Code documentation
qmu::QmuParserTokenReader Class Reference

Token reader for the ParserBase class. More...

#include <qmuparsertokenreader.h>

Collaboration diagram for qmu::QmuParserTokenReader:

Public Member Functions

 QmuParserTokenReader (QmuParserBase *a_pParent)
 Constructor. More...
QmuParserTokenReaderClone (QmuParserBase *a_pParent) const
 Create instance of a QParserTokenReader identical with this and return its pointer. More...
void AddValIdent (identfun_type a_pCallback)
void SetVarCreator (facfun_type a_pFactory, void *pUserData)
void SetFormula (const QString &a_strFormula)
 Initialize the token Reader. More...
void SetArgSep (char_type cArgSep)
int GetPos () const
 Return the current position of the token reader in the formula string. More...
const QString & GetExpr () const
 Return a reference to the formula. More...
varmap_typeGetUsedVar ()
 Return a map containing the used variables only. More...
QChar GetArgSep () const
void IgnoreUndefVar (bool bIgnore)
 Set Flag that contronls behaviour in case of undefined variables beeing found. More...
void ReInit ()
 Reset the token reader to the start of the formula. More...
token_type ReadNextToken (const QLocale &locale, const QChar &decimal, const QChar &thousand)
 Read the next token from the string. More...

Private Types

enum  ESynCodes {
  noBO = 1 << 0 , noBC = 1 << 1 , noVAL = 1 << 2 , noVAR = 1 << 3 ,
  noARG_SEP = 1 << 4 , noFUN = 1 << 5 , noOPT = 1 << 6 , noPOSTOP = 1 << 7 ,
  noINFIXOP = 1 << 8 , noEND = 1 << 9 , noSTR = 1 << 10 , noASSIGN = 1 << 11 ,
  noIF = 1 << 12 , noELSE = 1 << 13 , sfSTART_OF_LINE = noOPT | noBC | noPOSTOP | noASSIGN | noIF | noELSE | noARG_SEP , noANY = ~0
 Syntax codes. More...
typedef QmuParserToken< qreal, QString > token_type

Private Member Functions

 QmuParserTokenReader (const QmuParserTokenReader &a_Reader)
 Copy constructor. More...
QmuParserTokenReaderoperator= (const QmuParserTokenReader &a_Reader)
 Assignement operator. More...
void Assign (const QmuParserTokenReader &a_Reader)
 Assign state of a token reader to this token reader. More...
void SetParent (QmuParserBase *a_pParent)
int ExtractToken (const QString &a_szCharSet, QString &a_strTok, int a_iPos) const
 Extract all characters that belong to a certain charset. More...
int ExtractOperatorToken (QString &a_sTok, int a_iPos) const
 Check Expression for the presence of a binary operator token. More...
bool IsBuiltIn (token_type &a_Tok)
 Check if a built in operator or other token can be found. More...
bool IsArgSep (token_type &a_Tok)
bool IsEOF (token_type &a_Tok)
 Check for End of Formula. More...
bool IsInfixOpTok (token_type &a_Tok)
 Check if a string position contains a unary infix operator. More...
bool IsFunTok (token_type &a_Tok)
 Check whether the token at a given position is a function token. More...
bool IsPostOpTok (token_type &a_Tok)
 Check if a string position contains a unary post value operator. More...
bool IsOprt (token_type &a_Tok)
 Check if a string position contains a binary operator. More...
bool IsValTok (token_type &a_Tok, const QLocale &locale, const QChar &decimal, const QChar &thousand)
 Check whether the token at a given position is a value token. More...
bool IsVarTok (token_type &a_Tok)
 Check wheter a token at a given position is a variable token. More...
bool IsStrVarTok (token_type &a_Tok)
bool IsUndefVarTok (token_type &a_Tok)
 Check wheter a token at a given position is an undefined variable. More...
bool IsString (token_type &a_Tok)
 Check wheter a token at a given position is a string. More...
void Q_NORETURN Error (EErrorCodes a_iErrc, int a_iPos=-1, const QString &a_sTok=QString()) const
 Create an error containing the parse error position. More...
token_typeSaveBeforeReturn (const token_type &tok)

Private Attributes

QString m_strFormula
int m_iPos
int m_iSynFlags
bool m_bIgnoreUndefVar
const funmap_typem_pFunDef
const funmap_typem_pPostOprtDef
const funmap_typem_pInfixOprtDef
const funmap_typem_pOprtDef
const valmap_typem_pConstDef
const strmap_typem_pStrVarDef
 The only non const pointer to parser internals. More...
facfun_type m_pFactory
void * m_pFactoryData
std::list< identfun_typem_vIdentFun
 Value token identification function. More...
varmap_type m_UsedVar
qreal m_fZero
 Dummy value of zero, referenced by undefined variables. More...
int m_iBrackets
 Keep count open brackets. More...
token_type m_lastTok
QChar m_cArgSep
 The character used for separating function arguments. More...

Detailed Description

Token reader for the ParserBase class.

Definition at line 51 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ token_type

typedef QmuParserToken<qreal, QString> qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::token_type

Definition at line 54 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ESynCodes

Syntax codes.

The syntax codes control the syntax check done during the first time parsing of the expression string. They are flags that indicate which tokens are allowed next if certain tokens are identified.


to avoid i.e. "cos(7)("


to avoid i.e. "sin)" or "()"


to avoid i.e. "tan 2" or "sin(8)3.14"


to avoid i.e. "sin a" or "sin(8)a"


to avoid i.e. ",," or "+," ...


to avoid i.e. "sqrt cos" or "(1)sin"


to avoid i.e. "(+)"


to avoid i.e. "(5!!)" "sin!"


to avoid i.e. "++4" "!!4"


to avoid unexpected end of formula


to block numeric arguments on string functions


to block assignement to constant i.e. "4=7"


All of he above flags set.

Definition at line 79 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QmuParserTokenReader() [1/2]

qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::QmuParserTokenReader ( QmuParserBase a_pParent)


Create a Token reader and bind it to a parser object.

[assert] a_pParser may not be NULL
a_pParentParent parser object of the token reader.

Definition at line 128 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

References m_pParser, and SetParent().

◆ QmuParserTokenReader() [2/2]

qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::QmuParserTokenReader ( const QmuParserTokenReader a_Reader)

Copy constructor.

See also

Definition at line 55 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddValIdent()

void qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::AddValIdent ( identfun_type  a_pCallback)

Definition at line 163 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

References m_vIdentFun.

◆ Assign()

void qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::Assign ( const QmuParserTokenReader a_Reader)

Assign state of a token reader to this token reader.

a_ReaderObject from which the state should be copied.

Definition at line 92 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

References m_bIgnoreUndefVar, m_cArgSep, m_fZero, m_iBrackets, m_iPos, m_iSynFlags, m_lastTok, m_pConstDef, m_pFactory, m_pFactoryData, m_pFunDef, m_pInfixOprtDef, m_pOprtDef, m_pParser, m_pPostOprtDef, m_pStrVarDef, m_pVarDef, m_strFormula, m_UsedVar, and m_vIdentFun.

Referenced by operator=().

◆ Clone()

QmuParserTokenReader * qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::Clone ( QmuParserBase a_pParent) const

Create instance of a QParserTokenReader identical with this and return its pointer.

This is a factory method the calling function must take care of the object destruction.

A new QParserTokenReader object.

Definition at line 148 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

◆ Error()

void Q_NORETURN qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::Error ( EErrorCodes  a_iErrc,
int  a_iPos = -1,
const QString &  a_sTok = QString() 
) const

Create an error containing the parse error position.

This function will create an Parser Exception object containing the error text and its position.

a_iErrc[in] The error code of type EErrorCodes.
a_iPos[in] The position where the error was detected.
a_sTok[in] The token string representation associated with the error.
ParserExceptionalways throws thats the only purpose of this function.

Definition at line 1021 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

References qmu::QmuParserBase::Error(), and m_pParser.

Referenced by IsArgSep(), IsBuiltIn(), IsEOF(), IsFunTok(), IsInfixOpTok(), IsString(), IsStrVarTok(), IsUndefVarTok(), IsValTok(), IsVarTok(), and ReadNextToken().

◆ ExtractOperatorToken()

int qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::ExtractOperatorToken ( QString &  a_sTok,
int  a_iPos 
) const

Check Expression for the presence of a binary operator token.

Userdefined binary operator "++" gives inconsistent parsing result for the equations "a++b" and "a ++ b" if alphabetic characters are allowed in operator tokens. To avoid this this function checks specifically for operator tokens.

Definition at line 356 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

References ExtractToken(), m_pParser, m_strFormula, QMUP_CHARS, and qmu::QmuParserBase::ValidOprtChars().

Referenced by IsOprt().

◆ ExtractToken()

QT_WARNING_PUSH int qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::ExtractToken ( const QString &  a_szCharSet,
QString &  a_sTok,
int  a_iPos 
) const

Extract all characters that belong to a certain charset.

a_szCharSet[in] Const char array of the characters allowed in the token.
a_sTok[out] The string that consists entirely of characters listed in a_szCharSet.
a_iPos[in] Position in the string from where to start reading.
The Position of the first character not listed in a_szCharSet.

Definition at line 326 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

Referenced by ExtractOperatorToken(), IsFunTok(), IsInfixOpTok(), IsPostOpTok(), IsStrVarTok(), IsUndefVarTok(), IsValTok(), IsVarTok(), and ReadNextToken().

◆ GetArgSep()

QChar qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::GetArgSep ( ) const

Definition at line 200 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

References m_cArgSep.

◆ GetExpr()

const QString & qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::GetExpr ( ) const

Return a reference to the formula.


Definition at line 165 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

References m_strFormula.

◆ GetPos()

int qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::GetPos ( ) const

Return the current position of the token reader in the formula string.


Definition at line 153 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

References m_iPos.

◆ GetUsedVar()

varmap_type & qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::GetUsedVar ( )

Return a map containing the used variables only.

Definition at line 174 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

References m_UsedVar.

◆ IgnoreUndefVar()

void qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::IgnoreUndefVar ( bool  bIgnore)

Set Flag that contronls behaviour in case of undefined variables beeing found.

If true, the parser does not throw an exception if an undefined variable is found. Otherwise it does. This variable is used internally only! It supresses a "undefined variable" exception in GetUsedVar(). Those function should return a complete list of variables including those the are not defined by the time of it's call.

Definition at line 188 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

References m_bIgnoreUndefVar.

◆ IsArgSep()

bool qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::IsArgSep ( token_type a_Tok)

◆ IsBuiltIn()

QT_WARNING_POP bool qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::IsBuiltIn ( token_type a_Tok)

Check if a built in operator or other token can be found.

a_Tok[out] Operator token if one is found. This can either be a binary operator or an infix operator token.
true if an operator token has been found.

Definition at line 390 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

References qmu::cmASSIGN, qmu::cmBC, qmu::cmBO, qmu::cmELSE, qmu::cmFUNC, qmu::cmIF, qmu::cmLE, qmu::ecINTERNAL_ERROR, qmu::ecUNEXPECTED_CONDITIONAL, qmu::ecUNEXPECTED_OPERATOR, qmu::ecUNEXPECTED_PARENS, Error(), qmu::QmuParserToken< TBase, TString >::GetCode(), qmu::QmuParserBase::GetOprtDef(), qmu::QmuParserBase::HasBuiltInOprt(), IsInfixOpTok(), m_iBrackets, m_iPos, m_iSynFlags, m_lastTok, m_pParser, m_strFormula, noARG_SEP, noASSIGN, noBC, noBO, noELSE, noEND, noFUN, noIF, noINFIXOP, noOPT, noPOSTOP, noSTR, noVAL, noVAR, and qmu::QmuParserToken< TBase, TString >::Set().

Referenced by ReadNextToken().

◆ IsEOF()

bool qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::IsEOF ( token_type a_Tok)

Check for End of Formula.

true if an end of formula is found false otherwise.
a_Tok[out] If an eof is found the corresponding token will be stored there.
See also
IsOprt, IsFunTok, IsStrFunTok, IsValTok, IsVarTok, IsString, IsInfixOpTok, IsPostOpTok

Definition at line 528 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

References qmu::cmEND, qmu::ecMISSING_PARENS, qmu::ecUNEXPECTED_EOF, Error(), qmu::QmuParserError::GetCode(), qmu::QmuParserError::GetMsg(), m_iBrackets, m_iPos, m_iSynFlags, m_strFormula, noEND, and qmu::QmuParserToken< TBase, TString >::Set().

Referenced by ReadNextToken().

◆ IsFunTok()

bool qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::IsFunTok ( token_type a_Tok)

Check whether the token at a given position is a function token.

a_Tok[out] If a value token is found it will be placed here.
ParserExceptionif Syntaxflags do not allow a function at a_iPos
true if a function token has been found false otherwise.
[assert] m_pParser!=0

Definition at line 603 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

References qmu::ecUNEXPECTED_FUN, Error(), ExtractToken(), qmu::QmuParserToken< TBase, TString >::GetAsString(), m_iPos, m_iSynFlags, m_pFunDef, m_pParser, m_strFormula, noANY, noBO, noFUN, qmu::QmuParserToken< TBase, TString >::Set(), and qmu::QmuParserBase::ValidNameChars().

Referenced by ReadNextToken().

◆ IsInfixOpTok()

bool qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::IsInfixOpTok ( token_type a_Tok)

Check if a string position contains a unary infix operator.

true if a function token has been found false otherwise.

Definition at line 564 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

References qmu::ecUNEXPECTED_OPERATOR, Error(), ExtractToken(), qmu::QmuParserToken< TBase, TString >::GetAsString(), m_iPos, m_iSynFlags, m_pInfixOprtDef, m_pParser, noASSIGN, noBC, noINFIXOP, noOPT, noPOSTOP, noSTR, qmu::QmuParserToken< TBase, TString >::Set(), and qmu::QmuParserBase::ValidInfixOprtChars().

Referenced by IsBuiltIn(), IsOprt(), and ReadNextToken().

◆ IsOprt()

bool qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::IsOprt ( token_type a_Tok)

Check if a string position contains a binary operator.

a_Tok[out] Operator token if one is found. This can either be a binary operator or an infix operator token.
true if an operator token has been found.

Definition at line 642 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

References ExtractOperatorToken(), qmu::QmuParserBase::GetOprtDef(), qmu::QmuParserBase::HasBuiltInOprt(), IsInfixOpTok(), m_iPos, m_iSynFlags, m_pOprtDef, m_pParser, m_strFormula, noARG_SEP, noASSIGN, noBC, noEND, noOPT, noPOSTOP, and qmu::QmuParserToken< TBase, TString >::Set().

Referenced by ReadNextToken().

◆ IsPostOpTok()

bool qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::IsPostOpTok ( token_type a_Tok)

Check if a string position contains a unary post value operator.

Definition at line 711 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

References ExtractToken(), m_iPos, m_iSynFlags, m_pParser, m_pPostOprtDef, noASSIGN, noBO, noFUN, noPOSTOP, noSTR, noVAL, noVAR, qmu::QmuParserToken< TBase, TString >::Set(), and qmu::QmuParserBase::ValidOprtChars().

Referenced by ReadNextToken().

◆ IsString()

bool qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::IsString ( token_type a_Tok)

Check wheter a token at a given position is a string.

a_Tok[out] If a variable token has been found it will be placed here.
true if a string token has been found.
See also
IsOprt, IsFunTok, IsStrFunTok, IsValTok, IsVarTok, IsEOF, IsInfixOpTok, IsPostOpTok

Definition at line 968 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

References qmu::ecUNEXPECTED_STR, qmu::ecUNTERMINATED_STRING, Error(), m_iPos, m_iSynFlags, m_pParser, m_strFormula, qmu::QmuParserBase::m_vStringBuf, noANY, noARG_SEP, noBC, noEND, noOPT, noSTR, and qmu::QmuParserToken< TBase, TString >::SetString().

Referenced by ReadNextToken().

◆ IsStrVarTok()

◆ IsUndefVarTok()

bool qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::IsUndefVarTok ( token_type a_Tok)

Check wheter a token at a given position is an undefined variable.

a_Tok[out] If a variable tom_pParser->m_vStringBufken has been found it will be placed here.
true if a variable token has been found.

Definition at line 914 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

References qmu::ecUNEXPECTED_VAR, Error(), ExtractToken(), qmu::QmuParserToken< TBase, TString >::GetAsString(), m_fZero, m_iPos, m_iSynFlags, m_pFactory, m_pFactoryData, m_pParser, m_UsedVar, noBO, noFUN, noINFIXOP, noPOSTOP, noSTR, noVAL, noVAR, qmu::QmuParserToken< TBase, TString >::SetVar(), and qmu::QmuParserBase::ValidNameChars().

Referenced by ReadNextToken().

◆ IsValTok()

bool qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::IsValTok ( token_type a_Tok,
const QLocale &  locale,
const QChar &  decimal,
const QChar &  thousand 

Check whether the token at a given position is a value token.

Value tokens are either values or constants.

a_Tok[out] If a value token is found it will be placed here.
true if a value token has been found.

Definition at line 768 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

References qmu::ecUNEXPECTED_VAL, Error(), ExtractToken(), m_iPos, m_iSynFlags, m_pConstDef, m_pParser, m_strFormula, m_vIdentFun, noASSIGN, noBO, noFUN, noINFIXOP, noSTR, noVAL, noVAR, qmu::QmuParserToken< TBase, TString >::SetVal(), and qmu::QmuParserBase::ValidNameChars().

Referenced by ReadNextToken().

◆ IsVarTok()

bool qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::IsVarTok ( token_type a_Tok)

Check wheter a token at a given position is a variable token.

a_Tok[out] If a variable token has been found it will be placed here.
true if a variable token has been found.

Definition at line 829 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

References qmu::ecUNEXPECTED_VAR, Error(), ExtractToken(), m_iPos, m_iSynFlags, m_pParser, m_pVarDef, m_strFormula, m_UsedVar, noBO, noFUN, noINFIXOP, noSTR, noVAL, noVAR, qmu::QmuParserBase::OnDetectVar(), qmu::QmuParserToken< TBase, TString >::SetVar(), and qmu::QmuParserBase::ValidNameChars().

Referenced by ReadNextToken().

◆ operator=()

QmuParserTokenReader & qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::operator= ( const QmuParserTokenReader a_Reader)

Assignement operator.

Self assignement will be suppressed otherwise Assign is called.

a_ReaderObject to copy to this token reader.

Definition at line 75 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

References Assign().

◆ ReadNextToken()

QmuParserTokenReader::token_type qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::ReadNextToken ( const QLocale &  locale,
const QChar &  decimal,
const QChar &  thousand 

◆ ReInit()

void qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::ReInit ( )

Reset the token reader to the start of the formula.

The syntax flags will be reset to a value appropriate for the start of a formula.

m_iPos==0, m_iSynFlags = noOPT | noBC | noPOSTOP | noSTR
See also

Definition at line 203 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

References m_iBrackets, m_iPos, m_iSynFlags, m_lastTok, m_UsedVar, and sfSTART_OF_LINE.

Referenced by SetFormula().

◆ SaveBeforeReturn()

QmuParserTokenReader::token_type & qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::SaveBeforeReturn ( const token_type tok)

Definition at line 156 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

References m_lastTok.

Referenced by ReadNextToken().

◆ SetArgSep()

void qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::SetArgSep ( char_type  cArgSep)

Definition at line 194 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

References m_cArgSep.

◆ SetFormula()

void qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::SetFormula ( const QString &  a_strFormula)

Initialize the token Reader.

Sets the formula position index to zero and set Syntax flags to default for initial formula parsing.

[assert] triggered if a_szFormula==0

Definition at line 188 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

References m_strFormula, and ReInit().

◆ SetParent()

◆ SetVarCreator()

void qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::SetVarCreator ( facfun_type  a_pFactory,
void *  pUserData 

Definition at line 175 of file qmuparsertokenreader.cpp.

References m_pFactory, and m_pFactoryData.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_bIgnoreUndefVar

bool qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::m_bIgnoreUndefVar

Definition at line 127 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

Referenced by Assign(), IgnoreUndefVar(), and ReadNextToken().

◆ m_cArgSep

QChar qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::m_cArgSep

The character used for separating function arguments.

Definition at line 143 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

Referenced by Assign(), GetArgSep(), IsArgSep(), and SetArgSep().

◆ m_fZero

qreal qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::m_fZero

Dummy value of zero, referenced by undefined variables.

Definition at line 140 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

Referenced by Assign(), and IsUndefVarTok().

◆ m_iBrackets

int qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::m_iBrackets

Keep count open brackets.

Definition at line 141 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

Referenced by Assign(), IsBuiltIn(), IsEOF(), and ReInit().

◆ m_iPos

◆ m_iSynFlags

int qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::m_iSynFlags

◆ m_lastTok

token_type qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::m_lastTok

Definition at line 142 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

Referenced by Assign(), IsBuiltIn(), ReInit(), and SaveBeforeReturn().

◆ m_pConstDef

const valmap_type* qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::m_pConstDef

Definition at line 133 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

Referenced by Assign(), IsValTok(), and SetParent().

◆ m_pFactory

facfun_type qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::m_pFactory

Definition at line 136 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

Referenced by Assign(), IsUndefVarTok(), ReadNextToken(), and SetVarCreator().

◆ m_pFactoryData

void* qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::m_pFactoryData

Definition at line 137 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

Referenced by Assign(), IsUndefVarTok(), and SetVarCreator().

◆ m_pFunDef

const funmap_type* qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::m_pFunDef

Definition at line 129 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

Referenced by Assign(), IsFunTok(), and SetParent().

◆ m_pInfixOprtDef

const funmap_type* qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::m_pInfixOprtDef

Definition at line 131 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

Referenced by Assign(), IsInfixOpTok(), and SetParent().

◆ m_pOprtDef

const funmap_type* qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::m_pOprtDef

Definition at line 132 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

Referenced by Assign(), IsOprt(), and SetParent().

◆ m_pParser

◆ m_pPostOprtDef

const funmap_type* qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::m_pPostOprtDef

Definition at line 130 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

Referenced by Assign(), IsPostOpTok(), and SetParent().

◆ m_pStrVarDef

const strmap_type* qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::m_pStrVarDef

Definition at line 134 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

Referenced by Assign(), IsStrVarTok(), and SetParent().

◆ m_pVarDef

varmap_type* qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::m_pVarDef

The only non const pointer to parser internals.

Definition at line 135 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

Referenced by Assign(), IsVarTok(), and SetParent().

◆ m_strFormula

QString qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::m_strFormula

◆ m_UsedVar

varmap_type qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::m_UsedVar

Definition at line 139 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

Referenced by Assign(), GetUsedVar(), IsUndefVarTok(), IsVarTok(), and ReInit().

◆ m_vIdentFun

std::list<identfun_type> qmu::QmuParserTokenReader::m_vIdentFun

Value token identification function.

Definition at line 138 of file qmuparsertokenreader.h.

Referenced by AddValIdent(), Assign(), and IsValTok().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: