Code documentation
Calculator Class Reference

The Calculator class for calculation formula. More...

#include <calculator.h>

Inheritance diagram for Calculator:
Collaboration diagram for Calculator:

Public Member Functions

 Calculator ()
 Calculator class wraper for QMuParser. Make easy initialization math parser. More...
virtual ~Calculator () Q_DECL_EQ_DEFAULT
qreal EvalFormula (const QHash< QString, QSharedPointer< VInternalVariable > > *vars, const QString &formula)
 eval calculate formula. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from qmu::QmuFormulaBase
 QmuFormulaBase ()
virtual ~QmuFormulaBase () Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
virtual void InitCharSets () Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
 InitCharSets init character set for parser. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from qmu::QmuParser
 QmuParser ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual void InitFun () Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
 Initialize the default functions. More...
virtual void InitConst () Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
 Initialize constants. More...
virtual void InitOprt () Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
 Initialize operators. More...
virtual void OnDetectVar (const QString &pExpr, int &nStart, int &nEnd) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
qreal Diff (qreal *a_Var, qreal a_fPos, qreal a_fEpsilon=0) const
 Numerically differentiate with regard to a variable. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from qmu::QmuParserBase
 QmuParserBase ()
 Constructor. More...
 QmuParserBase (const QmuParserBase &a_Parser)
 Copy constructor. More...
QmuParserBaseoperator= (const QmuParserBase &a_Parser)
 Assignement operator. More...
virtual ~QmuParserBase ()
qreal Eval () const
 Calculate the result. More...
qreal * Eval (int &nStackSize) const
 Evaluate an expression containing comma seperated subexpressions. More...
void Eval (qreal *results, int nBulkSize) const
int GetNumResults () const
 Return the number of results on the calculation stack. More...
void SetExpr (const QString &a_sExpr)
 Set the formula. More...
void SetVarFactory (facfun_type a_pFactory, void *pUserData=nullptr)
 Set a function that can create variable pointer for unknown expression variables. More...
void ResetLocale ()
 Resets the locale. More...
void EnableOptimizer (bool a_bIsOn=true)
 Enable or disable the formula optimization feature. More...
void EnableBuiltInOprt (bool a_bIsOn=true)
 Enable or disable the built in binary operators. More...
bool HasBuiltInOprt () const
 Query status of built in variables. More...
void AddValIdent (identfun_type a_pCallback)
 Add a value parsing function. More...
void DefineOprt (const QString &a_sName, fun_type2 a_pFun, unsigned a_iPrec=0, EOprtAssociativity a_eAssociativity=oaLEFT, bool a_bAllowOpt=false)
 Define a binary operator. More...
void DefineConst (const QString &a_sName, qreal a_fVal)
 Add a user defined constant. More...
void DefineStrConst (const QString &a_strName, const QString &a_strVal)
 Define a new string constant. More...
void DefineVar (const QString &a_sName, qreal *a_pVar)
 Add a user defined variable. More...
void DefinePostfixOprt (const QString &a_sFun, fun_type1 a_pFun, bool a_bAllowOpt=true)
 Add a user defined operator. More...
void DefineInfixOprt (const QString &a_sName, fun_type1 a_pFun, int a_iPrec=prINFIX, bool a_bAllowOpt=true)
 Add a user defined operator. More...
void ClearVar ()
 Clear all user defined variables. More...
void ClearFun ()
 Clear all functions. More...
void ClearConst ()
 Clear all user defined constants. More...
void ClearInfixOprt ()
 Clear the user defined Prefix operators. More...
void ClearPostfixOprt ()
 Clear all user defined postfix operators. More...
void ClearOprt ()
 Clear all user defined binary operators. More...
void RemoveVar (const QString &a_strVarName)
 Remove a variable from internal storage. More...
const varmap_typeGetUsedVar () const
 Return a map containing the used variables only. More...
const varmap_typeGetVar () const
 Return a map containing the used variables only. More...
const valmap_typeGetConst () const
 Return a map containing all parser constants. More...
const QString & GetExpr () const
 Retrieve the formula. More...
const funmap_typeGetFunDef () const
 Return prototypes of all parser functions. More...
QMap< int, QString > GetTokens () const
QMap< int, QString > GetNumbers () const
void DefineNameChars (const QString &a_szCharset)
 Define the set of valid characters to be used in names of functions, variables, constants. More...
void DefineOprtChars (const QString &a_szCharset)
 Define the set of valid characters to be used in names of binary operators and postfix operators. More...
void DefineInfixOprtChars (const QString &a_szCharset)
 Define the set of valid characters to be used in names of infix operators. More...
const QString & ValidNameChars () const
 Virtual function that defines the characters allowed in name identifiers. More...
const QString & ValidOprtChars () const
 Virtual function that defines the characters allowed in operator definitions. More...
const QString & ValidInfixOprtChars () const
 Virtual function that defines the characters allowed in infix operator definitions. More...
void SetArgSep (char_type cArgSep)
 Set argument separator. More...
QChar GetArgSep () const
 Get the argument separator character. More...
void Q_NORETURN Error (EErrorCodes a_iErrc, int a_iPos=-1, const QString &a_sTok=QString()) const
 Create an error containing the parse error position. More...
template<typename T >
void DefineFun (const QString &a_strName, T a_pFun, bool a_bAllowOpt=true)
 Define a parser function without arguments. More...
void setAllowSubexpressions (bool value)
QLocale getLocale () const
void setLocale (const QLocale &value)
QChar getDecimalPoint () const
void setDecimalPoint (const QChar &c)
QChar getThousandsSeparator () const
void setThousandsSeparator (const QChar &c)

Private Member Functions

void InitVariables (const QHash< QString, QSharedPointer< VInternalVariable > > *vars, const QMap< int, QString > &tokens, const QString &formula)
 Calculator::InitVariables add variables to parser. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from qmu::QmuFormulaBase
static void RemoveAll (QMap< int, QString > &map, const QString &val)
 RemoveAll remove token from token list. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from qmu::QmuParserBase
static void EnableDebugDump (bool bDumpCmd, bool bDumpStack)
 Enable the dumping of bytecode amd stack content on the console. More...
static QString GetVersion (EParserVersionInfo eInfo=pviFULL)
 Returns the version of muparser. More...
static const QStringList & GetOprtDef ()
 Get the default symbols used for the built in operators. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from qmu::QmuFormulaBase
void SetSepForTr (bool osSeparator, bool fromUser)
 SetSepForTr set separators for translation expression. More...
void SetSepForEval ()
 SetSepForEval set separators for eval. Each expression eval in internal (C) locale. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from qmu::QmuParserBase
void Init ()
 Initialize user defined functions. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from qmu::QmuFormulaBase
static qreal * AddVariable (const QString &a_szName, void *a_pUserData)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from qmu::QmuParser
static int IsVal (const QString &a_szExpr, int *a_iPos, qreal *a_fVal, const QLocale &locale, const QChar &decimal, const QChar &thousand)
 Default value recognition callback. More...
static qreal Sinh (qreal)
static qreal Cosh (qreal)
static qreal Tanh (qreal)
static qreal ASinh (qreal)
static qreal ACosh (qreal)
static qreal ATanh (qreal)
static qreal DegreeToRadian (qreal)
static qreal RadianToDegree (qreal)
static qreal SinD (qreal)
static qreal CosD (qreal)
static qreal TanD (qreal)
static qreal ASinD (qreal)
static qreal ACosD (qreal)
static qreal ATanD (qreal)
static qreal Log2 (qreal)
static qreal Log10 (qreal)
static qreal Abs (qreal)
static qreal Rint (qreal)
static qreal Sign (qreal)
static qreal FMod (qreal, qreal)
static qreal UnaryMinus (qreal v)
 Callback for the unary minus operator. More...
static qreal Sum (const qreal *, int)
 Callback for adding multiple values. More...
static qreal Avg (const qreal *, int)
 Callback for averaging multiple values. More...
static qreal Min (const qreal *, int)
 Callback for determining the minimum value out of a vector. More...
static qreal Max (const qreal *, int)
 Callback for determining the maximum value out of a vector. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from qmu::QmuParserBase
QLocale m_locale
 The locale used by the parser. More...
QChar m_decimalPoint
QChar m_thousandsSeparator
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from qmu::QmuParserBase
static const QStringList c_DefaultOprt
 Identifiers for built in binary operators. More...
static bool g_DbgDumpCmdCode = false
static bool g_DbgDumpStack = false

Detailed Description

The Calculator class for calculation formula.

Main purpose make easy evaluate value of formula and get tokens. Note. If created to many parser for different purpes in the same time parser can work wrong. Example: EditFormulaDialog *dialog = new EditFormulaDialog(data); dialog->SetFormula(formula); if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { formula = dialog->GetFormula(); //Need delete dialog here because parser in dialog don't allow use correct separator for parsing here. //Don't know why. delete dialog; QScopedPointer<Calculator> cal(new Calculator()); result = cal->EvalFormula(data->PlainVariables(), formula); }

Definition at line 83 of file calculator.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Calculator()

Calculator::Calculator ( )

Calculator class wraper for QMuParser. Make easy initialization math parser.

This constructor hide initialization variables, operators, character sets. Use this constuctor for evaluation formula. All formulas must be converted to internal look. Example:

const QString formula = qApp->FormulaFromUser(edit->text()); Calculator *cal = new Calculator(data, patternType); const qreal result = cal->EvalFormula(data->PlainVariables(), formula); delete cal;

Definition at line 77 of file calculator.cpp.

References qmu::QmuFormulaBase::InitCharSets(), qmu::QmuParserBase::setAllowSubexpressions(), and qmu::QmuFormulaBase::SetSepForEval().

◆ ~Calculator()

virtual Calculator::~Calculator ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ EvalFormula()

◆ InitVariables()

void Calculator::InitVariables ( const QHash< QString, QSharedPointer< VInternalVariable > > *  vars,
const QMap< int, QString > &  tokens,
const QString &  formula 

Calculator::InitVariables add variables to parser.

For optimization purpose we try don't add variables that we don't need.

varslist of variables.
tokensall tokens (measurements names, variables with lengths) that parser have found in expression.
formulaexpression, need for throwing better error message.

Definition at line 142 of file calculator.cpp.

References builInFunctions, qmu::QmuParserBase::DefineVar(), and qmu::ecUNASSIGNABLE_TOKEN.

Referenced by EvalFormula().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: