#include <vabstractpattern.h>
Public Slots | |
virtual void | LiteParseTree (const Document &parse)=0 |
void | haveLiteChange () |
haveLiteChange we have unsaved change. More... | |
void | NeedFullParsing () |
void | ClearScene () |
void | updatePieceList (quint32 id) |
void | selectedPiece (quint32 id) |
Signals | |
void | activeDraftBlockChanged (const QString &newName) |
activeDraftBlockChanged change active draft block. More... | |
void | ChangedCursor (quint32 id) |
ChangedCursor change cursor position. More... | |
void | draftBlockNameChanged (const QString &oldName, const QString &newName) |
draftBlockNameChanged save new name draft block. More... | |
void | FullUpdateFromFile () |
FullUpdateFromFile update tool data form file. More... | |
void | patternChanged (bool saved) |
patternChanged emit if we have unsaved change. More... | |
void | UpdatePatternLabel () |
void | ShowTool (quint32 id, bool enable) |
ShowTool highlight tool. More... | |
void | ClearMainWindow () |
void | UndoCommand () |
void | SetEnabledGUI (bool enabled) |
void | CheckLayout () |
void | UpdateInLayoutList (quint32 id) |
void | showPiece (quint32 id) |
void | setCurrentDraftBlock (const QString &patterPiece) |
void | patternHasGroups (bool value) |
void | updateGroups () |
Public Member Functions | |
VAbstractPattern (QObject *parent=nullptr) | |
virtual | ~VAbstractPattern () Q_DECL_EQ_DEFAULT |
QStringList | ListMeasurements () const |
QVector< VFormulaField > | ListExpressions () const |
QVector< VFormulaField > | ListIncrementExpressions () const |
virtual void | CreateEmptyFile ()=0 |
void | changeActiveDraftBlock (const QString &name, const Document &parse=Document::FullParse) |
changeActiveDraftBlock set new active draft block name. More... | |
QString | getActiveDraftBlockName () const |
getActiveDraftBlockName return current draft block name. More... | |
bool | draftBlockNameExists (const QString &name) const |
draftBlockNameExists check if draft block with this name exists. More... | |
int | draftBlockCount () const |
QDomElement | getDraftBlockElement (const QString &name) |
bool | renameDraftBlock (const QString &oldName, const QString &newName) |
renameDraftBlock change draft block name. More... | |
bool | appendDraftBlock (const QString &name) |
appendDraftBlock add new draft block. More... | |
bool | getActiveNodeElement (const QString &name, QDomElement &element) const |
getActiveNodeElement find element in current draft block by name. More... | |
quint32 | getCursor () const |
void | setCursor (const quint32 &value) |
void | setDefaultPen (Pen pen) |
QString | getDefaultLineColor () const |
qreal | getDefaultLineWeight () const |
QString | getDefaultLineType () const |
virtual void | IncrementReferens (quint32 id) const =0 |
virtual void | DecrementReferens (quint32 id) const =0 |
virtual QString | GenerateLabel (const LabelType &type, const QString &reservedName=QString()) const =0 |
virtual QString | GenerateSuffix (const QString &type) const =0 |
virtual void | UpdateToolData (const quint32 &id, VContainer *data)=0 |
void | AddToolOnRemove (VDataTool *tool) |
QVector< VToolRecord > * | getHistory () |
getHistory return list with list of history records. More... | |
QVector< VToolRecord > | getBlockHistory () const |
QMap< quint32, Tool > | getGroupObjHistory () const |
QString | MPath () const |
void | SetMPath (const QString &path) |
quint32 | SiblingNodeId (const quint32 &nodeId) const |
QStringList | getPatternPieces () const |
QMap< GHeights, bool > | GetGradationHeights () const |
void | SetGradationHeights (const QMap< GHeights, bool > &options) |
QMap< GSizes, bool > | GetGradationSizes () const |
void | SetGradationSizes (const QMap< GSizes, bool > &options) |
QString | GetDescription () const |
void | SetDescription (const QString &text) |
QString | GetNotes () const |
void | SetNotes (const QString &text) |
QString | GetPatternName () const |
void | SetPatternName (const QString &qsName) |
QString | GetCompanyName () const |
void | SetCompanyName (const QString &qsName) |
QString | GetPatternNumber () const |
void | SetPatternNumber (const QString &qsNum) |
QString | GetCustomerName () const |
void | SetCustomerName (const QString &qsName) |
QString | GetLabelDateFormat () const |
void | SetLabelDateFormat (const QString &format) |
QString | GetLabelTimeFormat () const |
void | SetLabelTimeFormat (const QString &format) |
void | setPatternLabelTemplate (const QVector< VLabelTemplateLine > &lines) |
QVector< VLabelTemplateLine > | getPatternLabelTemplate () const |
void | SetPatternWasChanged (bool changed) |
bool | GetPatternWasChanged () const |
QString | GetImage () const |
QString | GetImageExtension () const |
void | SetImage (const QString &text, const QString &extension) |
void | DeleteImage () |
QString | GetVersion () const |
void | SetVersion () |
QVector< quint32 > | getOpItems (const quint32 &toolId, const QString &itemType) |
getOpItems get vector of operation tool obects. More... | |
QVector< quint32 > | getDartItems (const quint32 &toolId) |
bool | IsModified () const |
void | SetModified (bool modified) |
QDomElement | getDraw (const QString &name) const |
void | parseGroups (const QDomElement &domElement) |
QDomElement | createGroups () |
QDomElement | createGroup (quint32 id, const QString &name, const QString &color, const QString &type, const QString &weight, const QMap< quint32, quint32 > &groupData) |
QDomElement | addGroupItems (const QString &name, const QMap< quint32, quint32 > &groupData) |
QString | getGroupName (quint32 id) |
void | setGroupName (quint32 id, const QString &name) |
QMap< quint32, GroupAttributes > | getGroups () |
QStringList | groupListByName () |
QDomElement | getGroupByName (const QString &name) |
quint32 | getGroupIdByName (const QString &name) |
QMap< quint32, QString > | getGroupsContainingItem (quint32 toolId, quint32 objectId, bool containsItem) |
Returns the groups that contain or do not contain the item identified by the toolid and the objectid. More... | |
void | deleteToolFromGroup (quint32 toolId) |
Deletes an item from the group containing the toolId. More... | |
void | addToolToGroup (quint32 toolId, quint32 objectId, const QString &groupName) |
Adds an item to the given group with the given toolId and objectId. More... | |
QDomElement | addGroupItem (quint32 toolId, quint32 objectId, quint32 groupId) |
Adds an item to the given group with the given toolId and objectId. More... | |
QDomElement | removeGroupItem (quint32 toolId, quint32 objectId, quint32 groupId) |
Removes the item of given toolId and objectId from the group of given groupId. More... | |
bool | isGroupEmpty (quint32 id) |
Returns true if the given group is empty. More... | |
bool | getGroupVisibility (quint32 id) |
void | setGroupVisibility (quint32 id, bool visible) |
bool | getGroupLock (quint32 id) |
void | setGroupLock (quint32 id, bool locked) |
QString | getGroupColor (quint32 id) |
void | setGroupColor (quint32 id, QString color) |
QString | getGroupLineType (quint32 id) |
void | setGroupLineType (quint32 id, QString type) |
QString | getGroupLineWeight (quint32 id) |
void | setGroupLineWeight (quint32 id, QString weight) |
bool | groupNameExists (const QString &groupName) |
QString | useGroupColor (quint32 toolId, QString color) |
QString | useGroupLineType (quint32 toolId, QString type) |
QString | useGroupLineWeight (quint32 toolId, QString weight) |
QPair< bool, QMap< quint32, quint32 > > | parseItemElement (const QDomElement &domElement) |
![]() | |
VDomDocument () | |
virtual | ~VDomDocument () Q_DECL_EQ_DEFAULT |
QDomElement | elementById (quint32 id, const QString &tagName=QString()) |
template<typename T > | |
void | SetAttribute (QDomElement &domElement, const QString &name, const T &value) const |
SetAttribute set attribute in pattern file. Replace "," by ".". More... | |
Unit | MUnit () const |
virtual void | setXMLContent (const QString &fileName) |
virtual bool | SaveDocument (const QString &fileName, QString &error) |
QString | Major () const |
QString | Minor () const |
QString | Patch () const |
QDomNode | ParentNodeById (const quint32 &nodeId) |
QDomElement | CloneNodeById (const quint32 &nodeId) |
QDomElement | NodeById (const quint32 &nodeId) |
QVector< VLabelTemplateLine > | GetLabelTemplate (const QDomElement &element) const |
void | SetLabelTemplate (QDomElement &element, const QVector< VLabelTemplateLine > &lines) |
template<> | |
void | SetAttribute (QDomElement &domElement, const QString &name, const QString &value) const |
template<> | |
void | SetAttribute (QDomElement &domElement, const QString &name, const bool &value) const |
template<> | |
void | SetAttribute (QDomElement &domElement, const QString &name, const MeasurementsType &value) const |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static VDataTool * | getTool (quint32 id) |
getTool return tool from tool list. More... | |
static void | AddTool (quint32 id, VDataTool *tool) |
AddTool add tool to list tools. More... | |
static void | RemoveTool (quint32 id) |
static VPiecePath | ParsePieceNodes (const QDomElement &domElement) |
static QVector< CustomSARecord > | ParsePieceCSARecords (const QDomElement &domElement) |
static QVector< quint32 > | ParsePieceInternalPaths (const QDomElement &domElement) |
static QVector< quint32 > | ParsePieceAnchors (const QDomElement &domElement) |
![]() | |
static quint32 | GetParametrUInt (const QDomElement &domElement, const QString &name, const QString &defValue) |
Returns the long long value of the given attribute. RENAME: GetParameterLongLong? More... | |
static bool | getParameterBool (const QDomElement &domElement, const QString &name, const QString &defValue) |
static NodeUsage | GetParametrUsage (const QDomElement &domElement, const QString &name) |
static void | SetParametrUsage (QDomElement &domElement, const QString &name, const NodeUsage &value) |
static QString | GetParametrString (const QDomElement &domElement, const QString &name, const QString &defValue=QString()) |
Returns the string value of the given attribute. RENAME: see above. More... | |
static QString | GetParametrEmptyString (const QDomElement &domElement, const QString &name) |
static qreal | GetParametrDouble (const QDomElement &domElement, const QString &name, const QString &defValue) |
Returns the double value of the given attribute. More... | |
static quint32 | getParameterId (const QDomElement &domElement) |
getParameterId return value id attribute. More... | |
static void | ValidateXML (const QString &schema, const QString &fileName) |
ValidateXML validate xml file by xsd schema. More... | |
static QString | UnitsHelpString () |
static void | RemoveAllChildren (QDomElement &domElement) |
RemoveAllChildren remove all children from file. More... | |
static bool | SafeCopy (const QString &source, const QString &destination, QString &error) |
Static Public Attributes | |
static const QString | TagPattern = QStringLiteral("pattern") |
static const QString | TagCalculation = QStringLiteral("calculation") |
static const QString | TagModeling = QStringLiteral("modeling") |
static const QString | TagPieces = QStringLiteral("pieces") |
static const QString | TagPiece = QStringLiteral("piece") |
static const QString | TagDescription = QStringLiteral("description") |
static const QString | TagImage = QStringLiteral("image") |
static const QString | TagNotes = QStringLiteral("notes") |
static const QString | TagMeasurements = QStringLiteral("measurements") |
static const QString | TagIncrements = QStringLiteral("increments") |
static const QString | TagIncrement = QStringLiteral("increment") |
static const QString | TagDraftBlock = QStringLiteral("draftBlock") |
static const QString | TagGroups = QStringLiteral("groups") |
static const QString | TagGroup = QStringLiteral("group") |
static const QString | TagGroupItem = QStringLiteral("item") |
static const QString | TagPoint = QStringLiteral("point") |
static const QString | TagSpline = QStringLiteral("spline") |
static const QString | TagArc = QStringLiteral("arc") |
static const QString | TagElArc = QStringLiteral("elArc") |
static const QString | TagTools = QStringLiteral("tools") |
static const QString | TagOperation = QStringLiteral("operation") |
static const QString | TagGradation = QStringLiteral("gradation") |
static const QString | TagHeights = QStringLiteral("heights") |
static const QString | TagSizes = QStringLiteral("sizes") |
static const QString | TagData = QStringLiteral("data") |
static const QString | TagPatternInfo = QStringLiteral("patternInfo") |
static const QString | TagPatternName = QStringLiteral("patternName") |
static const QString | TagPatternNum = QStringLiteral("patternNumber") |
static const QString | TagCompanyName = QStringLiteral("company") |
static const QString | TagCustomerName = QStringLiteral("customer") |
static const QString | TagPatternLabel = QStringLiteral("patternLabel") |
static const QString | TagGrainline = QStringLiteral("grainline") |
static const QString | TagPath = QStringLiteral("path") |
static const QString | TagNodes = QStringLiteral("nodes") |
static const QString | TagNode = QStringLiteral("node") |
static const QString | TagLine = QStringLiteral("line") |
static const QString | AttrName = QStringLiteral("name") |
static const QString | AttrVisible = QStringLiteral("visible") |
static const QString | AttrGroupLocked = QStringLiteral("locked") |
static const QString | AttrGroupColor = QStringLiteral("groupColor") |
static const QString | AttrObject = QStringLiteral("object") |
static const QString | AttrTool = QStringLiteral("tool") |
static const QString | AttrType = QStringLiteral("type") |
static const QString | AttrLetter = QStringLiteral("letter") |
static const QString | AttrAnnotation = QStringLiteral("annotation") |
static const QString | AttrOrientation = QStringLiteral("orientation") |
static const QString | AttrRotationWay = QStringLiteral("rotationWay") |
static const QString | AttrTilt = QStringLiteral("tilt") |
static const QString | AttrFoldPosition = QStringLiteral("foldPosition") |
static const QString | AttrQuantity = QStringLiteral("quantity") |
static const QString | AttrOnFold = QStringLiteral("onFold") |
static const QString | AttrDateFormat = QStringLiteral("dateFormat") |
static const QString | AttrTimeFormat = QStringLiteral("timeFormat") |
static const QString | AttrArrows = QStringLiteral("arrows") |
static const QString | AttrNodeReverse = QStringLiteral("reverse") |
static const QString | AttrNodeExcluded = QStringLiteral("excluded") |
static const QString | AttrNodeIsNotch = QStringLiteral("notch") |
static const QString | AttrNodeNotchType = QStringLiteral("notchType") |
static const QString | AttrNodeNotchSubType = QStringLiteral("notchSubtype") |
static const QString | AttrNodeShowNotch = QStringLiteral("showNotch") |
static const QString | AttrNodeShowSecondNotch = QStringLiteral("showSecondNotch") |
static const QString | AttrNodeNotchLength = QStringLiteral("notchLength") |
static const QString | AttrNodeNotchWidth = QStringLiteral("notchWidth") |
static const QString | AttrNodeNotchAngle = QStringLiteral("notchAngle") |
static const QString | AttrNodeNotchCount = QStringLiteral("notchCount") |
static const QString | AttrSABefore = QStringLiteral("before") |
static const QString | AttrSAAfter = QStringLiteral("after") |
static const QString | AttrStart = QStringLiteral("start") |
static const QString | AttrPath = QStringLiteral("path") |
static const QString | AttrEnd = QStringLiteral("end") |
static const QString | AttrIncludeAs = QStringLiteral("includeAs") |
static const QString | AttrWidth = QStringLiteral("width") |
static const QString | AttrRotation = QStringLiteral("rotation") |
static const QString | AttrAll = QStringLiteral("all") |
static const QString | AttrH50 = QStringLiteral("h50") |
static const QString | AttrH56 = QStringLiteral("h56") |
static const QString | AttrH62 = QStringLiteral("h62") |
static const QString | AttrH68 = QStringLiteral("h68") |
static const QString | AttrH74 = QStringLiteral("h74") |
static const QString | AttrH80 = QStringLiteral("h80") |
static const QString | AttrH86 = QStringLiteral("h86") |
static const QString | AttrH92 = QStringLiteral("h92") |
static const QString | AttrH98 = QStringLiteral("h98") |
static const QString | AttrH104 = QStringLiteral("h104") |
static const QString | AttrH110 = QStringLiteral("h110") |
static const QString | AttrH116 = QStringLiteral("h116") |
static const QString | AttrH122 = QStringLiteral("h122") |
static const QString | AttrH128 = QStringLiteral("h128") |
static const QString | AttrH134 = QStringLiteral("h134") |
static const QString | AttrH140 = QStringLiteral("h140") |
static const QString | AttrH146 = QStringLiteral("h146") |
static const QString | AttrH152 = QStringLiteral("h152") |
static const QString | AttrH158 = QStringLiteral("h158") |
static const QString | AttrH164 = QStringLiteral("h164") |
static const QString | AttrH170 = QStringLiteral("h170") |
static const QString | AttrH176 = QStringLiteral("h176") |
static const QString | AttrH182 = QStringLiteral("h182") |
static const QString | AttrH188 = QStringLiteral("h188") |
static const QString | AttrH194 = QStringLiteral("h194") |
static const QString | AttrH200 = QStringLiteral("h200") |
static const QString | AttrS22 = QStringLiteral("s22") |
static const QString | AttrS24 = QStringLiteral("s24") |
static const QString | AttrS26 = QStringLiteral("s26") |
static const QString | AttrS28 = QStringLiteral("s28") |
static const QString | AttrS30 = QStringLiteral("s30") |
static const QString | AttrS32 = QStringLiteral("s32") |
static const QString | AttrS34 = QStringLiteral("s34") |
static const QString | AttrS36 = QStringLiteral("s36") |
static const QString | AttrS38 = QStringLiteral("s38") |
static const QString | AttrS40 = QStringLiteral("s40") |
static const QString | AttrS42 = QStringLiteral("s42") |
static const QString | AttrS44 = QStringLiteral("s44") |
static const QString | AttrS46 = QStringLiteral("s46") |
static const QString | AttrS48 = QStringLiteral("s48") |
static const QString | AttrS50 = QStringLiteral("s50") |
static const QString | AttrS52 = QStringLiteral("s52") |
static const QString | AttrS54 = QStringLiteral("s54") |
static const QString | AttrS56 = QStringLiteral("s56") |
static const QString | AttrS58 = QStringLiteral("s58") |
static const QString | AttrS60 = QStringLiteral("s60") |
static const QString | AttrS62 = QStringLiteral("s62") |
static const QString | AttrS64 = QStringLiteral("s64") |
static const QString | AttrS66 = QStringLiteral("s66") |
static const QString | AttrS68 = QStringLiteral("s68") |
static const QString | AttrS70 = QStringLiteral("s70") |
static const QString | AttrS72 = QStringLiteral("s72") |
static const QString | AttrCustom = QStringLiteral("custom") |
static const QString | AttrDefHeight = QStringLiteral("defHeight") |
static const QString | AttrDefSize = QStringLiteral("defSize") |
static const QString | AttrExtension = QStringLiteral("extension") |
static const QString | IncrementName = QStringLiteral("name") |
static const QString | IncrementFormula = QStringLiteral("formula") |
static const QString | IncrementDescription = QStringLiteral("description") |
static const QString | NodeArc = QStringLiteral("NodeArc") |
static const QString | NodeElArc = QStringLiteral("NodeElArc") |
static const QString | NodePoint = QStringLiteral("NodePoint") |
static const QString | NodeSpline = QStringLiteral("NodeSpline") |
static const QString | NodeSplinePath = QStringLiteral("NodeSplinePath") |
![]() | |
static const QString | AttrId = QStringLiteral("id") |
static const QString | AttrText = QStringLiteral("text") |
static const QString | AttrBold = QStringLiteral("bold") |
static const QString | AttrItalic = QStringLiteral("italic") |
static const QString | AttrAlignment = QStringLiteral("alignment") |
static const QString | AttrFSIncrement = QStringLiteral("sfIncrement") |
static const QString | TagVersion = QStringLiteral("version") |
static const QString | TagUnit = QStringLiteral("unit") |
static const QString | TagLine = QStringLiteral("line") |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | setActiveDraftBlock (const QString &name) |
setActiveDraftBlock set current draft block. More... | |
QDomElement | CheckTagExists (const QString &tag) |
void | InsertTag (const QStringList &tags, const QDomElement &element) |
void | SetChildTag (const QString &qsParent, const QString &qsChild, const QString &qsValue) |
int | getActiveDraftBlockIndex () const |
bool | getActiveDraftElement (QDomElement &element) const |
getActiveDraftElement return draftBlock element for current draft block. More... | |
bool | hasGroupItem (const QDomElement &domElement, quint32 toolId, quint32 objectId) |
Checks if the given group has the item with the given toolId and objectId. More... | |
![]() | |
bool | setTagText (const QString &tag, const QString &text) |
bool | setTagText (const QDomElement &domElement, const QString &text) |
QString | UniqueTagText (const QString &tagName, const QString &defVal=QString()) const |
void | TestUniqueId () const |
TestUniqueId test exist unique id in pattern file. Each id must be unique. More... | |
void | CollectId (const QDomElement &node, QVector< quint32 > &vector) const |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static void | ToolExists (const quint32 &id) |
static VPiecePath | ParsePathNodes (const QDomElement &domElement) |
static VPieceNode | ParseSANode (const QDomElement &domElement) |
Protected Attributes | |
QString | activeDraftBlock |
activeBlockName name current pattern peace. More... | |
QString | m_DefaultLineColor |
qreal | m_DefaultLineWeight |
QString | m_DefaultLineType |
QString | lastSavedExportFormat |
quint32 | cursor |
cursor cursor keep id tool after which we will add new tool in file. More... | |
QVector< VDataTool * > | toolsOnRemove |
QVector< VToolRecord > | history |
history history records. More... | |
QStringList | patternPieces |
patternPieces list of patern pieces names for combobox More... | |
bool | modified |
modified keep state of the document for cases that do not cover QUndoStack More... | |
Static Protected Attributes | |
static QHash< quint32, VDataTool * > | tools = QHash<quint32, VDataTool*>() |
tools list with pointer on tools. More... | |
static QVector< VLabelTemplateLine > | patternLabelLines = QVector<VLabelTemplateLine>() |
patternLabelLines list to speed up reading a template by many pieces. More... | |
static bool | patternLabelWasChanged = false |
Private Member Functions | |
QStringList | ListIncrements () const |
QVector< VFormulaField > | ListPointExpressions () const |
QVector< VFormulaField > | ListArcExpressions () const |
QVector< VFormulaField > | ListElArcExpressions () const |
QVector< VFormulaField > | ListSplineExpressions () const |
QVector< VFormulaField > | ListPathPointExpressions () const |
QVector< VFormulaField > | ListOperationExpressions () const |
QVector< VFormulaField > | ListNodesExpressions (const QDomElement &nodes) const |
QVector< VFormulaField > | ListPathExpressions () const |
QVector< VFormulaField > | ListGrainlineExpressions (const QDomElement &element) const |
QVector< VFormulaField > | ListPieceExpressions () const |
bool | IsVariable (const QString &token) const |
bool | IsPostfixOperator (const QString &token) const |
bool | IsFunction (const QString &token) const |
QPair< bool, QMap< quint32, quint32 > > | ParseItemElement (const QDomElement &domElement) |
Definition at line 112 of file vabstractpattern.h.
explicit |
Definition at line 257 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
virtual |
signal |
activeDraftBlockChanged change active draft block.
newName | new pattern peace name. |
Referenced by changeActiveDraftBlock(), setActiveDraftBlock(), and VDrawTool::VDrawTool().
QDomElement VAbstractPattern::addGroupItem | ( | quint32 | toolId, |
quint32 | objectId, | ||
quint32 | groupId | ||
) |
Adds an item to the given group with the given toolId and objectId.
toolId | |
objectId | |
groupId |
Definition at line 2687 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrObject, AttrTool, createGroups(), VDomDocument::elementById(), getGroupLock(), modified, parseGroups(), patternChanged(), TagGroup, TagGroupItem, and updateGroups().
Referenced by addToolToGroup(), VDrawTool::ContextMenu(), and GroupsWidget::groupItemContextMenu().
QDomElement VAbstractPattern::addGroupItems | ( | const QString & | name, |
const QMap< quint32, quint32 > & | groupData | ||
) |
Definition at line 2237 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrGroupLocked, AttrObject, AttrTool, getGroupByName(), getGroupIdByName(), getGroupLock(), VDomDocument::getParameterBool(), modified, patternChanged(), TagGroupItem, trueStr, and updateGroups().
Referenced by MainWindow::ClosedEditGroupDialog().
static |
AddTool add tool to list tools.
id | tool id. |
tool | tool. |
Definition at line 661 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References SCASSERT, and tools.
Referenced by VToolLine::Create(), PointIntersectXYTool::Create(), VToolCurveIntersectAxis::Create(), VToolLineIntersectAxis::Create(), VToolEndLine::Create(), VToolHeight::Create(), VToolAlongLine::Create(), VToolPointOfIntersectionArcs::Create(), VToolCutSpline::Create(), VToolCutArc::Create(), VToolCutSplinePath::Create(), VToolPointFromArcAndTangent::Create(), VToolTriangle::Create(), IntersectCircleTangentTool::Create(), IntersectCirclesTool::Create(), VToolPointOfIntersectionCurves::Create(), VToolArc::Create(), VToolArcWithLength::Create(), VToolEllipticalArc::Create(), VToolRotation::Create(), VToolLineIntersect::Create(), UnionTool::Create(), VToolNormal::Create(), VToolBisector::Create(), VToolShoulderPoint::Create(), VToolPointOfContact::Create(), VToolMirrorByLine::Create(), VToolMirrorByAxis::Create(), VToolCubicBezier::Create(), VToolCubicBezierPath::Create(), VToolSpline::Create(), VToolSplinePath::Create(), VToolBasePoint::Create(), VToolTrueDarts::Create(), VToolInternalPath::Create(), VToolMove::Create(), AnchorPointTool::Create(), PatternPieceTool::Create(), VNodeArc::Create(), VNodeEllipticalArc::Create(), VNodeSpline::Create(), VNodeSplinePath::Create(), and VNodePoint::Create().
void VAbstractPattern::AddToolOnRemove | ( | VDataTool * | tool | ) |
Definition at line 832 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References SCASSERT, and toolsOnRemove.
Referenced by UnionTool::Create(), AnchorPointTool::Create(), VNodeArc::Create(), VNodeEllipticalArc::Create(), VNodeSpline::Create(), and VNodeSplinePath::Create().
void VAbstractPattern::addToolToGroup | ( | quint32 | toolId, |
quint32 | objectId, | ||
const QString & | groupName | ||
) |
Adds an item to the given group with the given toolId and objectId.
toolId |
Definition at line 2638 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References addGroupItem(), createGroups(), getGroupIdByName(), getGroupLock(), getGroupsContainingItem(), modified, parseGroups(), patternChanged(), removeGroupItem(), and updateGroups().
bool VAbstractPattern::appendDraftBlock | ( | const QString & | name | ) |
appendDraftBlock add new draft block.
Method check if not exist draft block with the same name and change name active draft block name, send signal about change draft block. Doen't add draft block to file structure. This task make SPoint tool.
name | draft block name. |
Definition at line 585 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References draftBlockNameExists(), and setActiveDraftBlock().
Referenced by MainWindow::addDraftBlock().
void VAbstractPattern::changeActiveDraftBlock | ( | const QString & | name, |
const Document & | parse = Document::FullParse |
) |
changeActiveDraftBlock set new active draft block name.
name | new name. |
parse | parser file mode. |
Definition at line 330 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References activeDraftBlock, activeDraftBlockChanged(), draftBlockNameExists(), and FullParse.
Referenced by MainWindow::changeDraftBlock(), MainWindow::exportDraftBlocksAs(), VPattern::Parse(), AddGroupItem::redo(), AddGroup::redo(), AddToCalc::redo(), MoveGroupItem::redo(), RemoveGroupItem::redo(), AddGroupItem::undo(), AddGroup::undo(), AddToCalc::undo(), DeleteDraftBlock::undo(), MoveGroupItem::undo(), and RemoveGroupItem::undo().
signal |
ChangedCursor change cursor position.
id | tool id. |
Referenced by HistoryDialog::HistoryDialog(), and setCursor().
signal |
protected |
Definition at line 1706 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrAll, InsertTag(), TagCompanyName, TagCustomerName, TagDescription, TagGradation, TagHeights, TagImage, TagNotes, TagPatternLabel, TagPatternName, TagPatternNum, TagSizes, and VDomDocument::TagUnit.
Referenced by DeleteImage(), SetCompanyName(), SetCustomerName(), VPattern::SetDefCustom(), VPattern::SetDefCustomHeight(), VPattern::SetDefCustomSize(), SetDescription(), SetGradationHeights(), SetGradationSizes(), SetImage(), SetLabelDateFormat(), SetLabelTimeFormat(), SetNotes(), setPatternLabelTemplate(), SetPatternName(), and SetPatternNumber().
signal |
Referenced by ClearScene(), and MainWindow::MainWindow().
slot |
Definition at line 1651 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References ClearMainWindow().
Referenced by VToolBasePoint::AddToFile().
pure virtual |
Implemented in VLitePattern, and VPattern.
Referenced by AddDraftBlock::redo().
QDomElement VAbstractPattern::createGroup | ( | quint32 | id, |
const QString & | name, | ||
const QString & | color, | ||
const QString & | type, | ||
const QString & | weight, | ||
const QMap< quint32, quint32 > & | groupData | ||
) |
Definition at line 2199 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrGroupColor, AttrGroupLocked, VDomDocument::AttrId, AttrLineType, AttrLineWeight, AttrName, AttrObject, AttrTool, AttrVisible, NULL_ID, VDomDocument::SetAttribute(), TagGroup, and TagGroupItem.
Referenced by GroupsWidget::addGroupToList().
QDomElement VAbstractPattern::createGroups | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2180 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References getActiveDraftElement(), and TagGroups.
Referenced by addGroupItem(), addToolToGroup(), getGroupByName(), getGroupIdByName(), getGroupName(), getGroups(), getGroupsContainingItem(), groupListByName(), AddGroupItem::redo(), AddGroup::redo(), DelGroup::redo(), MoveGroupItem::redo(), RemoveGroupItem::redo(), removeGroupItem(), setGroupLock(), setGroupName(), setGroupVisibility(), AddGroupItem::undo(), AddGroup::undo(), DelGroup::undo(), MoveGroupItem::undo(), and RemoveGroupItem::undo().
pure virtual |
Implemented in VLitePattern, and VPattern.
Referenced by VToolInternalPath::DecrementNodes(), VUndoCommand::DecrementReferences(), VAbstractNode::decrementReferens(), VToolInternalPath::decrementReferens(), UnionTool::decrementReferens(), VToolArc::RemoveReferens(), VToolArcWithLength::RemoveReferens(), VToolCubicBezier::RemoveReferens(), VToolCubicBezierPath::RemoveReferens(), VToolEllipticalArc::RemoveReferens(), VToolSpline::RemoveReferens(), VToolSplinePath::RemoveReferens(), VToolTrueDarts::RemoveReferens(), IntersectCirclesTool::RemoveReferens(), IntersectCircleTangentTool::RemoveReferens(), PointIntersectXYTool::RemoveReferens(), VToolCut::RemoveReferens(), DoubleLinePointTool::RemoveReferens(), VToolAlongLine::RemoveReferens(), VToolBisector::RemoveReferens(), VToolLinePoint::RemoveReferens(), VToolNormal::RemoveReferens(), VToolShoulderPoint::RemoveReferens(), VToolLineIntersect::RemoveReferens(), VToolPointFromArcAndTangent::RemoveReferens(), VToolPointOfContact::RemoveReferens(), VToolPointOfIntersectionArcs::RemoveReferens(), VToolPointOfIntersectionCurves::RemoveReferens(), VToolTriangle::RemoveReferens(), and VToolLine::RemoveReferens().
void VAbstractPattern::DeleteImage | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1564 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References CheckTagExists(), modified, patternChanged(), and TagImage.
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::InitImage().
void VAbstractPattern::deleteToolFromGroup | ( | quint32 | toolId | ) |
Deletes an item from the group containing the toolId.
toolId |
Definition at line 2618 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References getGroupLock(), getGroupsContainingItem(), and removeGroupItem().
int VAbstractPattern::draftBlockCount | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 497 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References TagDraftBlock.
Referenced by AddDraftBlock::redo(), VPattern::setCurrentData(), VToolBasePoint::showContextMenu(), and AddDraftBlock::undo().
signal |
draftBlockNameChanged save new name draft block.
oldName | old name. |
newName | new name. |
Referenced by renameDraftBlock(), and VDrawTool::VDrawTool().
bool VAbstractPattern::draftBlockNameExists | ( | const QString & | name | ) | const |
draftBlockNameExists check if draft block with this name exists.
name | draft block name. |
Definition at line 391 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrName, VDomDocument::GetParametrString(), and TagDraftBlock.
Referenced by appendDraftBlock(), changeActiveDraftBlock(), and renameDraftBlock().
signal |
FullUpdateFromFile update tool data form file.
Referenced by DialogVariables::DialogVariables(), MainWindow::InitDocksContain(), VPattern::LiteParseTree(), and VAbstractTool::VAbstractTool().
pure virtual |
Implemented in VLitePattern, and VPattern.
pure virtual |
Implemented in VLitePattern, and VPattern.
protected |
Definition at line 1781 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References activeDraftBlock, AttrName, and TagDraftBlock.
Referenced by VPattern::GenerateLabel(), and VPattern::GenerateSuffix().
QString VAbstractPattern::getActiveDraftBlockName | ( | ) | const |
getActiveDraftBlockName return current draft block name.
Definition at line 348 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References activeDraftBlock.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddRecord(), MainWindow::exportDraftBlocksAs(), getBlockHistory(), getGroupObjHistory(), RenameDraftBlock::RenameDraftBlock(), and MainWindow::SetEnableWidgets().
protected |
getActiveDraftElement return draftBlock element for current draft block.
element | draftBlock element. |
Definition at line 359 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References activeDraftBlock, AttrName, and TagDraftBlock.
Referenced by createGroups(), getActiveNodeElement(), VPattern::getActivePatternPieces(), and VPattern::parseCurrentDraftBlock().
bool VAbstractPattern::getActiveNodeElement | ( | const QString & | name, |
QDomElement & | element | ||
) | const |
getActiveNodeElement find element in current draft block by name.
name | name tag. |
element | element. |
Definition at line 420 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References getActiveDraftElement().
Referenced by VPattern::getActiveBasePoint(), AddDetNode::GetModelingSection(), AddPiece::getPiecesElement(), AddToCalc::redo(), and AddToCalc::undo().
QVector< VToolRecord > VAbstractPattern::getBlockHistory | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 849 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References getActiveDraftBlockName(), VToolRecord::getDraftBlockName(), and history.
Referenced by HistoryDialog::fillTable(), and SiblingNodeId().
QString VAbstractPattern::GetCompanyName | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1384 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References TagCompanyName, and VDomDocument::UniqueTagText().
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::DialogPatternProperties(), EditLabelTemplateDialog::InitPlaceholders(), anonymous_namespace{vtextmanager.cpp}::PreparePlaceholders(), and ShowInfoDialog::ShowInfoDialog().
quint32 VAbstractPattern::getCursor | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 601 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References cursor.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddRecord(), MainWindow::ClosedDialogWithApply(), and HistoryDialog::cursorRow().
QString VAbstractPattern::GetCustomerName | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1416 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References TagCustomerName, and VDomDocument::UniqueTagText().
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::DialogPatternProperties(), EditLabelTemplateDialog::InitPlaceholders(), anonymous_namespace{vtextmanager.cpp}::PreparePlaceholders(), and ShowInfoDialog::ShowInfoDialog().
QVector< quint32 > VAbstractPattern::getDartItems | ( | const quint32 & | toolId | ) |
Definition at line 1620 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrPoint1, AttrPoint2, VDomDocument::elementById(), VDomDocument::GetParametrUInt(), and NULL_ID_STR.
QString VAbstractPattern::getDefaultLineColor | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 626 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References m_DefaultLineColor.
QString VAbstractPattern::getDefaultLineType | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 638 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References m_DefaultLineType.
qreal VAbstractPattern::getDefaultLineWeight | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 632 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References m_DefaultLineWeight.
QString VAbstractPattern::GetDescription | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1338 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References TagDescription, and VDomDocument::UniqueTagText().
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::DialogPatternProperties(), MainWindowsNoGUI::exportSVG(), and ShowInfoDialog::ShowInfoDialog().
QDomElement VAbstractPattern::getDraftBlockElement | ( | const QString & | name | ) |
Definition at line 509 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrName, and TagDraftBlock.
Referenced by UnionTool::AddToModeling(), DeleteDraftBlock::DeleteDraftBlock(), AddDetNode::GetModelingSection(), AddPiece::getPiecesElement(), DeleteDraftBlock::redo(), renameDraftBlock(), AddDraftBlock::undo(), and DeleteDraftBlock::undo().
QDomElement VAbstractPattern::getDraw | ( | const QString & | name | ) | const |
Definition at line 949 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References ALL, AttrAll, AttrH104, AttrH110, AttrH116, AttrH122, AttrH128, AttrH134, AttrH140, AttrH146, AttrH152, AttrH158, AttrH164, AttrH170, AttrH176, AttrH182, AttrH188, AttrH194, AttrH200, AttrH50, AttrH56, AttrH62, AttrH68, AttrH74, AttrH80, AttrH86, AttrH92, AttrH98, VDomDocument::getParameterBool(), H104, H110, H116, H122, H128, H134, H140, H146, H152, H158, H164, H170, H176, H182, H188, H194, H200, H50, H56, H62, H68, H74, H80, H86, H92, H98, VDomDocument::map, TagGradation, TagHeights, TagSizes, and trueStr.
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::DialogPatternProperties(), and MainWindow::initStatusBar().
Definition at line 1144 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References ALL, AttrAll, AttrS22, AttrS24, AttrS26, AttrS28, AttrS30, AttrS32, AttrS34, AttrS36, AttrS38, AttrS40, AttrS42, AttrS44, AttrS46, AttrS48, AttrS50, AttrS52, AttrS54, AttrS56, AttrS58, AttrS60, AttrS62, AttrS64, AttrS66, AttrS68, AttrS70, AttrS72, VDomDocument::getParameterBool(), VDomDocument::map, S22, S24, S26, S28, S30, S32, S34, S36, S38, S40, S42, S44, S46, S48, S50, S52, S54, S56, S58, S60, S62, S64, S66, S68, S70, S72, TagGradation, TagHeights, TagSizes, and trueStr.
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::DialogPatternProperties(), and MainWindow::initStatusBar().
QDomElement VAbstractPattern::getGroupByName | ( | const QString & | name | ) |
Definition at line 2447 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrName, createGroups(), VDomDocument::GetParametrString(), patternHasGroups(), and TagGroup.
Referenced by addGroupItems(), GroupsWidget::fillGroupItemList(), useGroupColor(), useGroupLineType(), and useGroupLineWeight().
QString VAbstractPattern::getGroupColor | ( | quint32 | id | ) |
Definition at line 2909 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrGroupColor, ColorBlack, VDomDocument::elementById(), VDomDocument::GetParametrString(), and TagGroup.
Referenced by GroupsWidget::editGroup(), GroupsWidget::groupContextMenu(), and useGroupColor().
quint32 VAbstractPattern::getGroupIdByName | ( | const QString & | name | ) |
Definition at line 2491 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References VDomDocument::AttrId, AttrName, createGroups(), VDomDocument::GetParametrString(), VDomDocument::GetParametrUInt(), and TagGroup.
Referenced by addGroupItems(), addToolToGroup(), useGroupColor(), useGroupLineType(), and useGroupLineWeight().
QString VAbstractPattern::getGroupLineType | ( | quint32 | id | ) |
Definition at line 2949 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrLineType, VDomDocument::elementById(), VDomDocument::GetParametrString(), LineTypeSolidLine, and TagGroup.
Referenced by GroupsWidget::editGroup(), GroupsWidget::groupContextMenu(), and useGroupLineType().
QString VAbstractPattern::getGroupLineWeight | ( | quint32 | id | ) |
Definition at line 2989 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrLineWeight, ColorBlack, VDomDocument::elementById(), VDomDocument::GetParametrString(), and TagGroup.
Referenced by GroupsWidget::editGroup(), GroupsWidget::groupContextMenu(), and useGroupLineWeight().
bool VAbstractPattern::getGroupLock | ( | quint32 | id | ) |
Definition at line 2865 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrGroupLocked, VDomDocument::elementById(), VDomDocument::getParameterBool(), TagGroup, and trueStr.
Referenced by addGroupItem(), addGroupItems(), addToolToGroup(), GroupsWidget::deleteGroupFromList(), deleteToolFromGroup(), GroupsWidget::editGroup(), GroupsWidget::groupContextMenu(), GroupsWidget::groupItemContextMenu(), GroupsWidget::groupLockChanged(), GroupsWidget::groupVisibilityChanged(), GroupsWidget::hideAllGroups(), GroupTableWidgetItem::operator<(), removeGroupItem(), GroupsWidget::renameGroup(), and GroupsWidget::showAllGroups().
QString VAbstractPattern::getGroupName | ( | quint32 | id | ) |
Definition at line 2271 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrName, createGroups(), VDomDocument::elementById(), VDomDocument::GetParametrString(), and TagGroup.
Referenced by GroupsWidget::editGroup(), and GroupsWidget::groupContextMenu().
Definition at line 865 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References getActiveDraftBlockName(), VToolRecord::getDraftBlockName(), VToolRecord::getId(), VToolRecord::getTypeTool(), and history.
Referenced by GroupsWidget::fillGroupItemList().
QMap< quint32, GroupAttributes > VAbstractPattern::getGroups | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2333 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrGroupColor, AttrGroupLocked, VDomDocument::AttrId, AttrLineType, AttrLineWeight, AttrName, AttrVisible, GroupAttributes::color, ColorBlack, createGroups(), VDomDocument::getParameterBool(), VDomDocument::GetParametrString(), VDomDocument::GetParametrUInt(), GroupAttributes::linetype, LineTypeSolidLine, GroupAttributes::lineweight, GroupAttributes::locked, GroupAttributes::name, patternHasGroups(), TagGroup, trueStr, and GroupAttributes::visible.
Referenced by AddToGroupDialog::fillNameBox(), and GroupsWidget::updateGroups().
QMap< quint32, QString > VAbstractPattern::getGroupsContainingItem | ( | quint32 | toolId, |
quint32 | objectId, | ||
bool | containsItem | ||
) |
Returns the groups that contain or do not contain the item identified by the toolid and the objectid.
toolId | |
objectId | |
containsItem | |true if the groups contain the given item, false if they don't contain the item |
Definition at line 2537 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References VDomDocument::AttrId, AttrName, createGroups(), VDomDocument::GetParametrString(), VDomDocument::GetParametrUInt(), hasGroupItem(), and TagGroup.
Referenced by addToolToGroup(), VDrawTool::ContextMenu(), deleteToolFromGroup(), GroupsWidget::groupItemContextMenu(), useGroupColor(), useGroupLineType(), useGroupLineWeight(), GroupsWidget::zoomToObject(), and MainWindow::zoomToPoint().
bool VAbstractPattern::getGroupVisibility | ( | quint32 | id | ) |
Definition at line 2821 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrVisible, VDomDocument::elementById(), VDomDocument::getParameterBool(), TagGroup, and trueStr.
Referenced by GroupsWidget::groupVisibilityChanged(), and GroupTableWidgetItem::operator<().
QVector< VToolRecord > * VAbstractPattern::getHistory | ( | ) |
getHistory return list with list of history records.
Definition at line 843 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References history.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddRecord(), and HistoryDialog::showTool().
QString VAbstractPattern::GetImage | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1523 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References TagImage, and VDomDocument::UniqueTagText().
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::GetImage(), DialogPatternProperties::SaveImage(), and ShowInfoDialog::ShowInfoDialog().
QString VAbstractPattern::GetImageExtension | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1529 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrExtension, and TagImage.
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::GetImage(), and DialogPatternProperties::SaveImage().
QString VAbstractPattern::GetLabelDateFormat | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1432 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrDateFormat, VDomDocument::GetParametrString(), qApp, and TagPatternLabel.
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::DialogPatternProperties(), EditLabelTemplateDialog::InitPlaceholders(), and anonymous_namespace{vtextmanager.cpp}::PreparePlaceholders().
QString VAbstractPattern::GetLabelTimeFormat | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1457 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrTimeFormat, VDomDocument::GetParametrString(), qApp, and TagPatternLabel.
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::DialogPatternProperties(), EditLabelTemplateDialog::InitPlaceholders(), and anonymous_namespace{vtextmanager.cpp}::PreparePlaceholders().
QString VAbstractPattern::GetNotes | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1353 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References TagNotes, and VDomDocument::UniqueTagText().
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::DialogPatternProperties(), and ShowInfoDialog::ShowInfoDialog().
QVector< quint32 > VAbstractPattern::getOpItems | ( | const quint32 & | toolId, |
const QString & | itemType | ||
) |
getOpItems get vector of operation tool obects.
toolId | operation tool id. |
itemType | type of item - either source or destination. |
Definition at line 1592 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrIdObject, VDomDocument::elementById(), VDomDocument::GetParametrUInt(), and NULL_ID_STR.
QVector< VLabelTemplateLine > VAbstractPattern::getPatternLabelTemplate | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1494 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References VDomDocument::GetLabelTemplate(), patternLabelLines, and TagPatternLabel.
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::EditLabel(), and VTextManager::Update().
QString VAbstractPattern::GetPatternName | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1368 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References TagPatternName, and VDomDocument::UniqueTagText().
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::DialogPatternProperties(), ShowInfoDialog::exportPdf(), EditLabelTemplateDialog::InitPlaceholders(), anonymous_namespace{vtextmanager.cpp}::PreparePlaceholders(), and ShowInfoDialog::ShowInfoDialog().
QString VAbstractPattern::GetPatternNumber | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1400 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References TagPatternNum, and VDomDocument::UniqueTagText().
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::DialogPatternProperties(), EditLabelTemplateDialog::InitPlaceholders(), anonymous_namespace{vtextmanager.cpp}::PreparePlaceholders(), and ShowInfoDialog::ShowInfoDialog().
QStringList VAbstractPattern::getPatternPieces | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 943 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References patternPieces.
Referenced by MainWindow::FullParseFile().
bool VAbstractPattern::GetPatternWasChanged | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1517 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References patternLabelWasChanged.
Referenced by VTextManager::Update().
static |
getTool return tool from tool list.
id | tool id. |
Definition at line 649 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References ToolExists(), and tools.
Referenced by PiecesWidget::cellDoubleClicked(), VToolInternalPath::Create(), AnchorPointTool::Create(), VNodeArc::Create(), VNodeEllipticalArc::Create(), VNodeSpline::Create(), VNodeSplinePath::Create(), VNodePoint::Create(), QT_WARNING_POP::createUnion(), ShowOperationPointName::Do(), MoveDoubleLabel::Do(), MoveLabel::Do(), MoveOperationLabel::Do(), PatternPieceTool::EnableToolMove(), PatternPieceTool::initializeNode(), PatternPieceTool::InitInternalPaths(), PatternPieceTool::insertNodes(), PatternPieceTool::pieceLockedChanged(), MainWindowsNoGUI::preparePiecesForLayout(), DeletePiece::redo(), RemoveGroupItem::redo(), MainWindowsNoGUI::refreshGrainLines(), MainWindowsNoGUI::refreshLabels(), MainWindowsNoGUI::refreshSeamAllowances(), ShowDoublePointName::setVisibility(), ShowPointName::setVisibility(), PatternPieceDialog::showAnchorPoints(), VToolCut::ShowToolVisualization(), AnchorPointDialog::ShowVisualization(), DialogInternalPath::ShowVisualization(), AddGroupItem::undo(), PatternPieceTool::UpdateExcludeState(), GroupsWidget::zoomToObject(), and MainWindow::zoomToPoint().
QString VAbstractPattern::GetVersion | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1573 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References VPatternConverter::PatternMaxVerStr, VDomDocument::TagVersion, and VDomDocument::UniqueTagText().
Referenced by ShowInfoDialog::ShowInfoDialog().
QStringList VAbstractPattern::groupListByName | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2397 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrName, createGroups(), VDomDocument::GetParametrString(), patternHasGroups(), and TagGroup.
Referenced by groupNameExists().
bool VAbstractPattern::groupNameExists | ( | const QString & | groupName | ) |
Definition at line 3027 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References groupListByName().
Referenced by GroupsWidget::addGroupToList(), GroupsWidget::editGroup(), and GroupsWidget::groupContextMenu().
protected |
Checks if the given group has the item with the given toolId and objectId.
groupDomElement | |
toolId | |
objectId |
Definition at line 2587 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrObject, AttrTool, and VDomDocument::GetParametrUInt().
Referenced by getGroupsContainingItem(), useGroupColor(), useGroupLineType(), and useGroupLineWeight().
slot |
haveLiteChange we have unsaved change.
Definition at line 1639 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References patternChanged().
Referenced by VPattern::parsePieceElement(), VPattern::ParseToolAlongLine(), VPattern::ParseToolArc(), VPattern::ParseToolArcWithLength(), VPattern::ParseToolBisector(), VPattern::ParseToolCurveIntersectAxis(), VPattern::ParseToolCutArc(), VPattern::ParseToolCutSpline(), VPattern::ParseToolCutSplinePath(), VPattern::ParseToolEllipticalArc(), VPattern::ParseToolEndLine(), VPattern::ParseToolLineIntersectAxis(), VPattern::ParseToolMove(), VPattern::ParseToolNormal(), VPattern::ParseToolPointFromCircleAndTangent(), VPattern::ParseToolPointOfContact(), VPattern::ParseToolPointOfIntersectionCircles(), VPattern::ParseToolRotation(), VPattern::ParseToolShoulderPoint(), VPattern::ParseToolSpline(), VPattern::ParseToolSplinePath(), and VAbstractTool::VAbstractTool().
pure virtual |
Implemented in VLitePattern, and VPattern.
Referenced by VToolLine::Create(), PointIntersectXYTool::Create(), VToolCurveIntersectAxis::Create(), VToolLineIntersectAxis::Create(), VToolEndLine::Create(), VToolHeight::Create(), VToolAlongLine::Create(), VToolPointOfIntersectionArcs::Create(), VToolCutSpline::Create(), VToolCutArc::Create(), VToolCutSplinePath::Create(), VToolPointFromArcAndTangent::Create(), VToolTriangle::Create(), IntersectCircleTangentTool::Create(), IntersectCirclesTool::Create(), VToolPointOfIntersectionCurves::Create(), VToolArc::Create(), VToolArcWithLength::Create(), VToolEllipticalArc::Create(), VToolRotation::Create(), VToolLineIntersect::Create(), VToolNormal::Create(), VToolBisector::Create(), VToolShoulderPoint::Create(), VToolPointOfContact::Create(), VToolMirrorByLine::Create(), VToolMirrorByAxis::Create(), VToolCubicBezier::Create(), VToolSpline::Create(), VToolCubicBezierPath::Create(), VToolSplinePath::Create(), VToolTrueDarts::Create(), VToolMove::Create(), VToolInternalPath::IncrementNodes(), VUndoCommand::IncrementReferences(), VAbstractNode::incrementReferens(), VToolInternalPath::incrementReferens(), UnionTool::incrementReferens(), PatternPieceTool::InitCSAPaths(), PatternPieceTool::initializeAnchorPoints(), PatternPieceTool::initializeNode(), and PatternPieceTool::InitInternalPaths().
protected |
Definition at line 1765 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References SetVersion().
Referenced by CheckTagExists().
private |
Definition at line 2112 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References builInFunctions.
Referenced by ListMeasurements().
bool VAbstractPattern::isGroupEmpty | ( | quint32 | id | ) |
Returns true if the given group is empty.
id |
Definition at line 2805 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References VDomDocument::elementById(), and TagGroup.
Referenced by GroupsWidget::fillTable(), and GroupTableWidgetItem::operator<().
bool VAbstractPattern::IsModified | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 2168 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References modified.
Referenced by MainWindow::PatternChangesWereSaved(), and MainWindow::SaveAs().
private |
Definition at line 2098 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References builInPostfixOperators.
Referenced by ListMeasurements().
private |
Definition at line 2077 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References builInVariables, currentLength, and currentSeamAllowance.
Referenced by ListMeasurements().
private |
Definition at line 1871 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrAngle1, AttrAngle2, AttrLength, AttrRadius, LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE, anonymous_namespace{vabstractpattern.cpp}::ReadExpressionAttribute(), and TagArc.
Referenced by ListExpressions().
private |
Definition at line 1895 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrAngle1, AttrAngle2, AttrRadius1, AttrRadius2, AttrRotationAngle, LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE, anonymous_namespace{vabstractpattern.cpp}::ReadExpressionAttribute(), and TagElArc.
Referenced by ListExpressions().
QVector< VFormulaField > VAbstractPattern::ListExpressions | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1825 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References ListArcExpressions(), ListElArcExpressions(), ListIncrementExpressions(), ListOperationExpressions(), ListPathExpressions(), ListPieceExpressions(), ListPointExpressions(), and ListSplineExpressions().
Referenced by ListMeasurements(), DialogVariables::refreshPattern(), and DialogVariables::variableUsed().
private |
Definition at line 2035 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrLength, AttrRotation, and anonymous_namespace{vabstractpattern.cpp}::ReadExpressionAttribute().
Referenced by ListPieceExpressions().
QVector< VFormulaField > VAbstractPattern::ListIncrementExpressions | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 1951 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References IncrementFormula, anonymous_namespace{vabstractpattern.cpp}::ReadExpressionAttribute(), and TagIncrement.
Referenced by ListExpressions(), and DialogVariables::saveCustomVariableName().
private |
Definition at line 1803 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References VDomDocument::GetParametrString(), IncrementName, and TagIncrement.
Referenced by ListMeasurements().
QStringList VAbstractPattern::ListMeasurements | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 273 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References IsFunction(), IsPostfixOperator(), IsVariable(), ListExpressions(), and ListIncrements().
Referenced by MainWindow::CheckRequiredMeasurements(), and MainWindow::UnloadMeasurements().
private |
Definition at line 1988 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrSAAfter, AttrSABefore, LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE, anonymous_namespace{vabstractpattern.cpp}::ReadExpressionAttribute(), and TagNode.
Referenced by ListPathExpressions(), and ListPieceExpressions().
private |
Definition at line 1966 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrAngle, AttrLength, LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE, anonymous_namespace{vabstractpattern.cpp}::ReadExpressionAttribute(), and TagOperation.
Referenced by ListExpressions().
private |
Definition at line 2011 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE, ListNodesExpressions(), TagNodes, and TagPath.
Referenced by ListExpressions().
private |
Definition at line 1928 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrAngle, AttrKAsm1, AttrKAsm2, AttrPathPoint, LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE, and anonymous_namespace{vabstractpattern.cpp}::ReadExpressionAttribute().
Referenced by ListSplineExpressions().
private |
Definition at line 2049 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrWidth, LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE, ListGrainlineExpressions(), ListNodesExpressions(), anonymous_namespace{vabstractpattern.cpp}::ReadExpressionAttribute(), TagGrainline, TagNodes, and TagPiece.
Referenced by ListExpressions().
private |
Definition at line 1845 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrAngle, AttrC1Radius, AttrC2Radius, AttrCRadius, AttrLength, AttrRadius, LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE, anonymous_namespace{vabstractpattern.cpp}::ReadExpressionAttribute(), and TagPoint.
Referenced by ListExpressions().
private |
Definition at line 1920 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References ListPathPointExpressions().
Referenced by ListExpressions().
pure virtualslot |
Referenced by AnchorPointTool::AddToFile(), VToolInternalPath::AddToFile(), VToolSpline::ControlPointChangePosition(), VToolSplinePath::ControlPointChangePosition(), PatternPieceTool::insertNodes(), VToolBasePoint::itemChange(), VToolSpline::mouseMoveEvent(), VToolSplinePath::mouseMoveEvent(), PatternPieceTool::renamePiece(), VDrawTool::SaveDialogChange(), PatternPieceTool::SaveDialogChange(), PatternPieceTool::SaveMoveGrainline(), PatternPieceTool::SaveMovePattern(), PatternPieceTool::saveMovePiece(), VDrawTool::SaveOption(), PatternPieceTool::savePieceRotation(), PatternPieceTool::SaveResizeGrainline(), PatternPieceTool::SaveResizePattern(), PatternPieceTool::saveResizePiece(), PatternPieceTool::SaveRotateGrainline(), PatternPieceTool::SaveRotationPattern(), PatternPieceTool::toggleFlipping(), PatternPieceTool::toggleGrainline(), PatternPieceTool::togglePatternLabel(), PatternPieceTool::togglePieceLabel(), PatternPieceTool::toggleSeamAllowance(), PatternPieceTool::toggleSeamLine(), and VAbstractTool::VAbstractTool().
QString VAbstractPattern::MPath | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 881 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References TagMeasurements, and VDomDocument::UniqueTagText().
Referenced by MainWindow::ChangedHeight(), MainWindow::ChangedSize(), MainWindow::Clear(), MainWindow::GetMeasurementFileName(), EditLabelTemplateDialog::InitPlaceholders(), MainWindow::LoadIndividual(), MainWindow::LoadMultisize(), MainWindow::LoadPattern(), anonymous_namespace{vtextmanager.cpp}::PreparePlaceholders(), MainWindow::SavePattern(), ShowInfoDialog::ShowInfoDialog(), MainWindow::ShowMeasurements(), MainWindow::SyncMeasurements(), and MainWindow::UnloadMeasurements().
slot |
Definition at line 1645 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References UndoCommand().
Referenced by VDrawTool::AddToCalculation(), VToolBasePoint::AddToFile(), PatternPieceTool::AddToFile(), VAbstractTool::deleteTool(), VToolBasePoint::deleteTool(), and PatternPieceTool::deleteTool().
void VAbstractPattern::parseGroups | ( | const QDomElement & | domElement | ) |
Definition at line 445 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References VDomDocument::AttrId, VDomDocument::GetParametrUInt(), VDataTool::GroupVisibility(), NULL_ID_STR, parseItemElement(), TagGroup, tools, and VContainer::UpdateId().
Referenced by addGroupItem(), addToolToGroup(), VPattern::parseDraftBlockElement(), AddGroupItem::redo(), AddGroup::redo(), DelGroup::redo(), MoveGroupItem::redo(), RemoveGroupItem::redo(), removeGroupItem(), setGroupLock(), setGroupVisibility(), AddGroupItem::undo(), AddGroup::undo(), DelGroup::undo(), MoveGroupItem::undo(), and RemoveGroupItem::undo().
QPair< bool, QMap< quint32, quint32 > > VAbstractPattern::parseItemElement | ( | const QDomElement & | domElement | ) |
Definition at line 2126 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References VException::AddMoreInformation(), AttrObject, AttrTool, AttrVisible, VExceptionBadId::ErrorMessage(), VDomDocument::getParameterBool(), VDomDocument::GetParametrUInt(), NULL_ID_STR, TagGroupItem, and trueStr.
Referenced by GroupsWidget::fillGroupItemList(), and parseGroups().
private |
staticprotected |
Definition at line 1678 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References VPiecePath::Append(), VPiecePath::at(), ParseSANode(), and TagNode.
Referenced by VPattern::ParsePathElement().
static |
Definition at line 735 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References NULL_ID.
Referenced by QT_WARNING_POP::GetPiece2Anchors(), and VPattern::parsePieceElement().
static |
Definition at line 691 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrEnd, AttrIncludeAs, AttrNodeReverse, AttrPath, AttrStart, CustomSARecord::endPoint, falseStr, VDomDocument::getParameterBool(), VDomDocument::GetParametrUInt(), CustomSARecord::includeType, NULL_ID_STR, CustomSARecord::path, CustomSARecord::reverse, and CustomSARecord::startPoint.
Referenced by QT_WARNING_POP::GetPiece2CSAPaths(), and VPattern::parsePieceElement().
static |
Definition at line 715 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrPath, VDomDocument::GetParametrUInt(), NULL_ID, and NULL_ID_STR.
Referenced by QT_WARNING_POP::GetPiece2InternalPaths(), and VPattern::parsePieceElement().
static |
Definition at line 675 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References VPiecePath::Append(), VPiecePath::at(), and ParseSANode().
Referenced by QT_WARNING_POP::GetPiecePath(), and VPattern::parsePieceElement().
staticprotected |
Definition at line 755 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrAngle, AttrIdObject, AttrNodeExcluded, AttrNodeIsNotch, AttrNodeNotchAngle, AttrNodeNotchCount, AttrNodeNotchLength, AttrNodeNotchSubType, AttrNodeNotchType, AttrNodeNotchWidth, AttrNodeReverse, AttrNodeShowNotch, AttrNodeShowSecondNotch, AttrSAAfter, AttrSABefore, AttrType, currentSeamAllowance, falseStr, VDomDocument::getParameterBool(), VDomDocument::GetParametrDouble(), VDomDocument::GetParametrString(), VDomDocument::GetParametrUInt(), NodeArc, NodeArc, NodeElArc, NodeElArc, NodePoint, NodePoint, NodeSpline, NodeSpline, NodeSplinePath, NodeSplinePath, NULL_ID_STR, qApp, VPieceNode::setAfterSAFormula(), VPieceNode::SetAngleType(), VPieceNode::setBeforeSAFormula(), VPieceNode::SetExcluded(), VPieceNode::setNotch(), VPieceNode::setNotchAngle(), VPieceNode::setNotchCount(), VPieceNode::setNotchLength(), VPieceNode::setNotchSubType(), VPieceNode::setNotchType(), VPieceNode::setNotchWidth(), VPieceNode::setShowNotch(), VPieceNode::setShowSeamlineNotch(), stringToNotchSubType(), stringToNotchType(), strSlit, strStraightforward, and trueStr.
Referenced by ParsePathNodes(), and ParsePieceNodes().
signal |
patternChanged emit if we have unsaved change.
Referenced by VPattern::addEmptyCustomVariable(), VPattern::addEmptyCustomVariableAfter(), addGroupItem(), addGroupItems(), addToolToGroup(), DeleteImage(), haveLiteChange(), HistoryDialog::HistoryDialog(), MainWindow::MainWindow(), VPattern::MoveDownIncrement(), VPattern::MoveUpIncrement(), VPattern::removeCustomVariable(), removeGroupItem(), renameDraftBlock(), VPattern::replaceNameInFormula(), DialogPatternProperties::SaveDefValues(), DialogPatternProperties::SaveDescription(), DialogPatternProperties::SaveGradation(), DialogPatternProperties::SaveLabelData(), DialogPatternProperties::SaveReadOnlyState(), DialogPatternProperties::SaveTemplateData(), SetCompanyName(), SetCustomerName(), SetDescription(), SetGradationHeights(), SetGradationSizes(), setGroupColor(), setGroupLineType(), setGroupLineWeight(), setGroupLock(), setGroupName(), setGroupVisibility(), SetImage(), VPattern::setIncrementDescription(), VPattern::SetIncrementFormula(), VPattern::setIncrementName(), SetLabelDateFormat(), SetLabelTimeFormat(), SetMPath(), SetNotes(), setPatternLabelTemplate(), SetPatternName(), SetPatternNumber(), and SetVersion().
signal |
Referenced by getGroupByName(), getGroups(), groupListByName(), and GroupsWidget::GroupsWidget().
QDomElement VAbstractPattern::removeGroupItem | ( | quint32 | toolId, |
quint32 | objectId, | ||
quint32 | groupId | ||
) |
Removes the item of given toolId and objectId from the group of given groupId.
toolId | |
objectId | |
groupId |
Definition at line 2738 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrObject, AttrTool, createGroups(), VDomDocument::elementById(), getGroupLock(), VDomDocument::GetParametrUInt(), modified, parseGroups(), patternChanged(), TagGroup, and updateGroups().
Referenced by addToolToGroup(), VDrawTool::ContextMenu(), deleteToolFromGroup(), and GroupsWidget::groupItemContextMenu().
static |
Definition at line 669 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References tools.
Referenced by QT_WARNING_POP::createUnion().
bool VAbstractPattern::renameDraftBlock | ( | const QString & | oldName, |
const QString & | newName | ||
) |
renameDraftBlock change draft block name.
oldName | old draft block name. |
newName | new draft block name. |
Definition at line 540 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References activeDraftBlock, AttrName, draftBlockNameChanged(), draftBlockNameExists(), getDraftBlockElement(), and patternChanged().
Referenced by RenameDraftBlock::changeName().
slot |
Definition at line 1663 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References showPiece().
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::mousePressEvent().
protected |
setActiveDraftBlock set current draft block.
name | draft block name. |
Definition at line 1698 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References activeDraftBlock, and activeDraftBlockChanged().
Referenced by appendDraftBlock(), and VPattern::Parse().
protected |
void VAbstractPattern::SetCompanyName | ( | const QString & | qsName | ) |
Definition at line 1390 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References CheckTagExists(), modified, patternChanged(), patternLabelWasChanged, VDomDocument::setTagText(), and TagCompanyName.
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::SaveLabelData().
signal |
void VAbstractPattern::setCursor | ( | const quint32 & | value | ) |
Definition at line 607 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References ChangedCursor(), and cursor.
Referenced by HistoryDialog::cellClicked(), and AddToCalc::redo().
void VAbstractPattern::SetCustomerName | ( | const QString & | qsName | ) |
Definition at line 1422 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References CheckTagExists(), modified, patternChanged(), patternLabelWasChanged, VDomDocument::setTagText(), and TagCustomerName.
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::SaveLabelData().
void VAbstractPattern::setDefaultPen | ( | Pen | pen | ) |
Definition at line 618 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References Pen::color, Pen::lineType, Pen::lineWeight, m_DefaultLineColor, m_DefaultLineType, and m_DefaultLineWeight.
Referenced by MainWindow::penChanged().
void VAbstractPattern::SetDescription | ( | const QString & | text | ) |
Definition at line 1344 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References CheckTagExists(), modified, patternChanged(), VDomDocument::setTagText(), and TagDescription.
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::SaveDescription().
signal |
Referenced by VPattern::LiteParseIncrements(), VPattern::LiteParseTree(), and MainWindow::MainWindow().
Definition at line 1048 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References ALL, AttrAll, AttrH104, AttrH110, AttrH116, AttrH122, AttrH128, AttrH134, AttrH140, AttrH146, AttrH152, AttrH158, AttrH164, AttrH170, AttrH176, AttrH182, AttrH188, AttrH194, AttrH200, AttrH50, AttrH56, AttrH62, AttrH68, AttrH74, AttrH80, AttrH86, AttrH92, AttrH98, CheckTagExists(), H104, H110, H116, H122, H128, H134, H140, H146, H152, H158, H164, H170, H176, H182, H188, H194, H200, H50, H56, H62, H68, H74, H80, H86, H92, H98, modified, patternChanged(), VDomDocument::SetAttribute(), TagGradation, TagHeights, and TagSizes.
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::SaveGradation().
Definition at line 1242 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References ALL, AttrAll, AttrS22, AttrS24, AttrS26, AttrS28, AttrS30, AttrS32, AttrS34, AttrS36, AttrS38, AttrS40, AttrS42, AttrS44, AttrS46, AttrS48, AttrS50, AttrS52, AttrS54, AttrS56, AttrS58, AttrS60, AttrS62, AttrS64, AttrS66, AttrS68, AttrS70, AttrS72, CheckTagExists(), modified, patternChanged(), S22, S24, S26, S28, S30, S32, S34, S36, S38, S40, S42, S44, S46, S48, S50, S52, S54, S56, S58, S60, S62, S64, S66, S68, S70, S72, VDomDocument::SetAttribute(), TagGradation, TagHeights, and TagSizes.
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::SaveGradation().
void VAbstractPattern::setGroupColor | ( | quint32 | id, |
QString | color | ||
) |
Definition at line 2927 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrGroupColor, VDomDocument::elementById(), modified, patternChanged(), VDomDocument::SetAttribute(), and TagGroup.
Referenced by GroupsWidget::editGroup(), and GroupsWidget::groupContextMenu().
void VAbstractPattern::setGroupLineType | ( | quint32 | id, |
QString | type | ||
) |
Definition at line 2967 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrLineType, VDomDocument::elementById(), modified, patternChanged(), VDomDocument::SetAttribute(), and TagGroup.
Referenced by GroupsWidget::editGroup(), and GroupsWidget::groupContextMenu().
void VAbstractPattern::setGroupLineWeight | ( | quint32 | id, |
QString | weight | ||
) |
Definition at line 3007 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrLineWeight, VDomDocument::elementById(), modified, patternChanged(), VDomDocument::SetAttribute(), and TagGroup.
Referenced by GroupsWidget::editGroup(), and GroupsWidget::groupContextMenu().
void VAbstractPattern::setGroupLock | ( | quint32 | id, |
bool | locked | ||
) |
Definition at line 2880 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrGroupLocked, createGroups(), VDomDocument::elementById(), modified, parseGroups(), patternChanged(), VDomDocument::SetAttribute(), and TagGroup.
Referenced by GroupsWidget::groupLockChanged(), GroupsWidget::lockAllGroups(), and GroupsWidget::unlockAllGroups().
void VAbstractPattern::setGroupName | ( | quint32 | id, |
const QString & | name | ||
) |
Definition at line 2303 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrName, createGroups(), VDomDocument::elementById(), modified, patternChanged(), and TagGroup.
Referenced by GroupsWidget::editGroup(), GroupsWidget::groupContextMenu(), and GroupsWidget::renameGroup().
void VAbstractPattern::setGroupVisibility | ( | quint32 | id, |
bool | visible | ||
) |
Definition at line 2836 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrVisible, createGroups(), VDomDocument::elementById(), modified, parseGroups(), patternChanged(), VDomDocument::SetAttribute(), and TagGroup.
Referenced by GroupsWidget::setGroupVisibility().
void VAbstractPattern::SetImage | ( | const QString & | text, |
const QString & | extension | ||
) |
Definition at line 1554 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrExtension, CheckTagExists(), modified, patternChanged(), VDomDocument::setTagText(), and TagImage.
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::ChangeImage().
void VAbstractPattern::SetLabelDateFormat | ( | const QString & | format | ) |
Definition at line 1447 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrDateFormat, CheckTagExists(), modified, patternChanged(), patternLabelWasChanged, VDomDocument::SetAttribute(), and TagPatternLabel.
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::SaveLabelData().
void VAbstractPattern::SetLabelTimeFormat | ( | const QString & | format | ) |
Definition at line 1472 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References AttrTimeFormat, CheckTagExists(), modified, patternChanged(), patternLabelWasChanged, VDomDocument::SetAttribute(), and TagPatternLabel.
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::SaveLabelData().
void VAbstractPattern::SetModified | ( | bool | modified | ) |
Definition at line 2174 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References modified.
Referenced by AddGroupItem::redo(), MoveGroupItem::redo(), RemoveGroupItem::redo(), MainWindow::SaveAs(), AddGroupItem::undo(), MoveGroupItem::undo(), and RemoveGroupItem::undo().
void VAbstractPattern::SetMPath | ( | const QString & | path | ) |
Definition at line 887 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References patternChanged(), patternLabelWasChanged, VDomDocument::setTagText(), and TagMeasurements.
Referenced by MainWindow::CheckPathToMeasurements(), MainWindow::LoadIndividual(), MainWindow::LoadMultisize(), MainWindow::LoadPattern(), MainWindow::SavePattern(), and MainWindow::UnloadMeasurements().
void VAbstractPattern::SetNotes | ( | const QString & | text | ) |
Definition at line 1359 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References CheckTagExists(), modified, patternChanged(), VDomDocument::setTagText(), and TagNotes.
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::SaveDescription().
void VAbstractPattern::setPatternLabelTemplate | ( | const QVector< VLabelTemplateLine > & | lines | ) |
Definition at line 1482 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References CheckTagExists(), modified, patternChanged(), patternLabelLines, patternLabelWasChanged, VDomDocument::RemoveAllChildren(), VDomDocument::SetLabelTemplate(), and TagPatternLabel.
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::SaveTemplateData().
void VAbstractPattern::SetPatternName | ( | const QString & | qsName | ) |
Definition at line 1374 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References CheckTagExists(), modified, patternChanged(), patternLabelWasChanged, VDomDocument::setTagText(), and TagPatternName.
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::SaveLabelData().
void VAbstractPattern::SetPatternNumber | ( | const QString & | qsNum | ) |
Definition at line 1406 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References CheckTagExists(), modified, patternChanged(), patternLabelWasChanged, VDomDocument::setTagText(), and TagPatternNum.
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::SaveLabelData().
void VAbstractPattern::SetPatternWasChanged | ( | bool | changed | ) |
Definition at line 1511 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References patternLabelWasChanged.
Referenced by MainWindow::LoadMeasurements(), MainWindow::setCurrentFile(), MainWindowsNoGUI::SetSizeHeightForIndividualM(), VTextManager::Update(), and MainWindow::UpdateMeasurements().
void VAbstractPattern::SetVersion | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1579 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References patternChanged(), VPatternConverter::PatternMaxVerStr, VDomDocument::setTagText(), and VDomDocument::TagVersion.
Referenced by InsertTag().
signal |
Referenced by MainWindow::InitDocksContain(), and selectedPiece().
signal |
ShowTool highlight tool.
id | tool id. |
enable | enable or disable highlight. |
Referenced by HistoryDialog::HistoryDialog(), and VDrawTool::VDrawTool().
quint32 VAbstractPattern::SiblingNodeId | ( | const quint32 & | nodeId | ) | const |
Definition at line 901 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References getBlockHistory(), VToolRecord::getId(), VToolRecord::getTypeTool(), history, NodeArc, NodeElArc, NodePoint, NodeSpline, NodeSplinePath, NULL_ID, Piece, and Union.
Referenced by DelTool::DelTool().
staticprotected |
Definition at line 1669 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References tools.
Referenced by VPattern::DecrementReferens(), getTool(), VPattern::IncrementReferens(), VPattern::setCurrentData(), and VPattern::UpdateToolData().
signal |
Referenced by MainWindow::MainWindow(), and NeedFullParsing().
signal |
Referenced by addGroupItem(), addGroupItems(), addToolToGroup(), MainWindow::InitDocksContain(), and removeGroupItem().
signal |
Referenced by MainWindow::InitDocksContain(), and updatePieceList().
signal |
Referenced by DialogPatternProperties::Apply(), MainWindow::LoadMeasurements(), DialogPatternProperties::Ok(), PatternPieceTool::PatternPieceTool(), DialogPatternProperties::SaveLabelData(), MainWindow::SavePattern(), DialogPatternProperties::SaveTemplateData(), MainWindow::setCurrentFile(), MainWindowsNoGUI::SetSizeHeightForIndividualM(), MainWindow::UnloadMeasurements(), and MainWindow::UpdateMeasurements().
slot |
Definition at line 1657 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References UpdateInLayoutList().
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::toggleInLayout(), and PatternPieceTool::togglePieceLock().
pure virtual |
Implemented in VLitePattern, and VPattern.
Referenced by VToolLine::Create(), PointIntersectXYTool::Create(), VToolCurveIntersectAxis::Create(), VToolLineIntersectAxis::Create(), VToolEndLine::Create(), VToolHeight::Create(), VToolAlongLine::Create(), VToolPointOfIntersectionArcs::Create(), VToolCutSpline::Create(), VToolCutArc::Create(), VToolCutSplinePath::Create(), VToolPointFromArcAndTangent::Create(), VToolTriangle::Create(), IntersectCircleTangentTool::Create(), IntersectCirclesTool::Create(), VToolPointOfIntersectionCurves::Create(), VToolArc::Create(), VToolArcWithLength::Create(), VToolEllipticalArc::Create(), VToolRotation::Create(), VToolLineIntersect::Create(), UnionTool::Create(), VToolNormal::Create(), VToolBisector::Create(), VToolShoulderPoint::Create(), VToolPointOfContact::Create(), VToolCubicBezier::Create(), VToolCubicBezierPath::Create(), VToolSpline::Create(), VToolSplinePath::Create(), VToolBasePoint::Create(), VToolTrueDarts::Create(), VToolInternalPath::Create(), VToolMove::Create(), AnchorPointTool::Create(), PatternPieceTool::Create(), VNodeArc::Create(), VNodeEllipticalArc::Create(), VNodeSpline::Create(), VNodeSplinePath::Create(), VNodePoint::Create(), and VAbstractMirror::createDestination().
QString VAbstractPattern::useGroupColor | ( | quint32 | toolId, |
QString | color | ||
) |
Definition at line 3034 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References ColorByGroup, getGroupByName(), getGroupColor(), getGroupIdByName(), getGroupsContainingItem(), and hasGroupItem().
Referenced by VAbstractSpline::paint(), VToolLinePoint::paint(), and VToolLine::paint().
QString VAbstractPattern::useGroupLineType | ( | quint32 | toolId, |
QString | type | ||
) |
Definition at line 3058 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References getGroupByName(), getGroupIdByName(), getGroupLineType(), getGroupsContainingItem(), hasGroupItem(), and LineTypeByGroup.
Referenced by VAbstractSpline::paint(), VToolLinePoint::paint(), and VToolLine::paint().
QString VAbstractPattern::useGroupLineWeight | ( | quint32 | toolId, |
QString | weight | ||
) |
Definition at line 3082 of file vabstractpattern.cpp.
References getGroupByName(), getGroupIdByName(), getGroupLineWeight(), getGroupsContainingItem(), hasGroupItem(), and LineWeightByGroup.
Referenced by VAbstractSpline::paint(), VToolLinePoint::paint(), and VToolLine::paint().
protected |
activeBlockName name current pattern peace.
Definition at line 473 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by changeActiveDraftBlock(), getActiveDraftBlockIndex(), getActiveDraftBlockName(), getActiveDraftElement(), VPattern::LiteParseTree(), VPattern::Parse(), VPattern::ParseToolBasePoint(), VPattern::PrepareForParse(), renameDraftBlock(), setActiveDraftBlock(), and VPattern::setCurrentData().
static |
Definition at line 348 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by CheckTagExists(), GetGradationHeights(), GetGradationSizes(), SetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 318 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::AddPatternPieceData(), and VPattern::ParsePieceDataTag().
static |
Definition at line 327 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::AddGrainline(), and VPattern::ParsePieceGrainline().
static |
Definition at line 404 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VPattern::IsDefCustom(), and VPattern::SetDefCustom().
static |
Definition at line 325 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetLabelDateFormat(), and SetLabelDateFormat().
static |
Definition at line 405 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VPattern::GetDefCustomHeight(), VPattern::SetDefCustom(), and VPattern::SetDefCustomHeight().
static |
Definition at line 406 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VPattern::GetDefCustomSize(), and VPattern::SetDefCustomSize().
static |
Definition at line 343 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::AddCSARecord(), and ParsePieceCSARecords().
static |
Definition at line 407 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetImageExtension(), and SetImage().
static |
Definition at line 322 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::AddPatternPieceData(), and VPattern::ParsePieceDataTag().
static |
Definition at line 313 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by createGroup(), getGroupColor(), getGroups(), and setGroupColor().
static |
Definition at line 312 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by addGroupItems(), createGroup(), getGroupLock(), getGroups(), and setGroupLock().
static |
Definition at line 359 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 360 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 361 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 362 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 363 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 364 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 365 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 366 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 367 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 368 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 369 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 370 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 371 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 372 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 373 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 374 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 375 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 350 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 351 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 352 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 353 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 354 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 355 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 356 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 357 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 358 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationHeights().
static |
Definition at line 344 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::AddCSARecord(), and ParsePieceCSARecords().
static |
Definition at line 317 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::AddPatternPieceData(), and VPattern::ParsePieceDataTag().
static |
Definition at line 310 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by createGroup(), DeleteDraftBlock::DeleteDraftBlock(), draftBlockNameExists(), getActiveDraftBlockIndex(), getActiveDraftElement(), QT_WARNING_POP::getBlockName(), getDraftBlockElement(), getGroupByName(), getGroupIdByName(), getGroupName(), getGroups(), getGroupsContainingItem(), groupListByName(), VPattern::Parse(), VPattern::ParsePathElement(), VPattern::parsePieceElement(), VPattern::PointsCommonAttributes(), renameDraftBlock(), and setGroupName().
static |
Definition at line 329 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddSANode(), and ParseSANode().
static |
Definition at line 330 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddSANode(), and ParseSANode().
static |
Definition at line 337 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddSANode(), and ParseSANode().
static |
Definition at line 338 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddSANode(), and ParseSANode().
static |
Definition at line 335 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddSANode(), and ParseSANode().
static |
Definition at line 332 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddSANode(), and ParseSANode().
static |
Definition at line 331 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddSANode(), and ParseSANode().
static |
Definition at line 336 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddSANode(), and ParseSANode().
static |
Definition at line 328 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::AddCSARecord(), VAbstractTool::AddSANode(), ParsePieceCSARecords(), VPattern::parsePieceNode(), and ParseSANode().
static |
Definition at line 333 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddSANode(), and ParseSANode().
static |
Definition at line 334 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddSANode(), and ParseSANode().
static |
Definition at line 314 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by addGroupItem(), addGroupItems(), createGroup(), hasGroupItem(), parseItemElement(), and removeGroupItem().
static |
Definition at line 324 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::AddPatternPieceData(), and VPattern::ParsePieceDataTag().
static |
Definition at line 319 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::AddPatternPieceData(), and VPattern::ParsePieceDataTag().
static |
Definition at line 342 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::AddCSARecord(), PatternPieceTool::AddInternalPaths(), UnionTool::GetReferenceObjects(), ParsePieceCSARecords(), and ParsePieceInternalPaths().
static |
Definition at line 323 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::AddPatternPieceData(), and VPattern::ParsePieceDataTag().
static |
Definition at line 346 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::AddGrainline(), PatternPieceTool::AddPatternInfo(), PatternPieceTool::AddPatternPieceData(), ListGrainlineExpressions(), VPattern::ParsePieceDataTag(), VPattern::ParsePieceGrainline(), and VPattern::ParsePiecePatternInfo().
static |
Definition at line 320 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::AddPatternPieceData(), and VPattern::ParsePieceDataTag().
static |
Definition at line 377 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 378 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 379 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 380 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 381 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 382 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 383 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 384 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 385 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 386 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 387 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 388 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 389 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 390 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 391 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 392 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 393 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 394 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 395 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 396 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 397 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 398 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 399 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 400 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 401 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 402 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetGradationSizes(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 340 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddSANode(), ListNodesExpressions(), and ParseSANode().
static |
Definition at line 339 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddSANode(), ListNodesExpressions(), and ParseSANode().
static |
Definition at line 341 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::AddCSARecord(), and ParsePieceCSARecords().
static |
Definition at line 321 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::AddPatternPieceData(), and VPattern::ParsePieceDataTag().
static |
Definition at line 326 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetLabelTimeFormat(), and SetLabelTimeFormat().
static |
Definition at line 315 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by addGroupItem(), addGroupItems(), createGroup(), hasGroupItem(), parseItemElement(), and removeGroupItem().
static |
Definition at line 316 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VPattern::getActiveBasePoint(), VPattern::ParseDrawMode(), VPattern::ParsePathElement(), VPattern::parsePieceNode(), and ParseSANode().
static |
Definition at line 311 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::AddGrainline(), PatternPieceTool::AddPatternInfo(), PatternPieceTool::AddPatternPieceData(), createGroup(), getGroups(), getGroupVisibility(), parseItemElement(), VPattern::ParsePieceDataTag(), VPattern::ParsePieceGrainline(), VPattern::ParsePiecePatternInfo(), DelGroup::redo(), setGroupVisibility(), and AddGroup::undo().
static |
Definition at line 345 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::AddAttributes(), PatternPieceTool::AddPatternInfo(), PatternPieceTool::AddPatternPieceData(), ListPieceExpressions(), VPattern::ParsePieceDataTag(), VPattern::parsePieceElement(), and VPattern::ParsePiecePatternInfo().
protected |
cursor cursor keep id tool after which we will add new tool in file.
Definition at line 482 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by getCursor(), VPattern::PrepareForParse(), and setCursor().
protected |
history history records.
Definition at line 487 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by getBlockHistory(), getGroupObjHistory(), getHistory(), VPattern::PrepareForParse(), VPattern::setCurrentData(), and SiblingNodeId().
static |
Definition at line 411 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VPattern::MakeEmptyIncrement(), VPattern::ParseIncrementsElement(), and VPattern::setIncrementDescription().
static |
Definition at line 410 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by ListIncrementExpressions(), VPattern::MakeEmptyIncrement(), VPattern::ParseIncrementsElement(), and VPattern::SetIncrementFormula().
static |
Definition at line 409 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VPattern::FindIncrement(), ListIncrements(), VPattern::MakeEmptyIncrement(), VPattern::ParseIncrementsElement(), and VPattern::setIncrementName().
protected |
Definition at line 479 of file vabstractpattern.h.
protected |
Definition at line 475 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by getDefaultLineColor(), and setDefaultPen().
protected |
Definition at line 477 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by getDefaultLineType(), and setDefaultPen().
protected |
Definition at line 476 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by getDefaultLineWeight(), and setDefaultPen().
mutableprotected |
modified keep state of the document for cases that do not cover QUndoStack
Definition at line 493 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by addGroupItem(), addGroupItems(), addToolToGroup(), DeleteImage(), IsModified(), VPattern::parsePieceElement(), VPattern::ParseToolAlongLine(), VPattern::ParseToolArc(), VPattern::ParseToolArcWithLength(), VPattern::ParseToolBisector(), VPattern::ParseToolCurveIntersectAxis(), VPattern::ParseToolCutArc(), VPattern::ParseToolCutSpline(), VPattern::ParseToolCutSplinePath(), VPattern::ParseToolEllipticalArc(), VPattern::ParseToolEndLine(), VPattern::ParseToolLineIntersectAxis(), VPattern::ParseToolMove(), VPattern::ParseToolNormal(), VPattern::ParseToolPointFromCircleAndTangent(), VPattern::ParseToolPointOfContact(), VPattern::ParseToolPointOfIntersectionCircles(), VPattern::ParseToolRotation(), VPattern::ParseToolShoulderPoint(), VPattern::ParseToolSpline(), VPattern::ParseToolSplinePath(), removeGroupItem(), VPattern::SaveDocument(), SetCompanyName(), SetCustomerName(), VPattern::SetDefCustom(), VPattern::SetDefCustomHeight(), VPattern::SetDefCustomSize(), SetDescription(), SetGradationHeights(), SetGradationSizes(), setGroupColor(), setGroupLineType(), setGroupLineWeight(), setGroupLock(), setGroupName(), setGroupVisibility(), SetImage(), SetLabelDateFormat(), SetLabelTimeFormat(), SetModified(), SetNotes(), setPatternLabelTemplate(), SetPatternName(), SetPatternNumber(), and VPattern::SetReadOnly().
static |
Definition at line 413 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddSANode(), VPattern::parsePieceNode(), and ParseSANode().
static |
Definition at line 414 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddSANode(), VPattern::parsePieceNode(), and ParseSANode().
static |
Definition at line 415 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddSANode(), VPattern::parsePieceNode(), and ParseSANode().
static |
Definition at line 416 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddSANode(), VPattern::parsePieceNode(), and ParseSANode().
static |
Definition at line 417 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddSANode(), VPattern::parsePieceNode(), and ParseSANode().
staticprotected |
patternLabelLines list to speed up reading a template by many pieces.
Definition at line 498 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by getPatternLabelTemplate(), and setPatternLabelTemplate().
staticprotected |
Definition at line 499 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by GetPatternWasChanged(), SetCompanyName(), SetCustomerName(), SetLabelDateFormat(), SetLabelTimeFormat(), SetMPath(), setPatternLabelTemplate(), SetPatternName(), SetPatternNumber(), and SetPatternWasChanged().
protected |
patternPieces list of patern pieces names for combobox
Definition at line 490 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by getPatternPieces(), VPattern::Parse(), and VPattern::PrepareForParse().
static |
Definition at line 290 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VToolArc::getTagName(), VToolArcWithLength::getTagName(), VNodeArc::getTagName(), ListArcExpressions(), and VPattern::ParseDrawMode().
static |
Definition at line 274 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VToolBasePoint::AddToFile(), VPattern::getActiveBasePoint(), VPattern::parseDraftBlockElement(), AddToCalc::redo(), and AddToCalc::undo().
static |
Definition at line 301 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by CheckTagExists(), GetCompanyName(), VPattern::Parse(), and SetCompanyName().
static |
Definition at line 302 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by CheckTagExists(), GetCustomerName(), VPattern::Parse(), and SetCustomerName().
static |
Definition at line 297 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::AddPatternPieceData(), and VPattern::parsePieceElement().
static |
Definition at line 278 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by CheckTagExists(), VPattern::CreateEmptyFile(), GetDescription(), VPattern::Parse(), and SetDescription().
static |
Definition at line 284 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VToolBasePoint::AddToFile(), DeleteDraftBlock::DeleteDraftBlock(), draftBlockCount(), draftBlockNameExists(), VPattern::GenerateLabel(), getActiveDraftBlockIndex(), getActiveDraftElement(), QT_WARNING_POP::getBlockName(), getDraftBlockElement(), VPattern::Parse(), and DeleteDraftBlock::undo().
static |
Definition at line 291 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VToolEllipticalArc::getTagName(), VNodeEllipticalArc::getTagName(), ListElArcExpressions(), and VPattern::ParseDrawMode().
static |
Definition at line 294 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by CheckTagExists(), VPattern::GetDefCustomHeight(), VPattern::GetDefCustomSize(), GetGradationHeights(), GetGradationSizes(), VPattern::IsDefCustom(), VPattern::Parse(), VPattern::SetDefCustom(), VPattern::SetDefCustomHeight(), VPattern::SetDefCustomSize(), SetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 304 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::AddGrainline(), ListPieceExpressions(), and VPattern::parsePieceElement().
static |
Definition at line 286 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by addGroupItem(), createGroup(), getGroupByName(), getGroupColor(), getGroupIdByName(), getGroupLineType(), getGroupLineWeight(), getGroupLock(), getGroupName(), getGroups(), getGroupsContainingItem(), getGroupVisibility(), groupListByName(), isGroupEmpty(), parseGroups(), AddGroupItem::redo(), DelGroup::redo(), MoveGroupItem::redo(), RemoveGroupItem::redo(), removeGroupItem(), setGroupColor(), setGroupLineType(), setGroupLineWeight(), setGroupLock(), setGroupName(), setGroupVisibility(), AddGroupItem::undo(), AddGroup::undo(), MoveGroupItem::undo(), and RemoveGroupItem::undo().
static |
Definition at line 287 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by addGroupItem(), addGroupItems(), createGroup(), and parseItemElement().
static |
Definition at line 285 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by createGroups(), and VPattern::parseDraftBlockElement().
static |
Definition at line 295 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by CheckTagExists(), GetGradationHeights(), GetGradationSizes(), SetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 279 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by CheckTagExists(), DeleteImage(), GetImage(), GetImageExtension(), VPattern::Parse(), and SetImage().
static |
Definition at line 283 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VPattern::FindIncrement(), ListIncrementExpressions(), ListIncrements(), VPattern::MakeEmptyIncrement(), VPattern::MoveDownIncrement(), VPattern::MoveUpIncrement(), and VPattern::ParseIncrementsElement().
static |
Definition at line 282 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VPattern::addEmptyCustomVariable(), VPattern::addEmptyCustomVariableAfter(), VPattern::CreateEmptyFile(), VPattern::LiteParseIncrements(), VPattern::MoveDownIncrement(), VPattern::MoveUpIncrement(), VPattern::Parse(), and VPattern::removeCustomVariable().
static |
Definition at line 308 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VToolLine::getTagName(), GroupsWidget::itemDoubleClicked(), and VPattern::ParseDrawMode().
static |
Definition at line 281 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VPattern::CreateEmptyFile(), MPath(), VPattern::Parse(), and SetMPath().
static |
Definition at line 275 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VToolBasePoint::AddToFile(), UnionTool::AddToModeling(), VPattern::GarbageCollector(), AddDetNode::GetModelingSection(), VPattern::parseDraftBlockElement(), AddDetNode::redo(), and AddDetNode::undo().
static |
Definition at line 307 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddNode(), ListNodesExpressions(), ParsePathNodes(), and VPattern::parsePieceNodes().
static |
Definition at line 306 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VAbstractTool::AddNodes(), QT_WARNING_POP::GetNodesChildren(), QT_WARNING_POP::GetPiecePath(), UnionTool::GetReferenceObjects(), ListPathExpressions(), ListPieceExpressions(), VPattern::ParsePathElement(), VPattern::parsePieceElement(), and QT_WARNING_POP::SaveNodesChildren().
static |
Definition at line 280 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by CheckTagExists(), VPattern::CreateEmptyFile(), GetNotes(), VPattern::Parse(), and SetNotes().
static |
Definition at line 293 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VUndoCommand::getDestinationObject(), VAbstractOperation::getTagName(), ListOperationExpressions(), and VPattern::ParseDrawMode().
static |
Definition at line 305 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VToolInternalPath::getTagName(), ListPathExpressions(), VPattern::ParseDrawMode(), SavePiecePathOptions::redo(), and SavePiecePathOptions::undo().
static |
Definition at line 273 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VPattern::CreateEmptyFile().
static |
Definition at line 298 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool::AddPatternInfo(), and VPattern::parsePieceElement().
static |
Definition at line 303 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by CheckTagExists(), GetLabelDateFormat(), GetLabelTimeFormat(), getPatternLabelTemplate(), VPattern::Parse(), SetLabelDateFormat(), SetLabelTimeFormat(), and setPatternLabelTemplate().
static |
Definition at line 299 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by CheckTagExists(), GetPatternName(), VPattern::Parse(), and SetPatternName().
static |
Definition at line 300 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by CheckTagExists(), GetPatternNumber(), VPattern::Parse(), and SetPatternNumber().
static |
Definition at line 277 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by DeletePiece::DeletePiece(), TogglePieceLock::doCmd(), TogglePieceInLayout::doCmd(), SetPieceColor::doCmd(), VPattern::getActivePatternPieces(), QT_WARNING_POP::getBlockName(), PatternPieceTool::getTagName(), ListPieceExpressions(), MovePiece::MovePiece(), VPattern::parsePatternPieces(), DeletePiece::redo(), MovePiece::redo(), SavePieceOptions::redo(), AddPiece::undo(), MovePiece::undo(), and SavePieceOptions::undo().
static |
Definition at line 276 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by VToolBasePoint::AddToFile(), VPattern::getActivePatternPieces(), AddPiece::getPiecesElement(), VPattern::parseDraftBlockElement(), AddPiece::redo(), and AddPiece::undo().
static |
Definition at line 288 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by MoveDoubleLabel::Do(), MoveLabel::Do(), MoveSPoint::Do(), VPattern::getActiveBasePoint(), VAbstractPoint::getTagName(), AnchorPointTool::getTagName(), VNodePoint::getTagName(), ListPointExpressions(), MoveDoubleLabel::MoveDoubleLabel(), MoveLabel::MoveLabel(), MoveSPoint::MoveSPoint(), VPattern::ParseDrawMode(), ShowDoublePointName::setVisibility(), ShowPointName::setVisibility(), ShowDoublePointName::ShowDoublePointName(), and ShowPointName::ShowPointName().
static |
Definition at line 296 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by CheckTagExists(), GetGradationHeights(), GetGradationSizes(), SetGradationHeights(), and SetGradationSizes().
static |
Definition at line 289 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by MoveSpline::Do(), MoveSplinePath::Do(), VAbstractSpline::getTagName(), VNodeSpline::getTagName(), VNodeSplinePath::getTagName(), and VPattern::ParseDrawMode().
static |
Definition at line 292 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by QT_WARNING_POP::GetChildren(), QT_WARNING_POP::GetPiece2Anchors(), QT_WARNING_POP::GetPiece2CSAPaths(), QT_WARNING_POP::GetPiece2InternalPaths(), QT_WARNING_POP::GetPiecePath(), QT_WARNING_POP::GetTagChildren(), UnionTool::getTagName(), and VPattern::ParseDrawMode().
staticprotected |
tools list with pointer on tools.
Definition at line 496 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by AddTool(), VPattern::DecrementReferens(), getTool(), VPattern::IncrementReferens(), parseGroups(), VPattern::ParseToolsElement(), VPattern::PrepareForParse(), RemoveTool(), VPattern::setCurrentData(), VPattern::ToolBoundingRect(), ToolExists(), and VPattern::UpdateToolData().
Definition at line 484 of file vabstractpattern.h.
Referenced by AddToolOnRemove(), and VPattern::PrepareForParse().