchorsTab(), initializeGrainlineTab(), initializeInternalPathsTab(), initializeLabelsTab(), initializeMainPathTab(), initializeNotchesTab(), DialogTool::initializeOkCancelApply(), initializePropertiesTab(), initializeSeamAllowanceTab(), isMainPathValid(), DialogTool::okColor, pageChanged(), Properties, ui, and DialogTool::vis.
virtual |
Definition at line 191 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References m_anchorPoints, and ui.
privateslot |
Definition at line 2303 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References flagAfterFormula, DialogTool::labelEditFormula, DialogTool::labelResultCalculation, m_timerWidthAfter, qApp, ui, UnitsToStr(), and DialogTool::ValFormulaChanged().
Referenced by initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2293 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References flagBeforeFormula, DialogTool::labelEditFormula, DialogTool::labelResultCalculation, m_timerWidthBefore, qApp, ui, UnitsToStr(), and DialogTool::ValFormulaChanged().
Referenced by initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
protectedvirtual |
SaveData Put dialog data in local variables.
Reimplemented from DialogTool.
Definition at line 533 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::apply_Button, applyAllowed, clearErrorText(), flagAfterFormula, flagBeforeFormula, DialogTool::flagFormula, flagGrainlineAnchor, flagGrainlineFormula, flagMainPath, DialogTool::flagName, flagPatternLabelAnchor, flagPatternLabelAngle, flagPatternLabelFormula, flagPieceLabelAnchor, flagPieceLabelAngle, flagPieceLabelFormula, DialogTool::ok_Button, Paths, SCASSERT, SeamAllowance, setErrorText(), and ui.
Referenced by enabledGrainline(), enabledPatternLabel(), enabledPieceLabel(), grainlineAnchorChanged(), patternLabelAnchorChanged(), PatternPieceDialog(), pieceColorChanged(), pieceLabelAnchorChanged(), pieceNameChanged(), updateGrainlineValues(), updatePatternLabelValues(), updatePieceLabelValues(), and validateObjects().
virtualslot |
ChosenObject adds selected object of id and type to list of path items.
id | id of object (points, arcs, splines, spline paths) |
type | type of scene object |
Definition at line 365 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References applyAllowed, Arc, VPiecePath::CountNodes(), CreatePiece(), DialogTool::data, ElArc, VContainer::GeometricObject(), VContainer::GetGObject(), getItemById(), getLastNode(), VPiece::GetPath(), getPreviousId(), VPieceNode::GetReverse(), VAbstractPiece::isClockwise(), isMainPathValid(), Line, m_beep, VPiece::MainPathPoints(), newMainPathItem(), NodeArc, NodeElArc, NodePoint, NodeSpline, NodeSplinePath, NULL_ID, Piece, Point, DialogTool::prepare, qApp, SCASSERT, Spline, SplinePath, DialogTool::ToolTip(), ui, Unknown, validateObjects(), and DialogTool::vis.
privateslot |
Definition at line 582 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References ui.
Referenced by CheckState(), patternLabelAnchorChanged(), pieceLabelAnchorChanged(), pieceNameChanged(), resetGrainlineWarning(), and resetLabelsWarning().
protectedvirtual |
closeEvent handle when dialog cloded
event | event |
Reimplemented from DialogTool.
Definition at line 695 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::closeEvent(), and ui.
private |
Definition at line 2457 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References applyAllowed, DialogTool::data, DialogTool::getCurrentObjectId(), VPatternLabelData::getFontSize(), anonymous_namespace{pattern_piece_dialog.cpp}::getFormulaFromUser(), getFormulaValue(), VPiece::GetGrainlineGeometry(), VPiece::GetPath(), VPiece::GetPatternInfo(), VPiece::GetPatternPieceData(), getPieceColor(), getPieceFill(), getPieceLock(), isInLayout(), m_mx, m_my, m_oldData, m_oldGeom, m_oldGrainline, m_pieceLabelLines, m_saWidth, VPiecePath::PathPoints(), VPiece::setAnchors(), VPieceLabelData::SetAnnotation(), VGrainlineData::SetArrowType(), VGrainlineData::setBottomAnchorPoint(), VPatternLabelData::setBottomRightAnchorPoint(), VPatternLabelData::setCenterAnchorPoint(), VGrainlineData::setCenterAnchorPoint(), VAbstractPiece::setColor(), VPiece::SetCustomSARecords(), VAbstractPiece::setFill(), VPieceLabelData::SetFoldPosition(), VPatternLabelData::SetFontSize(), VAbstractPiece::SetForbidFlipping(), VAbstractPiece::setHideSeamLine(), VPiece::SetInLayout(), VPiece::SetInternalPaths(), VPiece::setIsLocked(), VPatternLabelData::SetLabelHeight(), VPieceLabelData::SetLabelTemplate(), VPatternLabelData::SetLabelWidth(), VGrainlineData::SetLength(), VPieceLabelData::SetLetter(), VAbstractPiece::SetMx(), VAbstractPiece::SetMy(), VAbstractPiece::SetName(), VPiecePath::SetNodes(), VPieceLabelData::SetOnFold(), VPieceLabelData::SetOrientation(), VAbstractFloatItemData::SetPos(), VPieceLabelData::SetQuantity(), VPatternLabelData::SetRotation(), VGrainlineData::SetRotation(), VPieceLabelData::SetRotationWay(), VAbstractPiece::SetSeamAllowance(), VAbstractPiece::SetSeamAllowanceBuiltIn(), VPiece::setSeamAllowanceWidthFormula(), VPieceLabelData::SetTilt(), VGrainlineData::setTopAnchorPoint(), VPatternLabelData::setTopLeftAnchorPoint(), VAbstractFloatItemData::SetVisible(), and ui.
Referenced by ChosenObject(), GetPiece(), isMainPathClockwise(), isMainPathValid(), nodeChanged(), nodeListChanged(), notchChanged(), and setSeamAllowanceWidthFormula().
private |
Definition at line 3599 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::data, and VContainer::DataPieces().
Referenced by initializeLabelsTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1263 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References CustomSARecord::endPoint, SCASSERT, and ui.
Referenced by initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1281 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References CustomSARecord::includeType, SCASSERT, and ui.
Referenced by initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1245 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References SCASSERT, CustomSARecord::startPoint, and ui.
Referenced by initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1339 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References CustomSARecord::endPoint, CustomSARecord::includeType, initializeCSAPoint(), initializeSAIncludeType(), SCASSERT, CustomSARecord::startPoint, and ui.
Referenced by initializeSeamAllowanceTab(), nodeListChanged(), and SetPiece().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2284 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::flagFormula, DialogTool::labelEditFormula, DialogTool::labelResultCalculation, m_timerWidth, qApp, ui, UnitsToStr(), and DialogTool::ValFormulaChanged().
Referenced by initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
private |
Definition at line 3644 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References VPieceNode::GetTypeTool(), DialogTool::newNodeItem(), NodePoint, VPieceNode::SetExcluded(), and ui.
Referenced by eventFilter(), and showMainPathContextMenu().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2269 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::data, EditFormulaDialog::GetFormula(), anonymous_namespace{pattern_piece_dialog.cpp}::getFormulaFromUser(), qApp, EditFormulaDialog::setCheckLessThanZero(), setCurrentAfterSeamAllowance(), EditFormulaDialog::SetFormula(), EditFormulaDialog::setPostfix(), DialogTool::toolId, ui, and UnitsToStr().
Referenced by initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2254 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::data, EditFormulaDialog::GetFormula(), anonymous_namespace{pattern_piece_dialog.cpp}::getFormulaFromUser(), qApp, EditFormulaDialog::setCheckLessThanZero(), setCurrentBeforeSeamAllowance(), EditFormulaDialog::SetFormula(), EditFormulaDialog::setPostfix(), DialogTool::toolId, ui, and UnitsToStr().
Referenced by initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2239 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::data, EditFormulaDialog::GetFormula(), getSeamAllowanceWidthFormula(), qApp, EditFormulaDialog::setCheckLessThanZero(), EditFormulaDialog::SetFormula(), EditFormulaDialog::setPostfix(), setSeamAllowanceWidthFormula(), DialogTool::toolId, and UnitsToStr().
Referenced by initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1936 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::data, EditFormulaDialog::GetFormula(), NULL_ID, qApp, EditFormulaDialog::setCheckZero(), EditFormulaDialog::SetFormula(), setGrainlineAngle(), setGrainlineLength(), ui, and updateGrainlineValues().
Referenced by initializeGrainlineTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2428 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References GetPiece(), EditLabelTemplateDialog::GetTemplate(), qApp, EditLabelTemplateDialog::SetPiece(), and EditLabelTemplateDialog::SetTemplate().
Referenced by initializeLabelsTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2047 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::data, EditFormulaDialog::GetFormula(), NULL_ID, qApp, EditFormulaDialog::setCheckZero(), EditFormulaDialog::SetFormula(), setPatternLabelAngle(), setPatternLabelHeight(), setPatternLabelWidth(), ui, and updatePatternLabelValues().
Referenced by initializeLabelsTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2444 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References GetPiece(), EditLabelTemplateDialog::GetTemplate(), m_pieceLabelLines, qApp, EditLabelTemplateDialog::SetPiece(), and EditLabelTemplateDialog::SetTemplate().
Referenced by initializeLabelsTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1987 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::data, EditFormulaDialog::GetFormula(), NULL_ID, qApp, EditFormulaDialog::setCheckZero(), EditFormulaDialog::SetFormula(), setPieceLabelAngle(), setPieceLabelHeight(), setPieceLabelWidth(), ui, and updatePieceLabelValues().
Referenced by initializeLabelsTab().
void PatternPieceDialog::enableApply | ( | bool | enable | ) |
Definition at line 221 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::apply_Button, applyAllowed, Count, SCASSERT, SeamAllowance, and ui.
Referenced by PatternPieceDialog().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1042 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References initializeNodesList(), and ui.
Referenced by initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1328 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References currentSeamAllowance, qApp, and ui.
Referenced by initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1317 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References currentSeamAllowance, qApp, and ui.
Referenced by initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1886 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References CheckState(), flagGrainlineFormula, grainlineAnchorChanged(), resetGrainlineWarning(), ui, and updateGrainlineValues().
Referenced by initializeGrainlineTab(), and SetPiece().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1919 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References CheckState(), flagPatternLabelAngle, flagPatternLabelFormula, patternLabelAnchorChanged(), resetLabelsWarning(), ui, and updatePatternLabelValues().
Referenced by initializeLabelsTab(), and SetPiece().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1902 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References CheckState(), flagPieceLabelAngle, flagPieceLabelFormula, pieceLabelAnchorChanged(), resetLabelsWarning(), ui, and updatePieceLabelValues().
Referenced by initializeLabelsTab(), and SetPiece().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1025 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References ui.
Referenced by initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2223 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References anonymous_namespace{pattern_piece_dialog.cpp}::enableDefaultButton(), DialogTool::Eval(), flagAfterFormula, anonymous_namespace{pattern_piece_dialog.cpp}::getFormulaFromUser(), DialogTool::labelEditFormula, qApp, ui, UnitsToStr(), and updateNodeAfterSeamAllowance().
Referenced by evaluateDefaultWidth(), and initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2207 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References anonymous_namespace{pattern_piece_dialog.cpp}::enableDefaultButton(), DialogTool::Eval(), flagBeforeFormula, anonymous_namespace{pattern_piece_dialog.cpp}::getFormulaFromUser(), DialogTool::labelEditFormula, qApp, ui, UnitsToStr(), and updateNodeBeforeSeamAllowance().
Referenced by evaluateDefaultWidth(), and initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2187 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References VContainer::AddVariable(), currentSeamAllowance, DialogTool::data, DialogTool::Eval(), evaluateAfterWidth(), evaluateBeforeWidth(), DialogTool::flagFormula, DialogTool::labelEditFormula, m_saWidth, qApp, ui, and UnitsToStr().
Referenced by initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from DialogTool.
Definition at line 597 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References Castle, Diamond, duplicateNode(), DialogTool::eventFilter(), excludeNode(), reverseNode(), SCASSERT, setNotch(), Slit, TNotch, ui, UNotch, VExternal, and VInternal.
private |
Definition at line 3659 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::getNodeInfo(), NodeInfo::icon, VPieceNode::isExcluded(), NodeInfo::name, DialogTool::NodeFont(), and VPieceNode::SetExcluded().
Referenced by eventFilter(), and showMainPathContextMenu().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2113 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::DeployFormula(), m_lengthBaseHeight, and ui.
Referenced by initializeGrainlineTab(), and setGrainlineLength().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2107 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::DeployFormula(), m_rotationBaseHeight, and ui.
Referenced by initializeGrainlineTab(), and setGrainlineAngle().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2154 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::DeployFormula(), m_patternLabelAngleBaseHeight, and ui.
Referenced by initializeLabelsTab(), and setPatternLabelAngle().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2147 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::DeployFormula(), m_patternLabelHeightBaseHeight, and ui.
Referenced by initializeLabelsTab(), and setPatternLabelHeight().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2140 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::DeployFormula(), m_patternLabelWidthBaseHeight, and ui.
Referenced by initializeLabelsTab(), and setPatternLabelWidth().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2133 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::DeployFormula(), m_pieceLabelAngleBaseHeight, and ui.
Referenced by initializeLabelsTab(), and setPieceLabelAngle().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2126 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::DeployFormula(), m_pieceLabelHeightBaseHeight, and ui.
Referenced by initializeLabelsTab(), and setPieceLabelHeight().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2119 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::DeployFormula(), m_pieceLabelWidthBaseHeight, and ui.
Referenced by initializeLabelsTab(), and setPieceLabelWidth().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2326 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::DeployFormula(), m_afterWidthFormula, and ui.
Referenced by initializeSeamAllowanceTab(), and nodeChanged().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2319 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::DeployFormula(), m_beforeWidthFormula, and ui.
Referenced by initializeSeamAllowanceTab(), and nodeChanged().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2313 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::DeployFormula(), m_widthFormula, and ui.
Referenced by initializeSeamAllowanceTab(), and setSeamAllowanceWidthFormula().
private |
Definition at line 3706 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::data, VContainer::DataVariables(), Calculator::EvalFormula(), VContainer::GetPatternUnit(), qApp, and ToPixel().
Referenced by CreatePiece().
private |
Definition at line 2787 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References VPieceNode::GetId(), and ui.
Referenced by ChosenObject(), nodeAngleChanged(), notchAngleChanged(), notchCountChanged(), notchLengthChanged(), notchSubTypeChanged(), notchTypeChanged(), notchWidthChanged(), showNotchChanged(), showSeamlineNotchChanged(), updateNodeAfterSeamAllowance(), and updateNodeBeforeSeamAllowance().
private |
Definition at line 2819 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References ui.
Referenced by ChosenObject().
private |
Definition at line 2586 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::data, VPiecePath::GetName(), VContainer::GetPiecePath(), and NULL_ID.
Referenced by newCustomSeamAllowance(), newInternalPath(), showCustomSAContextMenu(), updateCurrentCustomSARecord(), and updateCurrentInternalPathRecord().
VPiece PatternPieceDialog::GetPiece | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 249 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References CreatePiece().
Referenced by editPatternLabel(), editPieceLabel(), and PatternPieceTool::SaveDialogChange().
private |
Definition at line 2604 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References ui.
Referenced by CreatePiece().
private |
Definition at line 2618 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References FillNone, DialogTool::GetComboBoxCurrentData(), and ui.
Referenced by CreatePiece().
private |
Definition at line 2643 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References m_isLocked.
Referenced by CreatePiece().
private |
Definition at line 2803 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References VPieceNode::GetId(), NULL_ID, and ui.
Referenced by ChosenObject().
QString PatternPieceDialog::getSeamAllowanceWidthFormula | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 3329 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
Referenced by editDefaultSeamAllowanceWidth(), and showCustomSAContextMenu().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2333 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::ChangeColor(), CheckState(), DialogTool::errorColor, flagGrainlineAnchor, flagGrainlineFormula, DialogTool::getCurrentObjectId(), Grainline, NULL_ID, DialogTool::okColor, resetGrainlineWarning(), ui, and updateGrainlineValues().
Referenced by enabledGrainline(), and initializeGrainlineTab().
private |
Definition at line 3033 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::data, VContainer::GetGObject(), NULL_ID, SCASSERT, and ui.
Referenced by initAnchorPointComboboxes(), initializeGrainlineTab(), and initializeLabelsTab().
private |
Definition at line 3313 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References initAnchorPoint(), and ui.
Referenced by SetPiece(), and showAnchorsContextMenu().
private |
Definition at line 3261 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References showAnchorsContextMenu(), and ui.
Referenced by PatternPieceDialog().
private |
Definition at line 3013 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References VPieceNode::GetId(), DialogTool::getNodeInfo(), VPieceNode::GetTypeTool(), VPieceNode::isExcluded(), NodeInfo::name, NodePoint, NULL_ID, SCASSERT, and ui.
Referenced by customSeamAllowanceChanged().
private |
Definition at line 3219 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References editGrainlineFormula(), enabledGrainline(), expandGrainlineLength(), expandGrainlineRotation(), grainlineAnchorChanged(), initAnchorPoint(), m_lengthBaseHeight, m_rotationBaseHeight, qApp, ui, and updateGrainlineValues().
Referenced by PatternPieceDialog().
private |
Definition at line 3073 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References showInternalPathsContextMenu(), and ui.
Referenced by PatternPieceDialog().
private |
Definition at line 3096 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References createPieceName(), editPatternLabel(), editPatternLabelFormula(), editPieceLabel(), editPieceLabelFormula(), enabledPatternLabel(), enabledPieceLabel(), expandPatternLabelAngle(), expandPatternLabelHeight(), expandPatternLabelWidth(), expandPieceLabelAngle(), expandPieceLabelHeight(), expandPieceLabelWidth(), initAnchorPoint(), m_patternLabelAngleBaseHeight, m_patternLabelHeightBaseHeight, m_patternLabelLines, m_patternLabelWidthBaseHeight, m_pieceLabelAngleBaseHeight, m_pieceLabelHeightBaseHeight, m_pieceLabelLines, m_pieceLabelWidthBaseHeight, patternLabelAnchorChanged(), pieceLabelAnchorChanged(), qApp, VLabelTemplate::ReadLines(), VDomDocument::setXMLContent(), ui, updatePatternLabelValues(), and updatePieceLabelValues().
Referenced by PatternPieceDialog().
private |
Definition at line 2898 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References qApp, setMoveExclusions(), showMainPathContextMenu(), and ui.
Referenced by PatternPieceDialog().
private |
Definition at line 2711 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References VPieceNode::GetId(), DialogTool::getNodeInfo(), VPieceNode::GetTypeTool(), VPieceNode::isExcluded(), NodeInfo::name, nodeChanged(), NodePoint, pointNodesExist(), and ui.
Referenced by enableBuiltIn(), initializeSeamAllowanceTab(), and nodeListChanged().
private |
Definition at line 2753 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References VPieceNode::GetId(), DialogTool::getNodeInfo(), VPieceNode::GetTypeTool(), NodeInfo::icon, VPieceNode::isNotch(), NodeInfo::name, NodePoint, notchChanged(), and ui.
Referenced by initializeNotchesTab(), and nodeListChanged().
private |
Definition at line 3269 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References initializeNotchesList(), notchAngleChanged(), notchChanged(), notchCountChanged(), notchLengthChanged(), notchSubTypeChanged(), notchTypeChanged(), notchWidthChanged(), qApp, resetNotchAngle(), resetNotchLength(), resetNotchWidth(), showNotchChanged(), showSeamlineNotchChanged(), and ui.
Referenced by PatternPieceDialog().
private |
Definition at line 3081 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References pieceColorChanged(), pieceNameChanged(), and ui.
Referenced by PatternPieceDialog().
private |
Definition at line 3062 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References AsCustomSA, AsMainPath, and ui.
Referenced by customSeamAllowanceChanged().
private |
Definition at line 2939 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References afterWidthChanged(), beforeWidthChanged(), customSAEndPointChanged(), customSAIncludeTypeChanged(), customSAStartPointChanged(), customSeamAllowanceChanged(), defaultWidthChanged(), editAfterSeamAllowanceWidth(), editBeforeSeamAllowanceWidth(), editDefaultSeamAllowanceWidth(), enableBuiltIn(), enableDefaultAfterButton(), enableDefaultBeforeButton(), enableSeamAllowance(), evaluateAfterWidth(), evaluateBeforeWidth(), evaluateDefaultWidth(), expandWidthAfterFormulaTextEdit(), expandWidthBeforeFormulaTextEdit(), expandWidthFormulaTextEdit(), DialogTool::initializeNodeAngles(), initializeNodesList(), m_afterWidthFormula, m_beforeWidthFormula, m_saWidth, m_timerWidth, m_timerWidthAfter, m_timerWidthBefore, m_widthFormula, nodeAngleChanged(), nodeChanged(), DialogTool::plainTextEditFormula, qApp, showCustomSAContextMenu(), StrToUnits(), ui, and UnitConvertor().
Referenced by PatternPieceDialog().
private |
Definition at line 2631 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References m_inLayout.
Referenced by CreatePiece().
private |
Definition at line 2704 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References CreatePiece(), DialogTool::data, VAbstractPiece::isClockwise(), and VPiece::MainPathPoints().
Referenced by isMainPathValid().
private |
Definition at line 2655 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References CreatePiece(), DialogTool::data, DialogTool::DialogWarningIcon(), DialogTool::doublePointsExist(), DialogTool::isEachPointNameUnique(), DialogTool::isFirstPointSameAsLast(), isMainPathClockwise(), and ui.
Referenced by ChosenObject(), PatternPieceDialog(), SetPiece(), and showMainPathContextMenu().
private |
Definition at line 2572 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::data, VContainer::GetGObject(), NULL_ID, and ui.
Referenced by SetPiece().
private |
Definition at line 2544 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References getPathName(), NULL_ID, CustomSARecord::path, CustomSARecord::reverse, and ui.
Referenced by SetPiece().
private |
Definition at line 2558 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References getPathName(), NULL_ID, and ui.
Referenced by SetPiece().
private |
Definition at line 2538 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::newNodeItem(), and ui.
Referenced by ChosenObject(), and SetPiece().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1299 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References getItemById(), nodeListChanged(), VPieceNode::SetAngleType(), and ui.
Referenced by initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1054 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References VPiecePath::at(), CreatePiece(), currentSeamAllowance, anonymous_namespace{pattern_piece_dialog.cpp}::enableDefaultButton(), expandWidthAfterFormulaTextEdit(), expandWidthBeforeFormulaTextEdit(), VPieceNode::GetAngleType(), VPieceNode::GetFormulaSAAfter(), VPieceNode::GetFormulaSABefore(), VPiece::GetPath(), VPiecePath::indexOfNode(), DialogTool::MoveCursorToEnd(), qApp, and ui.
Referenced by initializeNodesList(), and initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1009 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References applyAllowed, CreatePiece(), customSeamAllowanceChanged(), initializeNodesList(), initializeNotchesList(), SCASSERT, setMoveExclusions(), ui, and DialogTool::vis.
Referenced by nodeAngleChanged(), notchAngleChanged(), notchCountChanged(), notchLengthChanged(), notchSubTypeChanged(), notchTypeChanged(), notchWidthChanged(), setCurrentAfterSeamAllowance(), setCurrentBeforeSeamAllowance(), SetPiece(), showMainPathContextMenu(), showNotchChanged(), and showSeamlineNotchChanged().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1600 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References getItemById(), nodeListChanged(), VPieceNode::setNotchAngle(), and ui.
Referenced by initializeNotchesTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1127 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References VPiecePath::at(), Bisector, Castle, CreatePiece(), Diamond, VPieceNode::getNotchAngle(), VPieceNode::getNotchCount(), VPieceNode::getNotchLength(), VPieceNode::getNotchSubType(), VPieceNode::getNotchType(), VPieceNode::getNotchWidth(), VPiece::GetPath(), VPiecePath::indexOfNode(), Intersection, VPieceNode::showNotch(), VPieceNode::showSeamlineNotch(), Slit, Straightforward, TNotch, ui, UNotch, VExternal, and VInternal.
Referenced by initializeNotchesList(), and initializeNotchesTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1623 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References getItemById(), nodeListChanged(), VPieceNode::setNotchCount(), and ui.
Referenced by initializeNotchesTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1552 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References getItemById(), nodeListChanged(), VPieceNode::setNotchLength(), and ui.
Referenced by initializeNotchesTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1482 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References Bisector, getItemById(), Intersection, nodeListChanged(), VPieceNode::setNotchSubType(), Straightforward, and ui.
Referenced by initializeNotchesTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1425 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References Castle, Diamond, getItemById(), DialogTool::getNodeInfo(), NodeInfo::icon, NodeInfo::name, nodeListChanged(), qApp, VPieceNode::setNotchType(), Slit, stringToNotchType(), TNotch, ui, UNotch, VExternal, and VInternal.
Referenced by initializeNotchesTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1576 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References getItemById(), nodeListChanged(), VPieceNode::setNotchWidth(), and ui.
Referenced by initializeNotchesTab().
void PatternPieceDialog::pageChanged | ( | QListWidgetItem * | current, |
QListWidgetItem * | previous | ||
) |
Definition at line 198 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References AnchorPoints, Grainline, Labels, m_anchorPoints, showAnchorPoints(), and ui.
Referenced by PatternPieceDialog().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1396 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::data, VException::DetailedInformation(), VExceptionBadId::ErrorMessage(), DialogInternalPath::GetPiecePath(), VContainer::GetPiecePath(), DialogTool::GetToolId(), m_dialog, qApp, SavePiecePathOptions, SCASSERT, updateCurrentCustomSARecord(), and updateCurrentInternalPathRecord().
Referenced by showCustomSAContextMenu(), and showInternalPathsContextMenu().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2395 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::ChangeColor(), CheckState(), clearErrorText(), DialogTool::errorColor, flagPatternLabelAnchor, flagPieceLabelAnchor, DialogTool::getCurrentObjectId(), Labels, NULL_ID, DialogTool::okColor, setErrorText(), ui, and updatePatternLabelValues().
Referenced by enabledPatternLabel(), and initializeLabelsTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 758 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References CheckState(), and ui.
Referenced by initializePropertiesTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2362 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::ChangeColor(), CheckState(), clearErrorText(), DialogTool::errorColor, flagPatternLabelAnchor, flagPieceLabelAnchor, DialogTool::getCurrentObjectId(), Labels, NULL_ID, DialogTool::okColor, setErrorText(), ui, and updatePieceLabelValues().
Referenced by enabledPieceLabel(), and initializeLabelsTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 736 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::ChangeColor(), CheckState(), clearErrorText(), DialogTool::flagName, DialogTool::okColor, Properties, setErrorText(), and ui.
Referenced by initializePropertiesTab().
private |
Definition at line 2835 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References VPieceNode::GetTypeTool(), VPieceNode::isExcluded(), NodePoint, and ui.
Referenced by initializeNodesList().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2161 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References clearErrorText(), flagGrainlineAnchor, flagGrainlineFormula, and Grainline.
Referenced by enabledGrainline(), grainlineAnchorChanged(), and updateGrainlineValues().
privateslot |
Definition at line 2170 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References clearErrorText(), flagPatternLabelAnchor, flagPatternLabelAngle, flagPatternLabelFormula, flagPieceLabelAnchor, flagPieceLabelAngle, flagPieceLabelFormula, Labels, and ui.
Referenced by enabledPatternLabel(), enabledPieceLabel(), updatePatternLabelValues(), and updatePieceLabelValues().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1617 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References ui.
Referenced by initializeNotchesTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1570 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
Referenced by initializeNotchesTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1594 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
Referenced by initializeNotchesTab().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 724 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::isInitialized, and qApp.
private |
Definition at line 3625 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::getNodeInfo(), VPieceNode::GetReverse(), VPieceNode::GetTypeTool(), NodeInfo::icon, NodeInfo::name, NodePoint, and VPieceNode::SetReverse().
Referenced by eventFilter(), and showMainPathContextMenu().
protectedvirtual |
SaveData Put dialog data in local variables.
Reimplemented from DialogTool.
Definition at line 529 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
private |
Definition at line 2859 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References nodeListChanged(), and updateNodeAfterSeamAllowance().
Referenced by editAfterSeamAllowanceWidth().
private |
Definition at line 2852 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References nodeListChanged(), and updateNodeBeforeSeamAllowance().
Referenced by editBeforeSeamAllowanceWidth().
private |
Definition at line 3692 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References SCASSERT.
privateslot |
Definition at line 577 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References ui.
Referenced by CheckState(), patternLabelAnchorChanged(), pieceLabelAnchorChanged(), pieceNameChanged(), updateGrainlineValues(), updatePatternLabelValues(), and updatePieceLabelValues().
private |
Definition at line 3386 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References expandGrainlineRotation(), DialogTool::MoveCursorToEnd(), qApp, and ui.
Referenced by editGrainlineFormula(), and SetPiece().
private |
Definition at line 3405 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References Cm, DialogTool::data, expandGrainlineLength(), VContainer::GetPatternUnit(), DialogTool::MoveCursorToEnd(), qApp, ui, and UnitConvertor().
Referenced by editGrainlineFormula(), and SetPiece().
private |
Definition at line 2637 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References m_inLayout.
Referenced by SetPiece().
private |
Definition at line 3569 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References ui.
Referenced by initializeMainPathTab(), and nodeListChanged().
private |
Definition at line 3677 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::getNodeInfo(), VPieceNode::GetTypeTool(), NodeInfo::icon, NodeInfo::name, NodePoint, VPieceNode::setNotch(), and VPieceNode::setNotchType().
Referenced by eventFilter(), and showMainPathContextMenu().
private |
Definition at line 3525 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References expandPatternLabelAngle(), DialogTool::MoveCursorToEnd(), qApp, and ui.
Referenced by editPatternLabelFormula(), and SetPiece().
private |
Definition at line 3505 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References Cm, DialogTool::data, expandPatternLabelHeight(), VContainer::GetPatternUnit(), DialogTool::MoveCursorToEnd(), qApp, ui, and UnitConvertor().
Referenced by editPatternLabelFormula(), and SetPiece().
private |
Definition at line 3485 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References Cm, DialogTool::data, expandPatternLabelWidth(), VContainer::GetPatternUnit(), DialogTool::MoveCursorToEnd(), qApp, ui, and UnitConvertor().
Referenced by editPatternLabelFormula(), and SetPiece().
void PatternPieceDialog::SetPiece | ( | const VPiece & | piece | ) |
Definition at line 255 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References VPiecePath::at(), VGrainlineData::bottomAnchorPoint(), VPatternLabelData::bottomRightAnchorPoint(), VGrainlineData::centerAnchorPoint(), VPatternLabelData::centerAnchorPoint(), DialogTool::ChangeCurrentData(), customSeamAllowanceChanged(), enabledGrainline(), enabledPatternLabel(), enabledPieceLabel(), VPiece::getAnchors(), VPieceLabelData::GetAnnotation(), VGrainlineData::GetArrowType(), VAbstractPiece::getColor(), VPiece::GetCustomSARecords(), VAbstractPiece::getFill(), VPieceLabelData::GetFoldPosition(), VPiece::GetGrainlineGeometry(), VPiece::GetInternalPaths(), VPatternLabelData::GetLabelHeight(), VPieceLabelData::GetLabelTemplate(), VPatternLabelData::GetLabelWidth(), VGrainlineData::GetLength(), VPieceLabelData::GetLetter(), VAbstractPiece::GetMx(), VAbstractPiece::GetMy(), VAbstractPiece::GetName(), VPieceLabelData::GetOrientation(), VPiece::GetPath(), VPiece::GetPatternInfo(), VPiece::GetPatternPieceData(), VPieceLabelData::GetQuantity(), VGrainlineData::GetRotation(), VPatternLabelData::GetRotation(), VPieceLabelData::GetRotationWay(), VAbstractPiece::GetSAWidth(), VPiece::getSeamAllowanceWidthFormula(), VPieceLabelData::GetTilt(), initAnchorPointComboboxes(), VAbstractPiece::IsForbidFlipping(), VAbstractPiece::isHideSeamLine(), VPiece::isInLayout(), VPiece::isLocked(), isMainPathValid(), VPieceLabelData::IsOnFold(), VAbstractPiece::IsSeamAllowance(), VAbstractPiece::IsSeamAllowanceBuiltIn(), VAbstractFloatItemData::IsVisible(), m_mx, m_my, m_oldData, m_oldGeom, m_oldGrainline, m_pieceLabelLines, m_saWidth, newAnchorPoint(), newCustomSeamAllowance(), newInternalPath(), newMainPathItem(), nodeListChanged(), qApp, setGrainlineAngle(), setGrainlineLength(), setInLayout(), setPatternLabelAngle(), setPatternLabelHeight(), setPatternLabelWidth(), setPieceColor(), setPieceFill(), setPieceLabelAngle(), setPieceLabelHeight(), setPieceLabelWidth(), setPieceLock(), VGrainlineData::topAnchorPoint(), VPatternLabelData::topLeftAnchorPoint(), ui, and validateObjects().
private |
private |
Definition at line 2625 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::ChangeCurrentData(), and ui.
Referenced by SetPiece().
private |
Definition at line 3465 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References expandPieceLabelAngle(), DialogTool::MoveCursorToEnd(), qApp, and ui.
Referenced by editPieceLabelFormula(), and SetPiece().
private |
Definition at line 3445 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References Cm, DialogTool::data, expandPieceLabelHeight(), VContainer::GetPatternUnit(), DialogTool::MoveCursorToEnd(), qApp, ui, and UnitConvertor().
Referenced by editPieceLabelFormula(), and SetPiece().
private |
Definition at line 3425 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References Cm, DialogTool::data, expandPieceLabelWidth(), VContainer::GetPatternUnit(), DialogTool::MoveCursorToEnd(), qApp, ui, and UnitConvertor().
Referenced by editPieceLabelFormula(), and SetPiece().
private |
Definition at line 2649 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References m_isLocked.
Referenced by SetPiece().
private |
Definition at line 3337 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References CreatePiece(), expandWidthFormulaTextEdit(), DialogTool::MoveCursorToEnd(), qApp, SCASSERT, PatternPieceVisual::SetPiece(), ui, and DialogTool::vis.
Referenced by editDefaultSeamAllowanceWidth().
private |
Definition at line 3545 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::data, VAbstractPattern::getTool(), m_anchorPoints, NULL_ID, qApp, SCASSERT, DialogTool::toolId, and ui.
Referenced by pageChanged().
privateslot |
Definition at line 988 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References initAnchorPointComboboxes(), and ui.
Referenced by initializeAnchorsTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 900 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References AsMainPath, DialogTool::data, DialogTool::DialogClosed(), getPathName(), VContainer::GetPiecePath(), getSeamAllowanceWidthFormula(), CustomSARecord::includeType, m_dialog, CustomSARecord::path, pathDialogClosed(), CustomSARecord::reverse, SCASSERT, DialogTool::toolId, and ui.
Referenced by initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
virtualslot |
Definition at line 507 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References applyAllowed, DialogTool::prepare, SCASSERT, Show, DialogTool::ToolTip(), and DialogTool::vis.
protectedvirtual |
showEvent handle when window show
event | event |
Reimplemented from DialogTool.
Definition at line 706 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::isInitialized, and qApp.
privateslot |
Definition at line 951 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::data, DialogTool::DialogClosed(), VContainer::GetPiecePath(), m_dialog, pathDialogClosed(), SCASSERT, DialogTool::toolId, and ui.
Referenced by initializeInternalPathsTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 771 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References Castle, Diamond, duplicateNode(), excludeNode(), VPieceNode::GetReverse(), VPieceNode::GetTypeTool(), VPieceNode::isExcluded(), isMainPathValid(), VPieceNode::isNotch(), nodeListChanged(), NodePoint, reverseNode(), SCASSERT, setNotch(), Slit, TNotch, ui, UNotch, validateObjects(), VExternal, and VInternal.
Referenced by initializeMainPathTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1515 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References getItemById(), nodeListChanged(), VPieceNode::setShowNotch(), and ui.
Referenced by initializeNotchesTab().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1533 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References getItemById(), nodeListChanged(), VPieceNode::setShowSeamlineNotch(), and ui.
Referenced by initializeNotchesTab().
private |
Definition at line 3356 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References getPathName(), CustomSARecord::path, CustomSARecord::reverse, SCASSERT, and ui.
Referenced by pathDialogClosed().
private |
Definition at line 3371 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References getPathName(), SCASSERT, and ui.
Referenced by pathDialogClosed().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1641 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::ChangeColor(), CheckState(), DialogTool::data, VContainer::DataVariables(), degreeSymbol, Calculator::EvalFormula(), flagGrainlineAnchor, flagGrainlineFormula, qmu::QmuParserError::GetMsg(), Grainline, DialogTool::okColor, qApp, resetGrainlineWarning(), setErrorText(), ui, and UnitsToStr().
Referenced by editGrainlineFormula(), enabledGrainline(), grainlineAnchorChanged(), and initializeGrainlineTab().
private |
Definition at line 2882 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References getItemById(), VPieceNode::setAfterSAFormula(), and ui.
Referenced by evaluateAfterWidth(), and setCurrentAfterSeamAllowance().
private |
Definition at line 2866 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References getItemById(), VPieceNode::setBeforeSAFormula(), and ui.
Referenced by evaluateBeforeWidth(), and setCurrentBeforeSeamAllowance().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1801 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::ChangeColor(), CheckState(), DialogTool::data, VContainer::DataVariables(), degreeSymbol, Calculator::EvalFormula(), flagPatternLabelAnchor, flagPatternLabelAngle, flagPatternLabelFormula, qmu::QmuParserError::GetMsg(), Labels, DialogTool::okColor, qApp, resetLabelsWarning(), setErrorText(), ui, and UnitsToStr().
Referenced by editPatternLabelFormula(), enabledPatternLabel(), initializeLabelsTab(), and patternLabelAnchorChanged().
privateslot |
Definition at line 1716 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References DialogTool::ChangeColor(), CheckState(), DialogTool::data, VContainer::DataVariables(), degreeSymbol, Calculator::EvalFormula(), flagPieceLabelAnchor, flagPieceLabelAngle, flagPieceLabelFormula, qmu::QmuParserError::GetMsg(), Labels, DialogTool::okColor, qApp, resetLabelsWarning(), setErrorText(), ui, and UnitsToStr().
Referenced by editPieceLabelFormula(), enabledPieceLabel(), initializeLabelsTab(), and pieceLabelAnchorChanged().
private |
Definition at line 2697 of file pattern_piece_dialog.cpp.
References CheckState(), and flagMainPath.
Referenced by ChosenObject(), SetPiece(), and showMainPathContextMenu().
private |
Definition at line 199 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by CheckState(), ChosenObject(), CreatePiece(), enableApply(), nodeListChanged(), PatternPieceDialog(), and ShowDialog().
private |
Definition at line 209 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by afterWidthChanged(), CheckState(), and evaluateAfterWidth().
private |
Definition at line 208 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by beforeWidthChanged(), CheckState(), and evaluateBeforeWidth().
private |
Definition at line 200 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by CheckState(), grainlineAnchorChanged(), resetGrainlineWarning(), and updateGrainlineValues().
private |
Definition at line 203 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by CheckState(), enabledGrainline(), grainlineAnchorChanged(), resetGrainlineWarning(), and updateGrainlineValues().
private |
Definition at line 210 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by CheckState(), PatternPieceDialog(), and validateObjects().
private |
Definition at line 202 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by CheckState(), patternLabelAnchorChanged(), pieceLabelAnchorChanged(), resetLabelsWarning(), and updatePatternLabelValues().
private |
Definition at line 206 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by CheckState(), enabledPatternLabel(), resetLabelsWarning(), and updatePatternLabelValues().
private |
Definition at line 207 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by CheckState(), enabledPatternLabel(), resetLabelsWarning(), and updatePatternLabelValues().
private |
Definition at line 201 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by CheckState(), patternLabelAnchorChanged(), pieceLabelAnchorChanged(), resetLabelsWarning(), and updatePieceLabelValues().
private |
Definition at line 204 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by CheckState(), enabledPieceLabel(), resetLabelsWarning(), and updatePieceLabelValues().
private |
Definition at line 205 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by CheckState(), enabledPieceLabel(), resetLabelsWarning(), and updatePieceLabelValues().
private |
Definition at line 233 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by expandWidthAfterFormulaTextEdit(), and initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
private |
Definition at line 218 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by pageChanged(), showAnchorPoints(), and ~PatternPieceDialog().
private |
Definition at line 211 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
private |
Definition at line 240 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by ChosenObject().
private |
Definition at line 232 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by expandWidthBeforeFormulaTextEdit(), and initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
private |
Definition at line 217 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by pathDialogClosed(), showCustomSAContextMenu(), and showInternalPathsContextMenu().
private |
Definition at line 214 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by isInLayout(), and setInLayout().
private |
Definition at line 215 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by getPieceLock(), and setPieceLock().
private |
Definition at line 224 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by expandGrainlineLength(), and initializeGrainlineTab().
private |
Definition at line 212 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by CreatePiece(), and SetPiece().
private |
Definition at line 213 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by CreatePiece(), and SetPiece().
private |
Definition at line 220 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by CreatePiece(), and SetPiece().
private |
Definition at line 221 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by CreatePiece(), and SetPiece().
private |
Definition at line 222 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by CreatePiece(), and SetPiece().
private |
Definition at line 230 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by expandPatternLabelAngle(), and initializeLabelsTab().
private |
Definition at line 229 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by expandPatternLabelHeight(), and initializeLabelsTab().
private |
Definition at line 238 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by initializeLabelsTab().
private |
Definition at line 228 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by expandPatternLabelWidth(), and initializeLabelsTab().
private |
Definition at line 227 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by expandPieceLabelAngle(), and initializeLabelsTab().
private |
Definition at line 226 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by expandPieceLabelHeight(), and initializeLabelsTab().
private |
Definition at line 239 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by CreatePiece(), editPieceLabel(), initializeLabelsTab(), and SetPiece().
private |
Definition at line 225 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by expandPieceLabelWidth(), and initializeLabelsTab().
private |
Definition at line 223 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by expandGrainlineRotation(), and initializeGrainlineTab().
private |
Definition at line 237 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by CreatePiece(), evaluateDefaultWidth(), initializeSeamAllowanceTab(), and SetPiece().
private |
Definition at line 234 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by defaultWidthChanged(), and initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
private |
Definition at line 236 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by afterWidthChanged(), and initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
private |
Definition at line 235 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by beforeWidthChanged(), and initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
private |
Definition at line 231 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by expandWidthFormulaTextEdit(), and initializeSeamAllowanceTab().
private |
Definition at line 198 of file pattern_piece_dialog.h.
Referenced by afterWidthChanged(), beforeWidthChanged(), CheckState(), ChosenObject(), clearErrorText(), closeEvent(), CreatePiece(), customSAEndPointChanged(), customSAIncludeTypeChanged(), customSAStartPointChanged(), customSeamAllowanceChanged(), defaultWidthChanged(), duplicateNode(), editAfterSeamAllowanceWidth(), editBeforeSeamAllowanceWidth(), editGrainlineFormula(), editPatternLabelFormula(), editPieceLabelFormula(), enableApply(), enableBuiltIn(), enableDefaultAfterButton(), enableDefaultBeforeButton(), enabledGrainline(), enabledPatternLabel(), enabledPieceLabel(), enableSeamAllowance(), evaluateAfterWidth(), evaluateBeforeWidth(), evaluateDefaultWidth(), eventFilter(), expandGrainlineLength(), expandGrainlineRotation(), expandPatternLabelAngle(), expandPatternLabelHeight(), expandPatternLabelWidth(), expandPieceLabelAngle(), expandPieceLabelHeight(), expandPieceLabelWidth(), expandWidthAfterFormulaTextEdit(), expandWidthBeforeFormulaTextEdit(), expandWidthFormulaTextEdit(), getItemById(), getLastNode(), getPieceColor(), getPieceFill(), getPreviousId(), getSeamAllowanceWidthFormula(), grainlineAnchorChanged(), initAnchorPoint(), initAnchorPointComboboxes(), initializeAnchorsTab(), initializeCSAPoint(), initializeGrainlineTab(), initializeInternalPathsTab(), initializeLabelsTab(), initializeMainPathTab(), initializeNodesList(), initializeNotchesList(), initializeNotchesTab(), initializePropertiesTab(), initializeSAIncludeType(), initializeSeamAllowanceTab(), isMainPathValid(), newAnchorPoint(), newCustomSeamAllowance(), newInternalPath(), newMainPathItem(), nodeAngleChanged(), nodeChanged(), nodeListChanged(), notchAngleChanged(), notchChanged(), notchCountChanged(), notchLengthChanged(), notchSubTypeChanged(), notchTypeChanged(), notchWidthChanged(), pageChanged(), patternLabelAnchorChanged(), PatternPieceDialog(), pieceColorChanged(), pieceLabelAnchorChanged(), pieceNameChanged(), pointNodesExist(), resetLabelsWarning(), resetNotchAngle(), resetNotchLength(), resetNotchWidth(), setErrorText(), setGrainlineAngle(), setGrainlineLength(), setMoveExclusions(), setPatternLabelAngle(), setPatternLabelHeight(), setPatternLabelWidth(), SetPiece(), setPieceColor(), setPieceFill(), setPieceLabelAngle(), setPieceLabelHeight(), setPieceLabelWidth(), setSeamAllowanceWidthFormula(), showAnchorPoints(), showAnchorsContextMenu(), showCustomSAContextMenu(), showInternalPathsContextMenu(), showMainPathContextMenu(), showNotchChanged(), showSeamlineNotchChanged(), updateCurrentCustomSARecord(), updateCurrentInternalPathRecord(), updateGrainlineValues(), updateNodeAfterSeamAllowance(), updateNodeBeforeSeamAllowance(), updatePatternLabelValues(), updatePieceLabelValues(), and ~PatternPieceDialog().