Code documentation
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 CCustomSARecordThe CustomSA struct contains record about custom seam allowanse (SA)
 CQHash< K, V >
 CQHash< int, qint64 >
 CQHash< QString, QSharedPointer< VInternalVariable > >
 CQHash< quint32, QDomElement >
 CQHash< quint32, QSharedPointer< VGObject > >
 CQHash< quint32, VDataTool * >
 CQList< T >
 CQList< QCommandLineOption * >
 CQList< QGraphicsItem * >
 CQList< QGraphicsScene * >
 CQList< QList< QGraphicsItem * > >
 CQList< QPointer< TMainWindow > >
 CQList< QSharedPointer< QTableWidget > >
 CQList< QStringList >
 CQList< QTableWidgetItem * >
 CQList< TextLine >
 CQList< VPE::VProperty * >
 CQList< VPE::VPropertyFormWidgetPrivate::SEditorWidget >
 CQList< VPE::VSerializedProperty >
 CQMap< Key, T >
 CQMap< GHeights, bool >
 CQMap< GSizes, bool >
 CQMap< int, qmu::QmuTranslation >
 CQMap< int, QString >
 CQMap< QCheckBox *, int >
 CQMap< QString, int >
 CQMap< QString, qmu::QmuTranslation >
 CQMap< QString, QPair< QString, QString > >
 CQMap< QString, QString >
 CQMap< QString, quint32 >
 CQMap< QString, VPE::VAbstractPropertyFactory * >
 CQMap< QString, VPE::VProperty * >
 CQMap< quint32, quint32 >
 CQMap< quint32, VAbstractSimple * >
 CQMap< VPE::VProperty *, QString >
 Cqmu::QmuParserBaseMathematical expressions parser (base parser engine)
 Cqmu::QmuParserByteCodeBytecode implementation of the Math Parser
 Cqmu::QmuParserCallbackEncapsulation of prototypes for a numerical parser function
 Cqmu::QmuParserErrorMsgA class that handles the error messages
 Cqmu::QmuParserToken< TBase, TString >Encapsulation of the data for a single formula token
 Cqmu::QmuParserToken< qreal, QString >
 Cqmu::QmuParserTokenReaderToken reader for the ParserBase class
 CQSharedPointer< T >
 CQSharedPointer< DialogTool >
 CQSharedPointer< dx_iface >
 CQSharedPointer< QCursor >
 CQSharedPointer< QHash< quint32, VPiece > >
 CQSharedPointer< QHash< quint32, VPiecePath > >
 CQSharedPointer< QIODevice >
 CQSharedPointer< QTextStream >
 CQSharedPointer< VAbstractCurve >
 CQSharedPointer< VObjEngine >
 CQSharedPointer< VTableSearch >
 CQStack< T >
 CQVector< T >
 CQVector< bool >
 CQVector< CustomSARecord >
 CQVector< DestinationItem >
 CQVector< QGraphicsItem * >
 CQVector< QLineF >
 CQVector< QObject * >
 CQVector< QPair< QLineF, QLineF > >
 CQVector< QPair< QString, QString > >
 CQVector< QPointF >
 CQVector< qreal >
 CQVector< QString >
 CQVector< quint32 >
 CQVector< QVector< VLayoutPiece > >
 CQVector< SourceItem >
 CQVector< SToken >
 CQVector< testfun_type >
 CQVector< VControlPointSpline * >
 CQVector< VCurvePathItem * >
 CQVector< VDataTool * >
 CQVector< VLabelTemplateLine >
 CQVector< VLayoutPaper >
 CQVector< VLayoutPiece >
 CQVector< VLayoutPiecePath >
 CQVector< VPieceNode >
 CQVector< VPointF >
 CQVector< VScaledEllipse * >
 CQVector< VScaledLine * >
 CQVector< VSimplePoint * >
 CQVector< VSplinePoint >
 CQVector< VToolRecord >
 CQxtPrivate< PUB >
 CQxtPrivate< QxtCsvModel >
 CQxtPrivateInterface< PUB, PVT >
 CQxtPrivateInterface< QxtCsvModel, QxtCsvModelPrivate >
 CVPE::VPropertyFormWidgetPrivate::SEditorWidgetStores either another VPropertyFormWidget (then Editor is null) or an editor widget (then FormWidget is null)
 CTextLineThe TextLine struct holds the information about one text line
 CVContainerContainer of all variables
 CVFSplinePointKeep information about point in spline path. Each point have two angles and two coefficient. Point represent at the same time first and last point of a spline
 CVGObjectKeep information graphical objects
 CVLockGuard< Guarded >
 CVNodeDetailKeep information about detail node
 CVPE::VPropertySetVPropertySet is a simple class for managing a set of properties. If you don't need all the Model-functionality, chose this class over VPropertyModel
 CVSplinePointKeep information about point in spline path. Each point have two angles and two lengths. Point represent at the same time first and last point of a spline
 CVTextManagerThis class is used to determine whether a collection of text lines can fit into specified bounding box and with what font size
 CVToolRecordRecord about tool in history