#include <pattern_piece_tool.h>
Public Types | |
enum | { Type = UserType + static_cast<int>(Tool::Piece) } |
Public Slots | |
virtual void | FullUpdateFromFile () Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
void | EnableToolMove (bool move) |
void | pieceLockedChanged (quint32 id, bool lock) |
virtual void | AllowHover (bool enabled) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | AllowSelecting (bool enabled) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | ResetChildren (QGraphicsItem *pItem) |
virtual void | UpdateAll () |
virtual void | retranslateUi () |
void | Highlight (quint32 id) |
void | updatePieceDetails () |
void | UpdatePieceLabel () |
UpdateLabel updates the text label, making it just big enough for the text to fit it. More... | |
void | UpdatePatternLabel () |
UpdatePatternLabel updates the pattern info label. More... | |
void | UpdateGrainline () |
VToolDetail::UpdateGrainline updates the grain line item. More... | |
void | editPieceProperties () |
editPieceProperties - routine to edit pattern piece properties . More... | |
![]() | |
void | FullUpdateFromGuiOk (int result) |
FullUpdateFromGuiOk refresh tool data after change in options. More... | |
void | FullUpdateFromGuiApply () |
FullUpdateFromGuiApply refresh tool data after change in options but do not delete dialog. More... | |
![]() | |
virtual void | FullUpdateFromFile ()=0 |
FullUpdateFromFile update tool data form file. More... | |
virtual void | AllowHover (bool enabled)=0 |
virtual void | AllowSelecting (bool enabled)=0 |
virtual void | ToolSelectionType (const SelectionType &type) |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual | ~PatternPieceTool () Q_DECL_EQ_DEFAULT |
void | Remove (bool ask) |
void | RefreshGeometry () |
virtual int | type () const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
virtual QString | getTagName () const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | ShowVisualization (bool show) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | GroupVisibility (quint32 object, bool visible) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | paint (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
VToolDetail::paint draws a bounding box around piece, if one of its text or grainline items is not idle. More... | |
virtual QRectF | boundingRect () const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
virtual QPainterPath | shape () const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
![]() | |
VInteractiveTool (VAbstractPattern *doc, VContainer *data, quint32 id, QObject *parent=nullptr) | |
virtual | ~VInteractiveTool () Q_DECL_EQ_DEFAULT |
void | DialogLinkDestroy () |
![]() | |
VAbstractTool (VAbstractPattern *doc, VContainer *data, quint32 id, QObject *parent=nullptr) | |
VAbstractTool container. More... | |
virtual | ~VAbstractTool () Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
quint32 | getId () const |
getId return object id. More... | |
const VContainer * | getData () const |
getData return pointer to data container. More... | |
QMap< QString, quint32 > | PointsList () const |
virtual void | setPointNamePosition (quint32 id, const QPointF &pos) |
virtual void | setPointNameVisiblity (quint32 id, bool visible) |
![]() | |
VDataTool (VContainer *data, QObject *parent=nullptr) | |
VDataTool constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~VDataTool () Q_DECL_EQ_DEFAULT |
VContainer | getData () const |
getData return data container. More... | |
void | setData (const VContainer *value) |
setData set data container. More... | |
virtual quint32 | referens () const |
referens return count of referens. More... | |
virtual void | incrementReferens () |
incrementReferens increment referens. More... | |
virtual void | decrementReferens () |
decrementReferens decrement referens. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static PatternPieceTool * | Create (QSharedPointer< DialogTool > dialog, VMainGraphicsScene *scene, VAbstractPattern *doc, VContainer *data) |
static PatternPieceTool * | Create (quint32 id, VPiece newPiece, QString &width, VMainGraphicsScene *scene, VAbstractPattern *doc, VContainer *data, const Document &parse, const Source &typeCreation, const QString &blockName=QString()) |
static void | insertNodes (const QVector< VPieceNode > &nodes, quint32 pieceId, VMainGraphicsScene *scene, VContainer *data, VAbstractPattern *doc) |
static void | AddAttributes (VAbstractPattern *doc, QDomElement &domElement, quint32 id, const VPiece &piece) |
static void | AddCSARecord (VAbstractPattern *doc, QDomElement &domElement, const CustomSARecord &record) |
static void | AddCSARecords (VAbstractPattern *doc, QDomElement &domElement, const QVector< CustomSARecord > &records) |
static void | AddInternalPaths (VAbstractPattern *doc, QDomElement &domElement, const QVector< quint32 > &paths) |
static void | addAnchors (VAbstractPattern *doc, QDomElement &domElement, const QVector< quint32 > &anchors) |
static void | AddPatternPieceData (VAbstractPattern *doc, QDomElement &domElement, const VPiece &piece) |
static void | AddPatternInfo (VAbstractPattern *doc, QDomElement &domElement, const VPiece &piece) |
static void | AddGrainline (VAbstractPattern *doc, QDomElement &domElement, const VPiece &piece) |
![]() | |
static qreal | CheckFormula (const quint32 &toolId, QString &formula, VContainer *data) |
CheckFormula check formula. More... | |
static const QStringList | Colors () |
static QMap< QString, QString > | ColorsList () |
static QMap< QString, QString > | supportColorsList () |
static QMap< QString, QString > | backgroundColorsList () |
static QPixmap | createColorIcon (const int w, const int h, const QString &color) |
static const QStringList | fills () |
static void | AddRecord (const quint32 id, const Tool &toolType, VAbstractPattern *doc) |
AddRecord add record about tool in history. More... | |
static void | AddNodes (VAbstractPattern *doc, QDomElement &domElement, const VPiecePath &path) |
static void | AddNodes (VAbstractPattern *doc, QDomElement &domElement, const VPiece &piece) |
template<typename T > | |
static quint32 | CreateNode (VContainer *data, quint32 id) |
CreateNode create new node for detail. More... | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static const quint8 | pieceVersion = 2 |
static const QString | TagCSA = QStringLiteral("csa") |
static const QString | TagRecord = QStringLiteral("record") |
static const QString | TagIPaths = QStringLiteral("iPaths") |
static const QString | TagAnchors = QStringLiteral("anchors") |
static const QString | AttrVersion = QStringLiteral("version") |
static const QString | AttrForbidFlipping = QStringLiteral("forbidFlipping") |
static const QString | AttrPieceColor = QStringLiteral("color") |
static const QString | AttrPieceFill = QStringLiteral("fill") |
static const QString | AttrPieceLock = QStringLiteral("locked") |
static const QString | AttrSeamAllowance = QStringLiteral("seamAllowance") |
static const QString | AttrHideSeamLine = QStringLiteral("hideMainPath") |
static const QString | AttrSeamAllowanceBuiltIn = QStringLiteral("seamAllowanceBuiltIn") |
static const QString | AttrHeight = QStringLiteral("height") |
static const QString | AttrUnited = QStringLiteral("united") |
static const QString | AttrFont = QStringLiteral("fontSize") |
static const QString | AttrTopLeftAnchor = QStringLiteral("topLeftAnchor") |
static const QString | AttrBottomRightAnchor = QStringLiteral("bottomRightAnchor") |
static const QString | AttrCenterAnchor = QStringLiteral("centerAnchor") |
static const QString | AttrTopAnchorPoint = QStringLiteral("topAnchor") |
static const QString | AttrBottomAnchorPoint = QStringLiteral("bottomAnchor") |
![]() | |
static bool | m_suppressContextMenu = false |
static const QString | AttrInUse = QStringLiteral("inUse") |
Protected Slots | |
void | saveMovePiece (const QPointF &ptPos) |
saveMovePiece saves the move piece operation to the undo stack More... | |
void | saveResizePiece (qreal dLabelW, int iFontSize) |
saveResizePiece saves the resize piece label operation to the undo stack More... | |
void | savePieceRotation (qreal dRot) |
savePieceRotation saves the rotation piece label operation to the undo stack More... | |
void | SaveMovePattern (const QPointF &ptPos) |
SaveMovePattern saves the pattern label position. More... | |
void | SaveResizePattern (qreal dLabelW, int iFontSize) |
: SaveResizePattern saves the pattern label width and font size More... | |
void | SaveRotationPattern (qreal dRot) |
void | SaveMoveGrainline (const QPointF &ptPos) |
void | SaveResizeGrainline (qreal dLength) |
void | SaveRotateGrainline (qreal dRot, const QPointF &ptPos) |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | AddToFile () Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
AddToFile add tag with Information about tool into file. More... | |
virtual void | RefreshDataInFile () Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
RefreshDataInFile refresh attributes in file. If attributes don't exist create them. More... | |
virtual QVariant | itemChange (GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | mousePressEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | mouseReleaseEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | hoverEnterEvent (QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | hoverLeaveEvent (QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | contextMenuEvent (QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | keyReleaseEvent (QKeyEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | SetVisualization () Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | deleteTool (bool ask=true) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
deleteTool full delete object form scene and file. More... | |
virtual void | ToolCreation (const Source &typeCreation) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | SetDialog () Q_DECL_FINAL |
virtual void | SaveDialogChange () Q_DECL_FINAL |
![]() | |
virtual void | setDialog () |
setDialog set dialog when user want change tool option. More... | |
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virtual void | RemoveReferens () |
RemoveReferens decrement value of reference. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | AddVisualization () |
Private Member Functions | |
PatternPieceTool (VAbstractPattern *doc, VContainer *data, const quint32 &id, const Source &typeCreation, VMainGraphicsScene *scene, const QString &blockName, QGraphicsItem *parent=nullptr) | |
void | UpdateExcludeState () |
VPieceItem::MoveTypes | FindLabelGeometry (const VPatternLabelData &labelData, qreal &rotationAngle, qreal &labelWidth, qreal &labelHeight, QPointF &pos) |
VPieceItem::MoveTypes | FindGrainlineGeometry (const VGrainlineData &geom, qreal &length, qreal &rotationAngle, QPointF &pos) |
void | initializeNodes (const VPiece &piece, VMainGraphicsScene *scene) |
void | InitCSAPaths (const VPiece &piece) |
void | InitInternalPaths (const VPiece &piece) |
void | initializeAnchorPoints (const VPiece &piece) |
bool | PrepareLabelData (const VPatternLabelData &labelData, VTextGraphicsItem *labelItem, QPointF &pos, qreal &labelAngle) |
void | UpdateLabelItem (VTextGraphicsItem *labelItem, QPointF pos, qreal labelAngle) |
void | toggleInLayout (bool checked) |
toggleInLayout - routine to toggle if pattern piece is included and visible in layout. More... | |
void | togglePieceLock (bool checked) |
togglePieceLock - routine to toggle if pattern piece is locked and editiable. More... | |
void | toggleFlipping (bool checked) |
toggleFlipping - routine to toggle forbidding flipping. More... | |
void | toggleSeamLine (bool checked) |
toggleSeamLine - routine to toggle the visibility of the seam line. More... | |
void | toggleSeamAllowance (bool checked) |
toggleSeamAllowance - routine to toggle the visibility of the seam allowance. More... | |
void | toggleGrainline (bool checked) |
toggleGrainline - routine to toggle the visibility of the piece grainline. More... | |
void | togglePatternLabel (bool checked) |
togglePatternLabel - routine to toggle the visibility of the pattern label. More... | |
void | togglePieceLabel (bool checked) |
togglePieceLabel - routine to toggle the visibility of the piece label. More... | |
void | renamePiece (VPiece piece) |
renamePiece - routine to rename pattern piece. More... | |
void | showStatus (QString toolTip) |
void | raiseItemToTop (QGraphicsItem *item) |
void | lowerItemToBottom (QGraphicsItem *item) |
Static Private Member Functions | |
static void | initializeNode (const VPieceNode &node, VMainGraphicsScene *scene, VContainer *data, VAbstractPattern *doc, PatternPieceTool *parent) |
Private Attributes | |
QPainterPath | m_mainPath |
QRectF | m_pieceRect |
QPainterPath | m_cutPath |
VMainGraphicsScene * | m_pieceScene |
QString | m_blockName |
pieceScene pointer to the scene. More... | |
NonScalingFillPathItem * | m_cutLine |
NonScalingFillPathItem * | m_seamLine |
VTextGraphicsItem * | m_dataLabel |
VTextGraphicsItem * | m_patternInfo |
VGrainlineItem * | m_grainLine |
QGraphicsPathItem * | m_notches |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
void | toolHasChanges () |
toolHasChanges emit if tool create change that need save. More... | |
void | chosenTool (quint32 id, SceneObject type) |
chosenTool emit if object was clicked. More... | |
void | LiteUpdateTree (const Document &parse) |
FullUpdateTree emit if need reparse pattern file. More... | |
void | ToolTip (const QString &toolTip) |
![]() | |
static int | ConfirmDeletion () |
static QDomElement | AddSANode (VAbstractPattern *doc, const QString &tagName, const VPieceNode &node) |
static void | AddNode (VAbstractPattern *doc, QDomElement &domElement, const VPieceNode &node) |
static QVector< VPieceNode > | PrepareNodes (const VPiecePath &path, VMainGraphicsScene *scene, VAbstractPattern *doc, VContainer *data) |
static quint32 | PrepareNode (const VPieceNode &node, VMainGraphicsScene *scene, VAbstractPattern *doc, VContainer *data) |
![]() | |
QSharedPointer< DialogTool > | m_dialog |
m_dialog tool's dialog options. More... | |
![]() | |
VAbstractPattern * | doc |
doc dom document container More... | |
const quint32 | m_id |
id object id. More... | |
QPointer< Visualization > | vis |
SelectionType | selectionType |
![]() | |
VContainer | data |
data container with data More... | |
quint32 | _referens |
_referens keep count tools what use this tool. If value more than 1 you can't delete tool. More... | |
Definition at line 69 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
anonymous enum |
Enumerator | |
Type |
Definition at line 120 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
virtual |
private |
Definition at line 1433 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VAbstractPattern::CheckLayout(), VDataTool::data, VMainGraphicsScene::DimensionsChanged(), VAbstractTool::doc, EnableToolMove(), VMainGraphicsScene::EnableToolMove(), VContainer::GetPiece(), InitCSAPaths(), initializeAnchorPoints(), initializeNodes(), InitInternalPaths(), VPiece::isLocked(), VMainGraphicsScene::ItemClicked(), VPieceItem::itemMoved(), VGrainlineItem::itemResized(), VTextGraphicsItem::itemResized(), VTextGraphicsItem::itemRotated(), VGrainlineItem::itemRotated(), VMainGraphicsScene::LanguageChanged(), m_dataLabel, m_grainLine, m_patternInfo, m_pieceScene, RefreshGeometry(), ResetChildren(), retranslateUi(), SaveMoveGrainline(), SaveMovePattern(), saveMovePiece(), savePieceRotation(), SaveResizeGrainline(), SaveResizePattern(), saveResizePiece(), SaveRotateGrainline(), SaveRotationPattern(), ToolCreation(), VAbstractPattern::UpdatePatternLabel(), UpdatePatternLabel(), and updatePieceDetails().
Referenced by Create().
static |
Definition at line 328 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VAbstractTool::doc, TagAnchors, and TagRecord.
Referenced by UnionTool::addPiece(), AddToFile(), SavePieceOptions::redo(), RefreshDataInFile(), and SavePieceOptions::undo().
static |
Definition at line 251 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References AttrForbidFlipping, AttrHideSeamLine, VDomDocument::AttrId, AttrInLayout, AttrMx, AttrMy, AttrName, AttrPieceColor, AttrPieceFill, AttrPieceLocked, AttrSeamAllowance, AttrSeamAllowanceBuiltIn, AttrUnited, AttrVersion, VAbstractPattern::AttrWidth, VAbstractTool::doc, VAbstractPiece::getColor(), VAbstractPiece::getFill(), VAbstractPiece::GetMx(), VAbstractPiece::GetMy(), VAbstractPiece::GetName(), VPiece::getSeamAllowanceWidthFormula(), VAbstractPiece::IsForbidFlipping(), VAbstractPiece::isHideSeamLine(), VPiece::isInLayout(), VPiece::isLocked(), VAbstractPiece::IsSeamAllowance(), VAbstractPiece::IsSeamAllowanceBuiltIn(), VPiece::IsUnited(), pieceVersion, qApp, SCASSERT, and VDomDocument::SetAttribute().
Referenced by AddToFile(), SavePieceOptions::redo(), and SavePieceOptions::undo().
static |
Definition at line 283 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VAbstractPattern::AttrEnd, VAbstractPattern::AttrIncludeAs, VAbstractPattern::AttrNodeReverse, VAbstractPattern::AttrPath, VAbstractPattern::AttrStart, VAbstractTool::doc, CustomSARecord::endPoint, CustomSARecord::includeType, CustomSARecord::path, CustomSARecord::reverse, VDomDocument::SetAttribute(), CustomSARecord::startPoint, and TagRecord.
Referenced by AddCSARecords().
static |
Definition at line 297 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References AddCSARecord(), VAbstractTool::doc, and TagCSA.
Referenced by UnionTool::addPiece(), AddToFile(), SavePieceOptions::redo(), RefreshDataInFile(), and SavePieceOptions::undo().
static |
Definition at line 440 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VAbstractPattern::AttrArrows, AttrBottomAnchorPoint, AttrCenterAnchor, AttrLength, AttrMx, AttrMy, VAbstractPattern::AttrRotation, AttrTopAnchorPoint, VAbstractPattern::AttrVisible, VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VPiece::GetGrainlineGeometry(), NULL_ID, VDomDocument::SetAttribute(), and VAbstractPattern::TagGrainline.
Referenced by AddToFile(), SavePieceOptions::redo(), RefreshDataInFile(), and SavePieceOptions::undo().
static |
Definition at line 312 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VAbstractPattern::AttrPath, VAbstractTool::doc, VDomDocument::SetAttribute(), TagIPaths, and TagRecord.
Referenced by UnionTool::addPiece(), AddToFile(), SavePieceOptions::redo(), RefreshDataInFile(), and SavePieceOptions::undo().
static |
Definition at line 397 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References AttrBottomRightAnchor, AttrCenterAnchor, AttrFont, AttrHeight, AttrMx, AttrMy, VAbstractPattern::AttrRotation, AttrTopLeftAnchor, VAbstractPattern::AttrVisible, VAbstractPattern::AttrWidth, VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VPiece::GetPatternInfo(), NULL_ID, VDomDocument::SetAttribute(), and VAbstractPattern::TagPatternInfo.
Referenced by AddToFile(), SavePieceOptions::redo(), RefreshDataInFile(), and SavePieceOptions::undo().
static |
Definition at line 344 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VAbstractPattern::AttrAnnotation, AttrBottomRightAnchor, AttrCenterAnchor, VAbstractPattern::AttrFoldPosition, AttrFont, AttrHeight, VAbstractPattern::AttrLetter, AttrMx, AttrMy, VAbstractPattern::AttrOnFold, VAbstractPattern::AttrOrientation, VAbstractPattern::AttrQuantity, VAbstractPattern::AttrRotation, VAbstractPattern::AttrRotationWay, VAbstractPattern::AttrTilt, AttrTopLeftAnchor, VAbstractPattern::AttrVisible, VAbstractPattern::AttrWidth, VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VPiece::GetPatternPieceData(), NULL_ID, VDomDocument::SetAttribute(), VDomDocument::SetLabelTemplate(), and VAbstractPattern::TagData.
Referenced by AddToFile(), SavePieceOptions::redo(), RefreshDataInFile(), and SavePieceOptions::undo().
protectedvirtual |
AddToFile add tag with Information about tool into file.
Implements VAbstractTool.
Definition at line 967 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References addAnchors(), AddAttributes(), AddCSARecords(), AddGrainline(), AddInternalPaths(), VAbstractTool::AddNodes(), AddPatternInfo(), AddPatternPieceData(), VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VPiece::getAnchors(), VPiece::GetCustomSARecords(), VPiece::GetInternalPaths(), VContainer::GetPiece(), getTagName(), m_blockName, VAbstractTool::m_id, VAbstractPattern::NeedFullParsing(), VUndoCommand::NeedFullParsing(), and qApp.
Referenced by ToolCreation().
virtualslot |
Definition at line 555 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
Referenced by Create().
virtualslot |
Definition at line 561 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
Referenced by Create().
virtual |
Definition at line 941 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References m_pieceRect.
Referenced by itemChange().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1160 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::_referens, VDataTool::data, deleteTool(), editPieceProperties(), VPiece::GetGrainlineGeometry(), VPiece::GetPatternInfo(), VPiece::GetPatternPieceData(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPiece::IsForbidFlipping(), VAbstractPiece::isHideSeamLine(), VPiece::isInLayout(), VPiece::isLocked(), VAbstractPiece::IsSeamAllowance(), VAbstractFloatItemData::IsVisible(), lowerItemToBottom(), VAbstractTool::m_id, VAbstractTool::m_suppressContextMenu, qApp, raiseItemToTop(), renamePiece(), toggleFlipping(), toggleGrainline(), toggleInLayout(), togglePatternLabel(), togglePieceLabel(), togglePieceLock(), toggleSeamAllowance(), and toggleSeamLine().
static |
Definition at line 123 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, FromGui, FullParse, VInteractiveTool::m_dialog, VAbstractTool::PrepareNodes(), qApp, and SCASSERT.
Referenced by QT_WARNING_POP::createUnion(), and VPattern::parsePieceElement().
static |
Definition at line 145 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VContainer::AddPiece(), VAbstractTool::AddRecord(), VAbstractPattern::AddTool(), VContainer::AddVariable(), AllowHover(), AllowSelecting(), VAbstractTool::CheckFormula(), VMainGraphicsScene::chosenItem(), VAbstractTool::chosenTool(), currentSeamAllowance, VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VMainGraphicsScene::EnableDetailItemHover(), VMainGraphicsScene::EnableDetailItemSelection(), FromGui, FromTool, FullParse, VAbstractPiece::GetSAWidth(), Highlight(), VMainGraphicsScene::highlightPiece(), PatternPieceTool(), Piece, pieceLockedChanged(), VMainGraphicsScene::pieceLockedChanged(), VContainer::RemoveVariable(), VPiece::setSeamAllowanceWidthFormula(), VContainer::UpdatePiece(), and VAbstractPattern::UpdateToolData().
protectedvirtual |
deleteTool full delete object form scene and file.
Reimplemented from VAbstractTool.
Definition at line 1866 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VAbstractTool::ConfirmDeletion(), VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, m_dataLabel, m_grainLine, VAbstractTool::m_id, m_patternInfo, m_pieceScene, VAbstractPattern::NeedFullParsing(), VUndoCommand::NeedFullParsing(), and qApp.
Referenced by contextMenuEvent(), keyReleaseEvent(), and Remove().
slot |
editPieceProperties - routine to edit pattern piece properties .
Definition at line 1983 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References DialogTool::DialogApplied(), DialogTool::DialogClosed(), VInteractiveTool::FullUpdateFromGuiApply(), VInteractiveTool::FullUpdateFromGuiOk(), VAbstractTool::getData(), VInteractiveTool::m_dialog, VAbstractTool::m_id, qApp, and SetDialog().
Referenced by PiecesWidget::cellDoubleClicked(), contextMenuEvent(), and keyReleaseEvent().
slot |
Definition at line 509 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VPiecePath::at(), VDataTool::data, VNodePoint::EnableToolMove(), VPieceNode::GetId(), VPiece::GetPath(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::getTool(), VPieceNode::GetTypeTool(), m_dataLabel, m_grainLine, VAbstractTool::m_id, m_patternInfo, NodePoint, and SCASSERT.
Referenced by PatternPieceTool(), and togglePieceLock().
private |
Definition at line 1685 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VPieceItem::AllModifications, VDataTool::data, VPieceItem::Error, Calculator::EvalFormula(), FromPixel(), VContainer::GeometricObject(), VContainer::GetPatternUnit(), qmu::QmuTokenParser::IsSingle(), VPieceItem::NotMovable, NULL_ID, ToPixel(), and VFuzzyComparePossibleNulls().
Referenced by UpdateGrainline().
private |
Definition at line 1582 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VPieceItem::AllModifications, VPatternLabelData::bottomRightAnchorPoint(), VPatternLabelData::centerAnchorPoint(), VDataTool::data, VPieceItem::Error, Calculator::EvalFormula(), FromPixel(), VContainer::GeometricObject(), VPatternLabelData::GetLabelHeight(), VPatternLabelData::GetLabelWidth(), VContainer::GetPatternUnit(), VAbstractFloatItemData::GetPos(), VPatternLabelData::GetRotation(), qmu::QmuTokenParser::IsSingle(), NULL_ID, ToPixel(), and VPatternLabelData::topLeftAnchorPoint().
Referenced by PrepareLabelData().
virtualslot |
Definition at line 502 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References RefreshGeometry(), and UpdateExcludeState().
virtual |
Implements VAbstractTool.
Definition at line 483 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VAbstractPattern::TagPiece.
Referenced by AddToFile(), and RefreshDataInFile().
virtual |
Implements VDataTool.
Definition at line 495 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
slot |
Definition at line 614 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VAbstractTool::m_id, and RefreshGeometry().
Referenced by Create().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1139 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References cursorArrowOpenHand, and SetItemOverrideCursor().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1149 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
private |
Definition at line 1819 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VAbstractTool::doc, VPiece::GetCustomSARecords(), and VAbstractPattern::IncrementReferens().
Referenced by PatternPieceTool().
private |
Definition at line 1857 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VAbstractTool::doc, VPiece::getAnchors(), and VAbstractPattern::IncrementReferens().
Referenced by PatternPieceTool().
staticprivate |
Definition at line 1783 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VMainGraphicsScene::chosenItem(), VAbstractTool::chosenTool(), VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VContainer::GetGObject(), VPieceNode::GetId(), VAbstractPattern::getTool(), VPieceNode::GetTypeTool(), VAbstractPattern::IncrementReferens(), VPieceNode::isExcluded(), Item, NodeArc, NodeElArc, NodePoint, NodeSpline, NodeSplinePath, SCASSERT, VAbstractNode::SetExluded(), and VAbstractNode::SetParentType().
Referenced by initializeNodes(), and insertNodes().
private |
Definition at line 1774 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VPiecePath::at(), VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VPiece::GetPath(), and initializeNode().
Referenced by PatternPieceTool().
private |
Definition at line 1828 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VAbstractTool::doc, VAbstractTool::getData(), VPiece::GetInternalPaths(), VPiecePath::GetPenType(), VContainer::GetPiecePath(), VAbstractPattern::getTool(), VAbstractPattern::IncrementReferens(), VPiecePath::IsCutPath(), Item, Mm, qApp, scaleWidth(), SCASSERT, sceneScale(), and ToPixel().
Referenced by PatternPieceTool().
static |
Definition at line 204 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VPiecePath::Append(), VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VPiece::GetPath(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::getTool(), initializeNode(), VAbstractPattern::LiteParseTree(), VUndoCommand::NeedLiteParsing(), NULL_ID, VAbstractTool::PrepareNode(), qApp, SavePieceOptions, SCASSERT, and VContainer::UpdatePiece().
Referenced by MainWindow::ClosedInsertNodesDialog().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1023 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References boundingRect(), VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VContainer::GetPiece(), VMainGraphicsScene::getScenePos(), VAbstractTool::m_id, MovePiece, qApp, RefreshGeometry(), SCASSERT, sceneScale(), VMainGraphicsView::SceneVisibleArea(), VAbstractPiece::SetMx(), VAbstractPiece::SetMy(), and VContainer::UpdatePiece().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1302 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, deleteTool(), editPieceProperties(), VPiece::GetGrainlineGeometry(), VPiece::GetPatternInfo(), VPiece::GetPatternPieceData(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPiece::IsForbidFlipping(), VAbstractPiece::isHideSeamLine(), VPiece::isInLayout(), VPiece::isLocked(), VAbstractPiece::IsSeamAllowance(), VAbstractFloatItemData::IsVisible(), lowerItemToBottom(), VAbstractTool::m_id, qApp, raiseItemToTop(), renamePiece(), toggleFlipping(), toggleGrainline(), toggleInLayout(), togglePatternLabel(), togglePieceLabel(), togglePieceLock(), toggleSeamAllowance(), and toggleSeamLine().
private |
Definition at line 2182 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References m_pieceScene.
Referenced by contextMenuEvent(), and keyReleaseEvent().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1100 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VAbstractTool::chosenTool(), cursorArrowCloseHand, VAbstractTool::doc, VAbstractTool::m_id, Piece, VAbstractPattern::selectedPiece(), and SetItemOverrideCursor().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1129 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References cursorArrowOpenHand, and SetItemOverrideCursor().
virtual |
VToolDetail::paint draws a bounding box around piece, if one of its text or grainline items is not idle.
Definition at line 881 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::fills(), VAbstractPiece::getColor(), VAbstractPiece::getFill(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VPieceItem::IsIdle(), VAbstractPiece::IsSeamAllowance(), VAbstractPiece::IsSeamAllowanceBuiltIn(), lineTypeToPenStyle(), m_cutLine, m_dataLabel, m_grainLine, VAbstractTool::m_id, m_notches, m_patternInfo, m_seamLine, Mm, qApp, scaleWidth(), sceneScale(), and ToPixel().
slot |
Definition at line 531 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VPiecePath::at(), VDataTool::data, VNodePoint::EnableToolMove(), VPieceNode::GetId(), VPiece::GetPath(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::getTool(), VPieceNode::GetTypeTool(), m_dataLabel, m_grainLine, VAbstractTool::m_id, m_patternInfo, NodePoint, and SCASSERT.
Referenced by Create().
private |
Definition at line 1920 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VPieceItem::Error, FindLabelGeometry(), VPatternLabelData::getFontSize(), MIN_FONT_SIZE, qApp, SCASSERT, VTextGraphicsItem::setFont(), VPieceItem::SetMoveType(), VTextGraphicsItem::setSize(), ToPixel(), and type().
Referenced by UpdatePatternLabel(), and UpdatePieceLabel().
private |
Definition at line 2173 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References m_pieceScene.
Referenced by contextMenuEvent(), and keyReleaseEvent().
protectedvirtual |
RefreshDataInFile refresh attributes in file. If attributes don't exist create them.
Reimplemented from VAbstractTool.
Definition at line 991 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References addAnchors(), AddCSARecords(), AddGrainline(), AddInternalPaths(), VAbstractTool::AddNodes(), AddPatternInfo(), AddPatternPieceData(), AttrVersion, CONVERTER_VERSION_CHECK, VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VDomDocument::elementById(), VPiece::getAnchors(), VPiece::GetCustomSARecords(), VPiece::GetInternalPaths(), VDomDocument::GetParametrUInt(), VContainer::GetPiece(), getTagName(), VAbstractTool::m_id, VPatternConverter::PatternMinVer, pieceVersion, VDomDocument::RemoveAllChildren(), and VDomDocument::SetAttribute().
Referenced by ToolCreation().
void PatternPieceTool::RefreshGeometry | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1507 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::getData(), VAbstractPiece::GetMx(), VAbstractPiece::GetMy(), VPiece::getNotchesPath(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPiece::isHideSeamLine(), VAbstractPiece::IsSeamAllowance(), VAbstractPiece::IsSeamAllowanceBuiltIn(), m_cutLine, m_cutPath, VAbstractTool::m_id, m_mainPath, m_notches, m_pieceRect, m_seamLine, VPiece::MainPathPath(), qApp, VPiece::SeamAllowancePath(), and VPiece::SeamAllowancePoints().
Referenced by FullUpdateFromFile(), Highlight(), itemChange(), and PatternPieceTool().
void PatternPieceTool::Remove | ( | bool | ask | ) |
Definition at line 190 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References deleteTool().
Referenced by QT_WARNING_POP::createUnion().
private |
renamePiece - routine to rename pattern piece.
Definition at line 2132 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VAbstractPiece::GetName(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::LiteParseTree(), VAbstractTool::m_id, VUndoCommand::NeedLiteParsing(), qApp, SavePieceOptions, VAbstractPiece::SetName(), and showStatus().
Referenced by contextMenuEvent(), and keyReleaseEvent().
virtualslot |
Definition at line 567 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VPiece::GetGrainlineGeometry(), VPiece::GetPatternInfo(), VPiece::GetPatternPieceData(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractFloatItemData::IsVisible(), m_dataLabel, m_grainLine, VAbstractTool::m_id, m_patternInfo, and VPieceItem::Reset().
Referenced by PatternPieceTool().
virtualslot |
Definition at line 607 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References UpdatePatternLabel(), and UpdatePieceLabel().
Referenced by PatternPieceTool().
protectedvirtual |
Implements VInteractiveTool.
Definition at line 1567 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, PatternPieceDialog::GetPiece(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::LiteParseTree(), VInteractiveTool::m_dialog, VAbstractTool::m_id, VUndoCommand::NeedLiteParsing(), qApp, SavePieceOptions, SCASSERT, and UpdatePieceLabel().
protectedslot |
Definition at line 835 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VPiece::GetGrainlineGeometry(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::LiteParseTree(), VAbstractTool::m_id, VUndoCommand::NeedLiteParsing(), qApp, SavePieceOptions, and VAbstractFloatItemData::SetPos().
Referenced by PatternPieceTool().
protectedslot |
SaveMovePattern saves the pattern label position.
Definition at line 780 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VPiece::GetPatternInfo(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::LiteParseTree(), VAbstractTool::m_id, VUndoCommand::NeedLiteParsing(), qApp, SavePieceOptions, and VAbstractFloatItemData::SetPos().
Referenced by PatternPieceTool().
protectedslot |
saveMovePiece saves the move piece operation to the undo stack
Definition at line 720 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VPiece::GetPatternPieceData(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::LiteParseTree(), VAbstractTool::m_id, VUndoCommand::NeedLiteParsing(), qApp, SavePieceOptions, and VAbstractFloatItemData::SetPos().
Referenced by PatternPieceTool().
protectedslot |
savePieceRotation saves the rotation piece label operation to the undo stack
Definition at line 757 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VTextGraphicsItem::getFontSize(), VPiece::GetPatternPieceData(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::LiteParseTree(), m_dataLabel, VAbstractTool::m_id, VUndoCommand::NeedLiteParsing(), qApp, SavePieceOptions, VPatternLabelData::SetFontSize(), VAbstractFloatItemData::SetPos(), and VPatternLabelData::SetRotation().
Referenced by PatternPieceTool().
protectedslot |
Definition at line 849 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, FromPixel(), VPiece::GetGrainlineGeometry(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::LiteParseTree(), m_grainLine, VAbstractTool::m_id, VUndoCommand::NeedLiteParsing(), qApp, SavePieceOptions, VGrainlineData::SetLength(), and VAbstractFloatItemData::SetPos().
Referenced by PatternPieceTool().
protectedslot |
: SaveResizePattern saves the pattern label width and font size
Definition at line 796 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VPieceItem::boundingRect(), VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, FromPixel(), VPiece::GetPatternInfo(), VContainer::GetPatternUnit(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::LiteParseTree(), VAbstractTool::m_id, m_patternInfo, VUndoCommand::NeedLiteParsing(), qApp, SavePieceOptions, VPatternLabelData::SetFontSize(), VPatternLabelData::SetLabelHeight(), and VPatternLabelData::SetLabelWidth().
Referenced by PatternPieceTool().
protectedslot |
saveResizePiece saves the resize piece label operation to the undo stack
Definition at line 736 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VPieceItem::boundingRect(), VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, FromPixel(), VPiece::GetPatternPieceData(), VContainer::GetPatternUnit(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::LiteParseTree(), m_dataLabel, VAbstractTool::m_id, VUndoCommand::NeedLiteParsing(), qApp, SavePieceOptions, VPatternLabelData::SetFontSize(), VPatternLabelData::SetLabelHeight(), and VPatternLabelData::SetLabelWidth().
Referenced by PatternPieceTool().
protectedslot |
Definition at line 864 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VPiece::GetGrainlineGeometry(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::LiteParseTree(), VAbstractTool::m_id, VUndoCommand::NeedLiteParsing(), qApp, SavePieceOptions, VAbstractFloatItemData::SetPos(), and VGrainlineData::SetRotation().
Referenced by PatternPieceTool().
protectedslot |
Definition at line 814 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VTextGraphicsItem::getFontSize(), VPiece::GetPatternInfo(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::LiteParseTree(), VAbstractTool::m_id, m_patternInfo, VUndoCommand::NeedLiteParsing(), qApp, SavePieceOptions, VPatternLabelData::SetFontSize(), VAbstractFloatItemData::SetPos(), and VPatternLabelData::SetRotation().
Referenced by PatternPieceTool().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1423 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VInteractiveTool::m_dialog, VAbstractTool::m_id, and SCASSERT.
Referenced by editPieceProperties().
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Implements VAbstractTool.
Definition at line 168 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
virtual |
Definition at line 954 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References ItemShapeFromPath(), m_cutPath, and m_mainPath.
private |
Definition at line 2164 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References qApp, SCASSERT, and VAbstractMainWindow::ShowToolTip().
Referenced by renamePiece(), toggleFlipping(), toggleGrainline(), togglePatternLabel(), togglePieceLabel(), toggleSeamAllowance(), and toggleSeamLine().
virtual |
Implements VAbstractTool.
Definition at line 489 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
private |
toggleFlipping - routine to toggle forbidding flipping.
checked | - true if flipping is forbidden. |
Definition at line 2024 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::LiteParseTree(), VAbstractTool::m_id, VUndoCommand::NeedLiteParsing(), qApp, SavePieceOptions, VAbstractPiece::SetForbidFlipping(), and showStatus().
Referenced by contextMenuEvent(), and keyReleaseEvent().
private |
toggleGrainline - routine to toggle the visibility of the piece grainline.
checked | - true if grainline is visible. |
Definition at line 2078 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VPiece::GetGrainlineGeometry(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::LiteParseTree(), VAbstractTool::m_id, VUndoCommand::NeedLiteParsing(), qApp, SavePieceOptions, VAbstractFloatItemData::SetVisible(), and showStatus().
Referenced by contextMenuEvent(), and keyReleaseEvent().
private |
toggleInLayout - routine to toggle if pattern piece is included and visible in layout.
checked | - true if piece is included. |
Definition at line 2000 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VAbstractTool::m_id, qApp, TogglePieceInLayout, TogglePieceInLayout::updateList(), and VAbstractPattern::updatePieceList().
Referenced by contextMenuEvent(), and keyReleaseEvent().
private |
togglePatternLabel - routine to toggle the visibility of the pattern label.
checked | - true if pattern label is visible. |
Definition at line 2096 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VPiece::GetPatternInfo(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::LiteParseTree(), VAbstractTool::m_id, VUndoCommand::NeedLiteParsing(), qApp, SavePieceOptions, VAbstractFloatItemData::SetVisible(), and showStatus().
Referenced by contextMenuEvent(), and keyReleaseEvent().
private |
togglePieceLabel - routine to toggle the visibility of the piece label.
checked | - true if piece label is visible. |
Definition at line 2114 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VPiece::GetPatternPieceData(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::LiteParseTree(), VAbstractTool::m_id, VUndoCommand::NeedLiteParsing(), qApp, SavePieceOptions, VAbstractFloatItemData::SetVisible(), and showStatus().
Referenced by contextMenuEvent(), and keyReleaseEvent().
private |
togglePieceLock - routine to toggle if pattern piece is locked and editiable.
checked | - true if piece is locked. |
Definition at line 2011 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, EnableToolMove(), VAbstractTool::m_id, qApp, TogglePieceLock, TogglePieceLock::updateList(), and VAbstractPattern::updatePieceList().
Referenced by contextMenuEvent(), and keyReleaseEvent().
private |
toggleSeamAllowance - routine to toggle the visibility of the seam allowance.
checked | - true if seam allowance is visible. |
Definition at line 2060 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::LiteParseTree(), VAbstractTool::m_id, VUndoCommand::NeedLiteParsing(), qApp, SavePieceOptions, VAbstractPiece::SetSeamAllowance(), and showStatus().
Referenced by contextMenuEvent(), and keyReleaseEvent().
private |
toggleSeamLine - routine to toggle the visibility of the seam line.
checked | - true if seam line is visible. |
Definition at line 2042 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::LiteParseTree(), VAbstractTool::m_id, VUndoCommand::NeedLiteParsing(), qApp, SavePieceOptions, VAbstractPiece::setHideSeamLine(), and showStatus().
Referenced by contextMenuEvent(), and keyReleaseEvent().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from VAbstractTool.
Definition at line 1903 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References AddToFile(), FromGui, FromTool, qApp, and RefreshDataInFile().
Referenced by PatternPieceTool().
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 119 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
References Type.
Referenced by PrepareLabelData(), and UpdateGrainline().
virtualslot |
Definition at line 600 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References m_pieceScene.
private |
Definition at line 1489 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VPiecePath::at(), VDataTool::data, VPieceNode::GetId(), VPiece::GetPath(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractPattern::getTool(), VPieceNode::GetTypeTool(), VPieceNode::isExcluded(), VAbstractTool::m_id, NodePoint, SCASSERT, and VAbstractNode::SetExluded().
Referenced by FullUpdateFromFile().
slot |
VToolDetail::UpdateGrainline updates the grain line item.
Definition at line 685 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VPieceItem::Error, FindGrainlineGeometry(), VPiece::GetGrainlineGeometry(), VContainer::GetPiece(), m_grainLine, VAbstractTool::m_id, qApp, VPieceItem::SetMoveType(), ToPixel(), type(), and VGrainlineItem::UpdateGeometry().
Referenced by updatePieceDetails().
private |
Definition at line 1958 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VPieceItem::boundingRect(), VTextGraphicsItem::getTextLines(), VTextGraphicsItem::isContained(), SCASSERT, and VTextGraphicsItem::Update().
Referenced by UpdatePatternLabel(), and UpdatePieceLabel().
slot |
UpdatePatternLabel updates the pattern info label.
Definition at line 658 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractTool::doc, VAbstractPiece::GetName(), VPiece::GetPatternInfo(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractTool::m_id, m_patternInfo, PrepareLabelData(), qApp, VTextGraphicsItem::updateData(), and UpdateLabelItem().
Referenced by PatternPieceTool(), retranslateUi(), and updatePieceDetails().
slot |
Definition at line 620 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References UpdateGrainline(), UpdatePatternLabel(), and UpdatePieceLabel().
Referenced by PatternPieceTool().
slot |
UpdateLabel updates the text label, making it just big enough for the text to fit it.
Definition at line 630 of file pattern_piece_tool.cpp.
References VDataTool::data, VAbstractPiece::GetName(), VPiece::GetPatternPieceData(), VContainer::GetPiece(), VAbstractFloatItemData::IsVisible(), m_dataLabel, VAbstractTool::m_id, PrepareLabelData(), qApp, VTextGraphicsItem::updateData(), and UpdateLabelItem().
Referenced by retranslateUi(), SaveDialogChange(), and updatePieceDetails().
static |
Definition at line 101 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by AddGrainline(), and VPattern::ParsePieceGrainline().
static |
Definition at line 98 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by AddPatternInfo(), AddPatternPieceData(), VPattern::ParsePieceDataTag(), and VPattern::ParsePiecePatternInfo().
static |
Definition at line 99 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by AddGrainline(), AddPatternInfo(), AddPatternPieceData(), VPattern::ParsePieceDataTag(), VPattern::ParsePieceGrainline(), and VPattern::ParsePiecePatternInfo().
static |
Definition at line 96 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by AddPatternInfo(), AddPatternPieceData(), VPattern::ParsePieceDataTag(), and VPattern::ParsePiecePatternInfo().
static |
Definition at line 87 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by AddAttributes(), and VPattern::parsePieceElement().
static |
Definition at line 94 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by AddPatternInfo(), AddPatternPieceData(), VPattern::ParsePieceDataTag(), and VPattern::ParsePiecePatternInfo().
static |
Definition at line 92 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by AddAttributes(), and VPattern::parsePieceElement().
static |
Definition at line 88 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by AddAttributes(), and VPattern::parsePieceElement().
static |
Definition at line 89 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by AddAttributes(), and VPattern::parsePieceElement().
static |
Definition at line 90 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
static |
Definition at line 91 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by AddAttributes(), and VPattern::parsePieceElement().
static |
Definition at line 93 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by AddAttributes(), and VPattern::parsePieceElement().
static |
Definition at line 100 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by AddGrainline(), and VPattern::ParsePieceGrainline().
static |
Definition at line 97 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by AddPatternInfo(), AddPatternPieceData(), VPattern::ParsePieceDataTag(), and VPattern::ParsePiecePatternInfo().
static |
Definition at line 95 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by AddAttributes(), VPattern::getActivePatternPieces(), and VPattern::parsePieceElement().
static |
Definition at line 86 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by AddAttributes(), VPattern::parsePieceElement(), and RefreshDataInFile().
private |
pieceScene pointer to the scene.
Definition at line 181 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by AddToFile().
private |
Definition at line 182 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by paint(), and RefreshGeometry().
private |
Definition at line 179 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by RefreshGeometry(), and shape().
private |
Definition at line 184 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by deleteTool(), EnableToolMove(), paint(), PatternPieceTool(), pieceLockedChanged(), ResetChildren(), savePieceRotation(), saveResizePiece(), and UpdatePieceLabel().
private |
Definition at line 186 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by deleteTool(), EnableToolMove(), paint(), PatternPieceTool(), pieceLockedChanged(), ResetChildren(), SaveResizeGrainline(), and UpdateGrainline().
private |
Definition at line 177 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by RefreshGeometry(), and shape().
private |
Definition at line 187 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by paint(), and RefreshGeometry().
private |
Definition at line 185 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by deleteTool(), EnableToolMove(), paint(), PatternPieceTool(), pieceLockedChanged(), ResetChildren(), SaveResizePattern(), SaveRotationPattern(), and UpdatePatternLabel().
private |
Definition at line 178 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by boundingRect(), and RefreshGeometry().
private |
Definition at line 180 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by deleteTool(), lowerItemToBottom(), PatternPieceTool(), raiseItemToTop(), and UpdateAll().
private |
Definition at line 183 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by paint(), and RefreshGeometry().
static |
Definition at line 81 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by AddAttributes(), and RefreshDataInFile().
static |
Definition at line 85 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by addAnchors(), QT_WARNING_POP::getAnchorChildren(), QT_WARNING_POP::GetPiece2Anchors(), UnionTool::GetReferenceObjects(), VPattern::parsePieceElement(), and QT_WARNING_POP::SaveAnchorsChildren().
static |
Definition at line 82 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by AddCSARecords(), QT_WARNING_POP::GetCSAChildren(), QT_WARNING_POP::GetPiece2CSAPaths(), UnionTool::GetReferenceObjects(), VPattern::parsePieceElement(), and QT_WARNING_POP::SaveCSAChildren().
static |
Definition at line 84 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by AddInternalPaths(), QT_WARNING_POP::GetInternalPathsChildren(), QT_WARNING_POP::GetPiece2InternalPaths(), UnionTool::GetReferenceObjects(), VPattern::parsePieceElement(), and QT_WARNING_POP::SaveInternalPathsChildren().
static |
Definition at line 83 of file pattern_piece_tool.h.
Referenced by addAnchors(), AddCSARecord(), AddInternalPaths(), and UnionTool::GetReferenceObjects().