Code documentation
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NqmuNamespace for mathematical applications
 CCalculatorFor calculation formula
 CCustomSARecordThe CustomSA struct contains record about custom seam allowanse (SA)
 CDialogAlongLineDialog for ToolAlongLine. Help create point and edit option
 CDialogArcDialog for ToolArc. Help create arc and edit option
 CDialogBisectorDialog for ToolBisector. Help create point and edit option
 CDialogCutArcDialog for ToolCutArc
 CDialogCutSplineDialog for ToolCutSpline
 CDialogCutSplinePathDialog for ToolCutSplinePath
 CDialogEndLineDialog for ToolEndLine. Help create point and edit option
 CDialogHeightDialog for ToolHeight. Help create point and edit option
 CDialogLineDialog for ToolLine. Help create line and edit option
 CDialogLineIntersectDialog for ToolLineIntersect. Help create point and edit option
 CDialogNormalDialog for ToolNormal. Help create point and edit option
 CDialogPointOfContactDialog for ToolPointOfContact. Help create point and edit option
 CDialogShoulderPointDialog for ToolShoulderPoint. Help create point and edit option
 CDialogSinglePointDialog for ToolSinglePoint. Help create point and edit option
 CDialogSplineDialog for ToolSpline. Help create spline and edit option
 CDialogSplinePathDialog for ToolSplinePath. Help create spline path and edit option
 CDialogToolParent for all dialog of tools
 CDialogTriangleDialog for ToolTriangle. Help create point and edit option
 CDialogVariablesShow dialog increments. Tables of all variables in program will be here
 CDoubleLinePointToolParent for all tools what creates a point with 2 lines
 CEditFormulaDialogDialog for editing wrong formula
 CHistoryDialogShow dialog history
 CMainWindowMain windows
 CPointIntersectXYDialogDialog for ToolPointOfIntersection. Help create point and edit option
 CPointIntersectXYToolTool for creation point intersection two lines
 CQxtCsvModelQAbstractTableModel for CSV Files
 CTextLineThe TextLine struct holds the information about one text line
 CUnionDialogDialog for Union Tool
 CUnionToolTool union details
 CVAbstractNodeParent class for all detail node
 CVAbstractToolThe VAbstractTool abstract class for all tools
 CVApplicationReimplamentation QApplication class
 CVArcVArc class for anticlockwise arc
 CVContainerContainer of all variables
 CVControlPointSplineControl spline point
 CVDataToolNeed for getting access to data container of tool
 CVDomDocumentSeamly2D document (.val file)
 CVDrawToolThe VDrawTool abstract class for all draw tool
 CVExceptionParent for all exception. Could be use for abstract exception
 CVExceptionBadIdFor exception bad id
 CVExceptionConversionErrorFor exception of conversion error
 CVExceptionEmptyParameterFor exception empty parameter
 CVExceptionObjectErrorFor exception object error
 CVExceptionWrongIdFor exception wrong id
 CVFSplinePointKeep information about point in spline path. Each point have two angles and two coefficient. Point represent at the same time first and last point of a spline
 CVGObjectKeep information graphical objects
 CVGrainlineDataHolds information about a grainline like position, size, rotation and visibility
 CVGraphicsSimpleTextItemPointer label
 CVIncrementKeep data row of increment table
 CVMainGraphicsSceneMain scene
 CVMainGraphicsViewMain scene view
 CVMeasurementKeep data row of multisize table
 CVNodeArcArc detail node
 CVNodeDetailKeep information about detail node
 CVNodePointPoint detail node
 CVNodeSplineSpline detail node
 CVNodeSplinePathSpline path detail node
 CVPatternWorking with pattern file
 CVPatternLabelDataHolds the information about pattern info label geometry
 CVPieceLabelDataHolds some information about a single piece like letter, name, material type, cut number and placement
 CVPointFKeep data of point
 CVSAPointSeam allowance point
 CVSplineVSpline class that implements the spline
 CVSplinePathKeep information about splinePath
 CVSplinePointKeep information about point in spline path. Each point have two angles and two lengths. Point represent at the same time first and last point of a spline
 CVTextGraphicsItemThe VTextGraphicsItem class. This class implements text graphics item, which can be dragged around, resized and rotated within the parent item. The text font size will be automatically updated, so that the entire text will fit into the item
 CVTextManagerThis class is used to determine whether a collection of text lines can fit into specified bounding box and with what font size
 CVToolAlongLineTool for creation point along line
 CVToolArcTool for creation arc
 CVToolBasePointTool for creation pattern base point. Only base point can move. All object pattern peace depend on base point
 CVToolBisectorTool for creation bisector point
 CVToolCutArcTool for cutting arc
 CVToolCutSplineFor tool CutSpline. This tool find point on spline and cut spline on two
 CVToolCutSplinePathFor tool CutSplinePath. This tool find point on splinePath and cut splinePath on two
 CVToolEllipticalArcTool for creation elliptical arc
 CVToolEndLineTool for creation point on the line end
 CVToolHeightTool for creation point of height. Help find point of projection onto line
 CVToolLineTool for creation line
 CVToolLineIntersectHelp find point intersection lines
 CVToolLinePointParent for all tools what create point with line
 CVToolNormalTool for creation point on normal. Normal begin from first point of line
 CVToolPointOfContactTool for creation point intersection arc ad line
 CVToolRecordRecord about tool in history
 CVToolShoulderPointTool for creation of point Length to Line. This tool for special situation, when you want find point along line, but have only length from another point (shoulder)
 CVToolSinglePointParent for all tools what create points
 CVToolSplineTool for creation spline. I mean bezier curve
 CVToolSplinePathTool for creation spline path
 CVToolTriangleFor tool that find point intersection two foots right triangle (triangle with 90 degree)
 CVWidgetPopupClass showing a widget as popup window